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Erdogan would apologize to Putin within a week, my estimate

who cares who apologies or who having the bigger balls...

what is important is the future and peace in Syria . nothing else should matter.

Someone sounds logical after all... We have 2+ million refugees in the camps and winter has come already, these people want their lands back with a proper management.
And you are stupid fanboy....:-)

nope erdogan is stupid fan boy of NATO even though European union turned around and spat in turkey face. even though turkey protected them for 50 years against soviets expansion.

And you are stupid fanboy....:-)

nope erdogan is stupid fan boy of NATO even though European union turned around and spat in turkey face. even though turkey protected them for 50 years against soviets expansion.
if not within a month. see blow, he has no choice

Putin refuses contacts with Erdogan as Turkey not ready to apologize: Kremlin aide| Reuters

Putin refuses contacts with Erdogan as Turkey not ready to apologize: Kremlin aide
turkey 11 27 15 erdogan brushing putin.jpg
Turkish president 'saddened' by downing of Russian jet

ISTANBUL: Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Saturday expressed “sadness” over Turkey’s downing of a Russian warplane that has severely strained relations, saying he wished the incident had never happened.
In his most conciliatory comments yet after Tuesday’s incident, Erdogan said: “I’m really saddened by the incident. We wish it had never happened, but it happened. I hope something like this doesn’t happen again.
“We hope that the issue between us and Russia does not escalate any further, become corrosive and have dire consequences in the future,”
Erdogan told supporters in western Balikesir province.

Erdogan also renewed a call to Russian President Vladimir Putin for a face-to-face meeting in Paris on the sidelines of the Global Climate Summit on Monday, saying it would be an opportunity to restore relations.
“What we tell Russia is ‘Let’s resolve this issue between ourselves and within its boundaries. Let’s not make others happy by destroying our whole relationship,” Erdogan said.
“Russia is important for Turkey as much as Turkey is important for Russia. Both countries cannot afford to give up on each other.”

Putin, who has branded the incident a “stab in the back”, is yet to agree to talks.
The plane incident, one of the most serious clashes between a NATO member and Russia, has drawn a harsh response from Moscow.
Russia announced it was halting a visa-free regime for Turkish visitors, after threatening a raft of retaliatory economic measures to punish the NATO member state.

Earlier Saturday, Turkish foreign ministry warned its citizens off non-urgent and unnecessary travel to Russia.
Turkey says the Su-24 warplane strayed into its airspace and ignored repeated warnings, but Russia has insisted it did not cross the border from Syria and demanded an apology.

Turkish president 'saddened' by downing of Russian jet - The Express Tribune

Turkish President 'saddened' by Russian plane's downing - CNN.com
damage is done. an apology isn't going to repair ties anytime soon.
He almost did when he said Turkey wouldn't have downed the plane had they known it was a Russian one. I mean who else could be flying it that Turkey would have shot it. USA? France? :o:

U do realize syrians fly the same........pilot should have responded to the 10 requests made by Turks......he would be alive.
Turkish president 'saddened' by downing of Russian jet

ISTANBUL: Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Saturday expressed “sadness” over Turkey’s downing of a Russian warplane that has severely strained relations, saying he wished the incident had never happened.
In his most conciliatory comments yet after Tuesday’s incident, Erdogan said: “I’m really saddened by the incident. We wish it had never happened, but it happened. I hope something like this doesn’t happen again.
“We hope that the issue between us and Russia does not escalate any further, become corrosive and have dire consequences in the future,”
Erdogan told supporters in western Balikesir province.

Erdogan also renewed a call to Russian President Vladimir Putin for a face-to-face meeting in Paris on the sidelines of the Global Climate Summit on Monday, saying it would be an opportunity to restore relations.
“What we tell Russia is ‘Let’s resolve this issue between ourselves and within its boundaries. Let’s not make others happy by destroying our whole relationship,” Erdogan said.
“Russia is important for Turkey as much as Turkey is important for Russia. Both countries cannot afford to give up on each other.”

Putin, who has branded the incident a “stab in the back”, is yet to agree to talks.
The plane incident, one of the most serious clashes between a NATO member and Russia, has drawn a harsh response from Moscow.
Russia announced it was halting a visa-free regime for Turkish visitors, after threatening a raft of retaliatory economic measures to punish the NATO member state.

Earlier Saturday, Turkish foreign ministry warned its citizens off non-urgent and unnecessary travel to Russia.
Turkey says the Su-24 warplane strayed into its airspace and ignored repeated warnings, but Russia has insisted it did not cross the border from Syria and demanded an apology.

