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Fellow Pakistanis, Lets prepare for possible Corona virus outbreak Together!!!

N95 is different from P1 and P2, which are mainly for industrial use. N95 is mainly for medical use to protect from 95% of airborne particulates!

Interesting. N95 variants in P1,2,3 are sold in UK. P3 is mostly gone or stupidly priced here now.
dear all brothers; normal masks can help you with splash but viruses are very small and will penetrate nonetheless. With such a short supply of N95 masks, leave them for health care workers; sick individuals, in case of transportation and for the care takers of the sick when handling him/her. Please don't use n95 masks for just protection to go outside, would be ideal if everyone have plenty of them. But since that's not the case don't do that and if you have them keep them in-case someone of your family gets sick.
So what we use then if we go outside?
So what we use then if we go outside?

Avoid going to crowded areas, if inevitable, keep distance of 1-2 meters. No hand shakes, hugs etc you. Wash your hands for 20 sec minimum upon returning home and wash face as well accordingly after washing hands thoroughly.

Just for the peace of mind you can wear normal masks, but they aren't effective against covid 19.
N95 are sold out, the ones that are in stock in Islamabad are reserved for HCP: Health Care Professionals!
I work in a medicine firm, idk if out
If you can't get hold of N95 then can you get hold of Activated Carbon and standard blue medical masks?
yes those are available now i took from local known contact
not n95 just common masks

Source or make Activated Charcoal/Carbon and make these masks better. These standard masks are pretty useless against these viruses.

Add activated charcoal/carbon to the filter in these masks and then double up (wear 2). Removing and stitching it back should be easily done.

Activated carbon kills these viruses.

Make sure that all edges sit flush against the skin when worn, no air should flow in from edges and only through the filters.
Any good face covering is better than nothing. Even a scarf wrapped around your nose and mouth is way better than nothing.

Don't forget your eyes. You can have a n95 mask on but if someone infected coughs with spit or mucus getting in your eye......your infected. Wear glasses or sun glasses.
Any good face covering is better than nothing. Even a scarf wrapped around your nose and mouth is way better than nothing.

Don't forget your eyes. You can have a n95 mask on but if someone infected coughs with spit or mucus getting in your eye......your infected. Wear glasses or sun glasses.

Yes eyewear is very important.

Due to heat it would be to very uncomfortable to wear swimming goggles but in colder weather that's the best cheap option instead of standard glasses - for those with 20/20 or short sighted. Safety glasses are a good option for those wearing glasses.
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