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Erdogan would apologize to Putin within a week, my estimate

What apologize you talking about??
Sorry for downing your jet which violated our airspace !? :laugh:

This forum full of morons... with small worlds..

Turkey should apologize for what exactly?

Do you think in 17 seconds Russia would have conquered Turkey that you blown the aircraft, also turkey should be last nation should come up with such ridiculous argument, number of times you violated Greek airspace, if they had blown you each time there would be no TuAF left.
Do you think in 17 seconds Russia would have conquered Turkey that you blown the aircraft, also turkey should be last nation should come up with such ridiculous argument, number of times you violated Greek airspace, if they had blown you each time there would be no TuAF left.

Doesn't matter 1 second or 2 second, we don't let you pie on our ground. We never have accepted so called greek airspace, so we are not violating airspace:-). Ther is no real border line between greec and Turkey in the Aegian sea.
Doesn't matter 1 second or 2 second, we don't let you pie on our ground. We never have accepted so called greek airspace, so we are not violating airspace:-). Ther is no real border line between greec and Turkey in the Aegian sea.

In real politik all these attitude doesn't work, if you are so sensitive about your pride, dont run to NATO ,face russia on your own.

These ego business has actually converted the crushing of ISIS into crash party for turkey
it will be better for all of us we as part of this shitty earth do not want any more damn world war now
Turkey should apologize, and explain it to Russians what went wrong.Good thing Russia is calm till now.This side show by turkey is taking eye off the prize(ISIS).
It makes no sense for Turkey to apologize to Russia for airspace violation. Turkey did the right thing.
It makes no sense for Turkey to apologize to Russia for airspace violation. Turkey did the right thing.

How could bringing down an aircraft be right thing, they could have just got radar lock on the plane or forced the plane to land inside the turkey controlled areas.

Not only turkey action resulted in loss of life but also may derail fight against ISIS
In real politik all these attitude doesn't work, if you are so sensitive about your pride, dont run to NATO ,face russia on your own.

What's the challenge between you and your brain? Turkey is a Nato member and briefing Nato HQ after such incidents is standart procedure. Which means this act was Turkey's own call, not as some narrow-minded morons claim preplanned Nato or Usa action.

We have been crystal clear about rules of engagement on Syrian border. Doesn't matter who violated our airspace and how many seconds. We shot it down..


I understand most indian, chinese, iranian and unsignificant far east nation members see russia big daddy against western camp, really we don't give a shit about what you think. The fact is Turkey also having many challanges and disagreements with european and nato allies.That's normal at international arena since every country have different benefits. Widen your world, stop being obsessed with only Usa, Nato etc..

How could bringing down an aircraft be right thing, they could have just got radar lock on the plane or forced the plane to land inside the turkey controlled areas.

Not only turkey action resulted in loss of life but also may derail fight against ISIS

Rules of engagement changed in 2012 on Syrian border. We announced every flying asset violating our airspace will be treated as enemy target. Is it too difficult for you to understand?

Russian jet didn't even reply our calls and warnings and violated Our airspace. Its warned 10 times before he entered airspace so when it entered it downed. That's the russians' stupidity.
Erdogan apologies to Putin within a week, my estimate
Unfortunately, you underestimate it... Read more about our history...

After the shot down happened. here are the scaremongers comments summary:

1. First> Ohh man Russian jet will shot down Turkish jet soon
2.and couple of days passed > Ohh Russia is deploying S400 in Syria. Turkish jets will be toasted.
3.after saw the Turkish gov. response > Oh , it is mistake by Turkish side.They should apologize......(NOW):bunny:

Future will be> Ohh man Russia did a mistake should apologize from Turkish side :) > This is my estimation.

Stop watching too many Hollywood and Bollywood Movies ...
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What's the challenge between you and your brain? Turkey is a Nato member and briefing Nato HQ after such incidents is standart procedure. Which means this act was Turkey's own call, not as some narrow-minded morons claim preplanned Nato or Usa action.

We have been crystal clear about rules of engagement on Syrian border. Doesn't matter who violated our airspace and how many seconds. We shot it down...

Turkey has right to take any measure for self defence particularly after such stupid action, also I m doubtful if everyone in turkey is taking belligerent position, thats why we are hearing statement like "Turkey did not recognise the plane as Russian." or turkey president seeking appointment with Putin.

Its better to take necessary measure to calm the situation down(by apologizing) instead of creating more bad blood between countries

Rules of engagement changed in 2012 on Syrian border. We announced every flying asset violating our airspace will be treated as enemy target. Is it too difficult for you to understand?

Russian jet didn't even reply our calls and warnings and violated Our airspace. Its warned 10 times before he entered airspace so when it entered it downed. That's the russians' stupidity.

There is nothing like stone carved rules, if turkey had some sense it would have avoided the ugly incident .Instead of further annoying russia before russia start deploying more of its heavy weapons, it should apologize for incident
i think qatar needs to pay first this lil zion state caused a lot of grief. plus erdogan is fake Muslims zion that about it another donmeh in our mist. all for what a pipeline and that syria doesn't have Rothschild slave bank. brics sco banks alternative.
who cares who apologies or who having the bigger balls...

what is important is the future and peace in Syria . nothing else should matter.

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