Turkish president 'saddened' by downing of Russian jet - The Express Tribune

Turkish President 'saddened' by Russian plane's downing - CNN.com

It dose sound like Turkey is getting ready to chicken out. It shouldn't have shot down Russian plane in the first place, then pretended it did not know it was a Russian plane. It is embarrassing.
Yeah yeah...you r right ice cream lover kidos...Turkey will appologize and beg mercy from a mafia state and a mafiatic leader......first try to get some crap from the diplomatic tangue..
U do realize syrians fly the same........pilot should have responded to the 10 requests made by Turks......he would be alive.
Yes, but it is common knowledge that Russia was conducting heavy operations in the area. The Turkish radar image, if it is reliable, shows the aircraft on a path exiting Turkey after a few miles tops. Ergo, there seemed to be no threat to Turkey from it. Turkey itself announced that the plane was Russian when they made the jet-down announcement. The guy who shot a missile did not verify the planes insignia?

In latest news:
Turkey-Russia jet downing: Erdogan 'saddened' over plane - BBC News
Erdogan is now sad about the incident.

Here it comes:
Russia announces sanctions:
Turkey-Russia jet downing: Moscow announces sanctions - BBC News
Yes, but it is common knowledge that Russia was conducting heavy operations in the area. The Turkish radar image, if it is reliable, shows the aircraft on a path exiting Turkey after a few miles tops. Ergo, there seemed to be no threat to Turkey from it. Turkey itself announced that the plane was Russian when they made the jet-down announcement. The guy who shot a missile did not verify the planes insignia?

In latest news:
Turkey-Russia jet downing: Erdogan 'saddened' over plane - BBC News
Erdogan is now sad about the incident.

Here it comes:
Russia announces sanctions:
Turkey-Russia jet downing: Moscow announces sanctions - BBC News


A closer look at the warplanes provides the confirmation that all the aircraft, including the Su-25s and the Su-34s, were removed the standard Russian Air Force markings and the typical Red Star: most probably the Russians don’t want their symbol to be shown off along with the wreckage of a plane in case one is shot down or crashes in Syria.

The Aviationist » Watch this interesting video of the Russian planes (with Red Star painted over) at work in Syria

Do u really think russia imposing sanctions against a NATO county will work?

as per ur logic PLAAF can cross over kashmir to visit pakistan? as they will be in ur airspace just for few min?
Turkey won't apologise to Russia over downing of jet: Davutoglu

BRUSSELS: Turkey's Prime Minister says his country won't apologise to Russia for shooting down a warplane operating over Syria that crossed through Turkish airspace.
Ahmet Davutoglu also said Turkey also hopes that Moscow will reconsider economic sanctions it announced against Turkish interests in the wake of last week's incident.

Davutoglu told reporters Monday that "no Turkish prime minister or president will apologise ... because of doing our duty."
He spoke after a meeting with the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (Nato) chief in Brussels and said Turkey remains open to talks with Russia about ways to avoid such incidents in the future.
Russian President Vladimir Putin's foreign affairs adviser has said the Russian leader hadn't taken calls from Turkey's president because there has been no Turkish apology.
Russia insists the plane did not intrude on Turkish airspace.
Turkey confirmed that it shot down a Russian warplane, claiming it had violated Turkish airspace and ignored repeated warnings. Russia denied that the plane crossed the Syrian border into Turkish skies. Russia said the Su-24 was downed by artillery fire, but Turkey claimed that its F-16s fired on the Russian plane after it ignored several warnings.
The incident is one of the most serious clashes between a Nato member country and Russia to have taken place for half a century.
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan voiced regret over Turkey’s downing of a Russian warplane, saying his country was “truly saddened” by the incident and wished it hadn’t occurred.
Meanwhile, Erdogan had also said his country did not wish to escalate tensions with Russia over the downing of the plane.
Erdogan however defended his country's move to shoot down the plane saying “no one should expect Turkey to stay silent to border violations or the violation of its rights.”
Meanwhile Russia has already warned its nationals against visiting Turkey and stepped up controls of Turkish agricultural imports in the wake of the incident.
And Russia’s leaders have had harsh words for Ankara, with President Vladimir Putin deeming the plane’s downing a “stab in the back committed by accomplices of terrorists”.

Turkey won't apologise to Russia over downing of jet: Davutoglu - World - DAWN.COM

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