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Explosions in Mumbai

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When JFK refused to go through with Operation Northwoods, we all know what happened to him as a result of that.
and you my dear friend have lost it . you are in the states ? so what do you care what happens right . you want vengeance.!!!
look mate when you realize how things are done in the real world you wouldn't throw the WAR cry so casually .
by the way who is it you want to go to war with? no one has even been suspected as yet.

*Shakes his head*..
Yeah I liked the script, will talk to my producers tommorow...

Wake up and smell the coffee!! Monsters created by Pak cannot be wished away if you point your finger in India's direction.

Monster not created by Pakistan only but created by US/NATO too, you are forgetting to write down these MONSTERS.
We with the help of Pakistan created the Mujahadeen to fight against the Soviets. Afterwards we pulled out while the Afghans went into civil war. Then Pakistan created and supported the Taliban which in turn allied with Al Qaeda. Pakistan decided to used these guys as proxies for agenda. Now its come to bite us in the butt. Former allies now enemies attacks in ME and Africa as well as 9/11. These terrorist groups are also attacking Pakistan as well.

You created Mujahideens for soviets. After achieving your objectives you ran away, and let those mujahideen to flourish so you could use them for the great game. So you came up with 9/11 with your left over mujahideens (renamed Al Qaeda aka Al CIAda), when the job was done, enough earnings from poppy fields, now you are planning to run from Afghanistan. So you came up with OBL drama. We know that, no need to tell us buddy.
When ever a blast takes place, our western neighbors go into an offensive even before verdict comes out, fearing the worst.

Take today's case...No where i have read PaK has a hand in these blast...still they say, India will blame pak , Us will blame pak.

I mean if there is sufficient proofs against pak, whats wrong in blaming pak? If no evidence, then no blaming...simple!!

If the US can blame the Pakistan government for the murder of Saleem Shahzad, it can blame Pakistan for the events in Mumbai today. They don't have any proof for implicating the Pakistani government in Saleem Shahzad's murder either. But they can play India against Pakistan for the Mumbai attacks today.
I hope india has learned its lesson now and will take action against the hindu extremists groups that it harbors ceases all support to it.

Mullah ki dor masjid tak

They will not take action against terrorists camps under their nose but will ready to blame others in order to protect these extremists groups & camps.
I hope india has learned its lesson now and will take action against the hindu extremists groups that it harbors ceases all support to it.

After 49 pages, is this what you understand from this drama.? I dont think anyone can save you..god bless!!
If the US can blame the Pakistan government for the murder of Saleem Shahzad, it can blame Pakistan for the events in Mumbai today. They don't have any proof for implicating the Pakistani government in Saleem Shahzad's murder either.

I am asking you, Who has blamed Pak till now in this case?? I have not read anywhere.
Mullah ki dor masjid tak

They will not take action against terrorists camps under their nose but will ready to blame others in order to protect these extremists groups & camps.

Our nose is in Pakistan
I am asking you, Who has blamed Pak till now in this case?? I have not read anywhere.

Don't worry, you will see statements coming from the US soon, once it starts 'offering its help into the investigation'. Just listen to Hillary Clinton's speech in the aftermath of today's incident, & how similar it is to her 'monumental' speeches in the past.
the data i am sharing is based on the fact that i am in mumbai, live 1 km away from the dadar explosions. watching the news channels which are accepting that the response is better .
Better than what???? Are you comparing with 26/11 response time??? What about preventive vs reactionary mode???

one more thing its easy for someone who has never lived under a military regime to say they need it . but not one military government to date has ever succeeded in elevation the problems of its people.

Well the civlian govt. is also not able to solve the issue either....no???

also there is something called a parliamentary democracy which is in place in India .

Parliamentary democracy has failed to deliver on this front...b/w i was just talking about Maharashtra...Civilian govt has failed to protect mumbai on mutiple times...it is high time center should take the control....and you do that by declaring emergency...am i clear now????
We with the help of Pakistan created the Mujahadeen to fight against the Soviets. Afterwards we pulled out while the Afghans went into civil war. Then Pakistan created and supported the Taliban which in turn allied with Al Qaeda. Pakistan decided to used these guys as proxies for agenda. Now its come to bite us in the butt. Former allies now enemies attacks in ME and Africa as well as 9/11. These terrorist groups are also attacking Pakistan as well.

Yeah, along with your money, logistical support, weapons, and stingers :usflag:
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