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Erdogan would apologize to Putin within a week, my estimate


Feb 19, 2015
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if not within a month. see blow, he has no choice

Putin refuses contacts with Erdogan as Turkey not ready to apologize: Kremlin aide| Reuters

Putin refuses contacts with Erdogan as Turkey not ready to apologize: Kremlin aide

Russian President Vladimir Putin has refused to contact Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan because Ankara does not want to apologize for the downing of a Russian warplane, Yuri Ushakov, Putin's aide, said on Friday.

"We see Turkey's unwillingness to simply apologize for the incident with the plane," Ushakov told reporters when asked why Putin has refused to talk with Erdogan.

Ushakov said the Kremlin had received a request from Ankara regarding a possible meeting between the two leaders at a climate conference in Paris on Nov. 30 and that Putin would be informed about it later on Friday.

In Paris, Putin will meet Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to discuss the Syrian crisis and Israeli-Palestinian conflict. He will also meet German Chancellor Angela Merkel for talks about Syria and Ukraine, Ushakov said.

And what if otherwise, Turkman tribes are provided with SAMs?
They will die before that... A mutual treaty agreement can be seen in future. coz russia is not ready yet. to take on NATO.Russia is not in position to squeeze an apology out of turks
He almost did when he said Turkey wouldn't have downed the plane had they known it was a Russian one. I mean who else could be flying it that Turkey would have shot it. USA? France? :o:

if not within a month. see blow, he has no choice

Putin refuses contacts with Erdogan as Turkey not ready to apologize: Kremlin aide| Reuters

Putin refuses contacts with Erdogan as Turkey not ready to apologize: Kremlin aide

Russian President Vladimir Putin has refused to contact Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan because Ankara does not want to apologize for the downing of a Russian warplane, Yuri Ushakov, Putin's aide, said on Friday.

"We see Turkey's unwillingness to simply apologize for the incident with the plane," Ushakov told reporters when asked why Putin has refused to talk with Erdogan.

Ushakov said the Kremlin had received a request from Ankara regarding a possible meeting between the two leaders at a climate conference in Paris on Nov. 30 and that Putin would be informed about it later on Friday.

In Paris, Putin will meet Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to discuss the Syrian crisis and Israeli-Palestinian conflict. He will also meet German Chancellor Angela Merkel for talks about Syria and Ukraine, Ushakov said.

So if Erdogan don't apologies, would shoot yourself dead?

fuk off....

fanboy analyse...
he won't, don't overestinmate his IQ, otherwise he would not make such stupid move in the first place.
Hi ice cream lover kidos..you high level smart boys.....continoue to wait for Erdogan apologizing ...may you have see that in your dream.....10 years later Russia cannot even send a cargo ship to mediteranean through Bosphorus without our permission or paying fee..But first we gonna to construct a sea canal like Suez Canal parallel to Bosphorus....Later party will be start.....
indeed i pity for Russian people since being ruled such a pathateic mafia leader.....i dont expect a brilliant future for Russia under leadership of Putin and his staff......
Only the guilty will apologize. This is why only turkey is trying to reach out to Russia and not the other way around
Turkey should apologize, and explain it to Russians what went wrong.Good thing Russia is calm till now.This side show by turkey is taking eye off the prize(ISIS).

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