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FC-31 v2.0 First flight 2016.12.23

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The Western European are already behind Chinese. The so called advance is only in European context. If you dont agree, tell me which 5th fighter is western developing none?

FC-31 will not have a single European component. We Chinese can tailor for PAF requirement but not a single european component or Turkish crap will fit in FC-31. Why would we put inferior stuff to replace superior Chinese component?

The so called better handling is nothing but basic maintenance of F-16. The American and western european are no idiots to teach Turkish any important know how. Tell me what modern fighter has Turkey developed so far with your bragging of their expertise in F-16? Not even a turboshaft is developed by Turkish.

How many modern fighter has China developed and how many AESA radar has China developed? You make the maths.
correctly said....They r blind to see chinese progress
Pakistan isn't gonna buy another 4.5 gen fighter, I think with the JF-17 project:
Pakistan should start developing AESA radars, HMD/S, IRST, BVR missiles, Glass cockpits, EW/ECM systems so these indigenous technologies can also be implemented on its next gen fighter.

Efforts on the engine tech should also be pursued.
I neither agree with Beast's over confidence or look down on Chinese system by some members here. Be humble. Turkey can do some benefits for Pakistan but not in the same extent as China do. The gap of the industrial capacity of two countries is too large to fill up. But we can't deny Turkey's ability in aviation due to personal likeness.
correctly said....They r blind to see chinese progress
Indeed, look at the amount of crap western article trying to degrade China progress. I dont think we need an expert to tell that. The western european are too arrogant to admit Chinese has surpass them. In space, infrastructure and science. Chinese significant breakthrough are for all to see. Let me give you an example. Who has the world fastest supercomputer?

Supercomputer helps in nuclear weapon design, modern aircraft data calculation and many uses. And is a very important strategic asset, not just some chest beating data to beat.

There are just simply too many examples to mention.
The Western European are already behind Chinese. The so called advance is only in European context. If you dont agree, tell me which 5th fighter is western developing? None.

FC-31 will not have a single European component. We Chinese can tailor for PAF requirement but not a single european component or Turkish crap will fit in FC-31. Why would we put inferior stuff to replace superior Chinese component?

The so called better handling is nothing but basic maintenance of F-16. The American and western european are no idiots to teach Turkish any important know how. Tell me what modern fighter has Turkey developed so far with your bragging of their expertise in F-16? Not even a turboshaft is developed by Turkish.

How many modern fighter has China developed and how many AESA radar has China developed? You make the maths.

I m not comparing turks with the chinese ,and why you feel so anger about Turks they have develope T-129 ATAK helicopters they develope the stand off missiles their work has been started on indigenous subs ,Corvette, missile boats,Frigates, indigenous Viper upgrade kits their own targetpod and working on their own missile defence shield, their own AESA radar also under development here i was just talking about the knowledge comparison and manufacturing experience between Pakistan and Turkey so don't feel offence against china
Indeed, look at the amount of crap western article trying to degrade China progress. I dont think we need an expert to tell that. The western european are too arrogant to admit Chinese has surpass them. In space, infrastructure and science. Chinese significant breakthrough are for all to see. Let me give you an example. Who has the world fastest supercomputer?

Supercomputer helps in nuclear weapon design, modern aircraft data calculation and many uses. And is a very important strategic asset, not just some chest beating data to beat.

There are just simply too many examples to mention.
Can we just end up here? You are over sensitive here! No one is looking down on Chinese products here, we have to recognize that we still fall behind Europe in lots of sub system although we are developing 5th gen fighters. We need to persuade our customer why to choose our design and subsystems rather then just shove it down their throat! Am I clear? If we exceed the west in every aspects, we will bag the deal in the end. Kindly don't loose confidence yourself at the first place, just beef up!
I m not comparing turks with the chinese ,and why you feel so anger about Turks they have develope T-129 ATAK helicopters they develope the stand off missiles their work has been started on indigenous subs ,Corvette, missile boats,Frigates, indigenous Viper upgrade kits their own targetpod and working on their own missile defence shield, their own AESA radar also under development here i was just talking about the knowledge comparison and manufacturing experience between Pakistan and Turkey so don't feel offence against china

Why would you need Turkey expertise in manufacturing when one of the most advance aviation in design and manufacturing is in China? China are expert in 3D aviation printing and advance pulsar production lines. The world largest 3D printed aviation component is produced by Chinese. Chinese also has expertise in making composite and many advance material and metallurgy using widely in stealth fighter and large transport plane.

I do not know what superior manufacturing Turkey can offer better than Chinese?

Can we just end up here? You are over sensitive here! No one is looking down on Chinese products here, we have to recognize that we still fall behind Europe in lots of sub system although we are developing 5th gen fighters. We need to persuade our customer why to choose our design and subsystems rather then just shove it down their throat! Am I clear? If we exceed the west in every aspects, we will bag the deal in the end. Kindly don't loose confidence yourself at the first place, just beef up!
Hi, are you saying Chinese world fastest supercomputer is faked? Did I make up the numbers? There are things which Chinese has already attained the edge over the western european. What I say is the truth. Feel free to rebuke me with facts not personal opinion and perception.
Every country has it's own credits for the development in different fields and subjects hence no need to drag off-topic subjects. One must give credit where it is due whether to be China or Turkiye for the particular advancement that none can discard either nations. I hope for no more off-topic discussion.
Every country has it's own credits for the development in different fields and subjects hence no need to drag off-topic subjects. One must give credit where it is due whether to be China or Turkiye for the particular advancement that none can discard either nations. I hope for no more off-topic discussion.
OK, good call.
@Beast can you provide any official source link that the current V2.0 is using WS13E as Deniel008 claimed? What's the performance WS13E can give, please share with us all.

Are you serious?
Buy South Korea k2 tank as altay
Buy Europe copter as Atak
Buy all the main subsystem to assemble the navy vessels
Is this all you called ability?
If you like turkey, no problem
Don't connect with us, it is a insult
Please ? I beg you.
so in summary , i predict 2 stealth fighters in paf operational by 2031....J31 along with TFX/paf 5th gen
I agree with you that we may see two stealth aircraft in PAF. One may be J31(highly likely) while about the other one I'm not sure bcz developing a stealth indigenously will b difficult and costly. Who would buy our stealth plane other than PAF to make economy of scale/ break even development cost? I think best route for us would be to join in J31 or TFX. Get the airframe and focus only on subsystems and armaments much like Israelis.
I agree with you that we will see two stealth aircraft in PAF. One may be J31(highly likely) while about the other one I'm not sure bcz developing a stealth indigenously will b difficult and costly. Who would buy our stealth plane other than PAF to make economy of scale/ break even development cost? I think best route for us would be to join in J31 or TFX. Get the airframe and focus only on subsystems and armaments much like Israelis.
My friend, J31 and TFX are in the same category. Either J31 or TFX, PAF won't operate two types of 5th gen in the same time. It's a tough choice you have to make, it takes some time. Several points need to be take care of: time of available, sanction free, specification demand, price, production capacity, Maintenance and after service.
Looks good. The question is will Pakistan invest in the project as China doesnt seem to be in a rush to do so.

Pakistan wants guarantees that China will also induct this bird until then Pakistan will wait and twiddle it's thumbs.
Its important to note that Pakistan has not bought China's J-10's or J-11's.
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