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Faisalabad 'lockdown': Imran to address supporters at Ghanta Ghar Chowk

Aur sunaoo.. Faisalabaad Waloo, kia haal chaal hai... kia chal raha hai, hmmmm
to us ka matlab ka

His advisers are not fool they will attain their goals if army will come.

I am talking about face-value of current PTI set up. Of course I know that doyens of status-quo and Establishment politics that one sees next to IK shall jump ship to join another King's party like Q-League when and if given an opportunity.
May i ask in what capacity Rana Sanullah is being protected by Gullu Butts of Punjab PolicE?

As member of ruling party. Why do you ask? Do you wish for him to be served 'justice' at the hands of gullu butts of PTI?
Anyone remember those two 'unknown' people, wearing civilian clothing, during model town incident, 'leading' police? We have seen yet another live example in today's Faislabad's incident.
Your very Opinion just like others here...doesn't mean its a fact.
Yeah my opinion backed by 35 years of watching Pakistan's politics and having read many thousands of pages of relevant writings.

And your opinions? What are they based on?
As member of ruling party. Why do you ask? Do you wish for him to be served 'justice' at the hands of gullu butts of PTI?
I would rather have him stand in courts, and get proper sentence for his crimes. However, given the fact that our Courts are a B*tch of Status Quo, and the fact that Rana sahab is also a 'qanoon-daan', i don't think it will ever happen.

However, my question stands. If he is a member of ruling party, that means he is OK to use "PUNJAB" Police for his "Protection"? And not just 10 or 20 people. HUNDREDS of them? WHAAAT? <_<

PTI's shutdown was not a problem. It was "PML-N Goons interfering" that showdown, properly backed by police ... just like model town. Thats a major problem, and if someone has failed to notice, this is exactly why i think people are on the right path. This corrupt regime needs to go.
Yeah my opinion backed by 35 years of watching Pakistan's politics and having read many thousands of pages of relevant writings.

And your opinions? What are they based on?
you arnt najam sethi right ?o_O
cuz your opinion are exactly same as his.:D
Yeah my opinion backed by 35 years of watching Pakistan's politics and having read many thousands of pages of relevant writings.

And your opinions? What are they based on?

35 Years? iam quite surprised to see your analysis on this...you should even know more about the importance and should be able to differentiate between a non-corrupt, honest Leader from a whole pack of thieves known as politicians of Pakistan. If people like you haven't learned from the past supporting Nawaz like regimes then i don't know what will become of this country. If i remember correctly you voted against the election audit poll here at Defence.pk..iam not sure how a veteran political think tank can come up with a thought like that when the recent General elections were the most doubtful elections in recent history. If so many parties initially including PML-N had complaints of rigging in various sectors of Pakistan then why not be in favor of an Audit to clear out the doubts and uphold accountability of the highest order?

My opinions are made up of experience as a PML-N supporter for 11 years wrongly taking sides of a party who's leader was born of Money given by ISI to form I.J.I. After Mushy's era i hope really hoped that PPP would come with good intentions and atleast do their part somewhat in helping true democracy flourish in the country same i expected with PML-N to help them in building a solid foundation for it but little i knew how silly i was.

The state in which Pakistan is now, its more important that its core state institutions are bandaged up and being made independent by any means necessary but not through politics of dead bodies but atleast through peaceful means. The means may not be the most correct ones but its the need of the hour. You are let down at every step of the way when seeking either justice or accountability, various pressures from the govt. to make you give in to their demands no matter how unlawful they may be. Iam not sure how the ruling elite would want you to change the system when they themselves are huge beneficiaries of it. Not God or any outside power is going to come and help us change this country but our ownselves and when people after many many years protest for justice and their rights, they're called anarchists and mercenaries.
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If you think this is how justice shall be served and established, then you have a bit of learning to do yet.

Words like religion, justice, and equlity from a politician's mouth are never to be taken seriously unless there is a proven track record. IK does not have one. Therefore feel free to fool yourself. But do not expect the same from others.

Justice is served and established by people speaking up for justice and not backing down in the face of intimidation. This is what IK, TUQ, and others have been doing. Without this, we get the rule of tyrants. As a hadith tells us "The best jihad is a word of truth in the face of a tyrant."

I do not need to be a follower of IK: I can clearly see that in the matter of electoral rigging, his cause is just while the PMLN is just an organized crime syndicate masquerading as a political party. If you can't see this, you are better at fooling yourself than most.

Yeah my opinion backed by 35 years of watching Pakistan's politics and having read many thousands of pages of relevant writings.

35 years? This means absolutely nothing. One can easily spend 35 years reinforcing his illusions and learning how to fool himself.

Question remain unanswered. what have we gained here? what were the desired results? was it blood, chaos and life's of people being troubles then mission accomplished or was it to force N govt to a halt and have Nawaz resign while building your own strength then mission failed on epic levels.

Imran today has only troubled the people of faisalabad and its shop keepers and everybody who earns a daily livelihood and has made himself unpopular. This agitation politics wont yield any results and if the govt survived the azadi march then without a doubt they can survive this since its peanuts compared to the that day in azadi march.

As days pass by imran proves that he is willing to do anything to get power and the pm seat. The last 2 years have proven that he is willing to go to any lengths for it. It is sad that we found an honest politician and he turns out to be a fool and a power hungry. Very sad.

On what basis is he rejecting talks! surely even with this play he can get some good deals and electoral reforms but just like the blunder in azadi march all he cares about is his pmship and he is happily willing to ignore good opportunities for this unrealistic outcome.
I realized post 2011 pump that IK was not a revolutionary. Revolutions do not come on the containers and the planes he travels on. Revolutions come by standing with the people and taking the first hit. Revolutions do not announce the dharna dates. They catch you without you even knowing.

We prepared the grounds for a true revolution in Pakistan. Something where all of us could empower each other and fight against tyranny, oppression and corruption.

I also think that IK is still better than the current babes. He is not financially corrupt. I also realized, just like Imran Khan, that Pakistani most corrupt establishment changed for the better. But we got news of Kiyani real estate and so on...

I still support PTI. We do. I think the next logical step is to burn the Raiwand house...NS and other apes (including dupatta laden ho"es) are fooling you, using the religion and effing you over.

Let's do it...no more dates!

It was lack of vision that my parents, your and many more had "slaves" working for us. They still do. We prapred the grounds to fail. We did. It was intentional that our family members did not confront other corrupt members.

Let's start today. We. I. I am the change. You are the change!

Let's get out for once and takedown all the corrupt people. Let's form a bond!

IK - your one call can do many things. Make that call!

That is why God gave you so much popularity....to fight injustice!
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