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Eid Mubarak to my fellow members..

SD I hope you're talking in general and not to me, because I have no reason to dislike any comment of yours!

No,I am not talking about you?why would I?as your response is always mature,fast-forward and well appreciated,infact I have quoted you multiple times and commented you 'excellent response awesome' and if you look at my post again you will understand that I am not talking about you,as you have never responded in immature way like a P U S S Y,nor we ever had an arguement.
I am talikng generally of those mindsets who get offensive or personal just because they are unable to continue debate,so thet respond back in offensive way,to humiliate or harass.:D
Eid mobarak to all and remember those who have lost lives this month while getting on with their daily lives or while perfomring their duties.

Terrorists have have not spared the bloodshed even in the sacred month a code that was not violated even by the pre-Islamic Arabs.

the terrorists will strike on Juma Tul Wida and on the the eid days , in the name of Islam and their right to kill the infidels.

by the order of Holy Porphet Muhammad PBUH I would celebrate eid because its compulsory for those who have dead bodies in their homes otherwise I rally dont feel like celebrating but its about faith and showing the terrorists that they cant stop us from living our lives
Happy eid to you too my friend! :)

P.S. I am not very good with the mushy cards... :D



well i cannot post this to every member,but those who I know atleast :D who are my friends,where as rest members I will wish them with 1 card...:D







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Khair Mubarak!

I would like to wish you all a joyous Eid.

Please use this blessed occasion to end seemingly endless feuds among friends and family as has been an Islamic tradition of the past. If you have quarreled with your siblings, you will be rewarded if you forgave them and reunited your families to enjoy Eid together.

Don't let your egos get in the way, Allah does not appreciate arrogance but admires humility.

And give Eidi to the young!

And for the love of god, please try to avoid getting infractions on Eid... Cough @RazPaK Cough.

are we having a presidential pardon on eid... take out 1 infraction point from each member please.. :cheers:
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Yes, yes. I second that! :D

We need a presidential pardon for infractees and "Nishan-e-PDF" awarded to super trolls on Eid! :P

Ya-Sheikh, ithay weikh: @Awesome..... :cheesy:

are we having a presidential pardon on eid... take out 1 infraction point from each member please.. :cheers:
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