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Faisalabad 'lockdown': Imran to address supporters at Ghanta Ghar Chowk



LOL! Where did you get those pictures? Those people look like PMLN Gullu Butts deliberately dressing up as PTI workers.
Please look up "false flag operation" to see what I mean.
I realized post 2011 pump that IK was not a revolutionary. Revolutions do not come on the containers and the planes he travels on. Revolutions come by standing with the people and taking the first hit. Revolutions do not announce the dharna dates. They catch you without you even knowing.

We prepared the grounds for a true revolution in Pakistan. Something where all of us could empower each other and fight against tyranny, oppression and corruption.

I also think that IK is still better than the current babes. He is not financially corrupt. I also realized, just like Imran Khan, that Pakistani most corrupt establishment changed for the better. But we got news of Kiyani real estate and so on...

I still support PTI. We do. I think the next logical step is to burn the Raiwand house...NS and other apes (including dupatta laden ho"es) are fooling you, using the religion and effing you over.

Let's do it...no more dates!

It was lack of vision that my parents, your and many more had "slaves" working for us. They still do. We prapred the grounds to fail. We did. It was intentional that our family members did not confront other corrupt members.

Let's start today. We. I. I am the change. You are the change!

Let's get out for once and takedown all the corrupt people. Let's form a bond!

The last bit is very appealing!!!.
One thing we have gained: Rigging in NA-122: ET orders recounting of votes | PAKISTAN - geo.tv

Without the commitment to protest, this result would never have come about.

This would have come out irrespective. the case was in the court and the decision for it would have been announced. It had nothing to do with shutting faisalabad down. Destruction and war cries dont influence court decisions. infact the court would have been forced to deal this hand since imran didnt see himself fit enough to come to court on the day it asked for evidence in such a case where the precedent was set for recount in previous cases of halqas thus the court ideally would have moved towards recount especially since the lawyer of saad rafique didnt fight against it in a thorough manner.

Shutting down Faisalabad has yielded no result.
LOL! Where did you get those pictures? Those people look like PMLN Gullu Butts deliberately dressing up as PTI workers.
Please look up "false flag operation" to see what I mean.

Yes agreed, they look more like typical noora thugs than PTI supporters.
Yeah my opinion backed by 35 years of watching Pakistan's politics and having read many thousands of pages of relevant writings.

And your opinions? What are they based on?
Guess you are not the only one with the dam experiences here?
What you like you just express & that's all?
Bloody damocrazy & its slaves !
How many more lives of Pakistanis would be given to that croupted system which kept failing since its creation by the croup political elites who don't want to share it with common Pakistanis?
Imran still has not arrived at ghanta chowk. Seriously what the hell? where is he?
Imran Khan is with his people now?

Or security threats and the backdoor channels as usual?

Everyone's life is equally important...evolution does not stop anywhere.

IK let's s take corrupt people down once and for all....

Sorry i forgot that all ptians are saints and angels .i also did not knew that all potisns have distinct look

They're not all saints and angels, but they generally don't have the look and body language of the thuggish characters in the pictures you posted. Your pictures are fraudulent; funny at the same time.

Yes, there is a distinctive overall look to the PTI crowd. They tend to be educated, middle class, professional. This generates a noticeable style in their appearance, and what you show in your fake pictures is far from it!

Incidentally, Dr. Qadri's followers also have a distinctive look; quite different from the PTI crowd because of their stronger religious leanings.

Thanks for the fun pictures!
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