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Dr. Qadeer responsible for N-proliferation: Musharraf


Feb 8, 2009
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NEW YORK: Former President Pervez Musharraf has said missile tests of Ghauri I and Ghauri II failed and Dr. Qadeer Khan is well aware of all this, Geo News reported.

He said those goods, which Dr. Qadeer would import or export, would be exempted from checking at customs therefore none dared to touch them. Only Dr. Qadeer Khan is responsible for nuclear proliferation.

He was allowed to go anywhere upon informing the government officials when I was on charge being president of Pakistan, Musharraf said, dispelling the impressions that Dr. Qadeer would remain under house arrest


Is Musharraf abnormal ?
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The timing of statements being released by Gen. Musharraf is very strange. What could be the reason for these disclosures after announcing his political ambitions.

Musharraf is not abnormal---he is just setting the records straight---he is just letting the pakistanis know the truth---showing the true face of A Q Khan---

Well Sir ji with all due respect I would like to disagree with you on this one, if DR Q him self only was responsible for the N. proliferation then what does that say about our nuclear security (which I have no doubts over). It is Musharaf who is lieing and trying to sell him self as the wests man like BB did when she was trying to come back. And I have no doubts about the fact that he him self was involved in what was going on.
Well Sir ji with all due respect I would like to disagree with you on this one, if DR Q him self only was responsible for the N. proliferation then what does that say about our nuclear security (which I have no doubts over). It is Musharaf who is lieing and trying to sell him self as the wests man like BB did when she was trying to come back. And I have no doubts about the fact that he him self was involved in what was going on.

I have to agree, its impossible that the security establishment did not know, how can ONE MAN do this???

As to missile tests failing, its only normal when deploying new technology. Pakistan's missile program will get more credibility if they did not hide pretty normal events.

Is Musharraf abnormal ?

Musharraf in Uniform was much better, now he is just a politician
Well Sir ji with all due respect I would like to disagree with you on this one, if DR Q him self only was responsible for the N. proliferation then what does that say about our nuclear security (which I have no doubts over). It is Musharaf who is lieing and trying to sell him self as the wests man like BB did when she was trying to come back. And I have no doubts about the fact that he him self was involved in what was going on.

I agree with you bro
What I dont understand about this affair is this...

If America, Soviet Union, Britain and France can have nukes... Countries which have the blood of hundreds and thousands on their hands due to their colonialist policies... why cant other countries have nukes?

and in our Dr Qadeer affair... We tend to not discuss the role of a well known traitor... Libya's Moamar Qadafi who proved his loyalty to UK by first luring Qadeer Khan into his trap and then informing his masters in London about the whole issue... Britain disclosed the whole affair only to save the regime of Qadhafi because the country next in the list of America for regime change after Iraq was Libya...

Do we still have a hockey stadium in Lahore named after the dog Qadhafi?
You sound more like Musharraf's defence.pk spokesman:lol:


It has nothing to do with Musharraf---I know about A Q Khan's issues indirectly, before most of you on this board were born---before Musharraf came into the limelight---does it make me any better---no---just makes me as someone who had a little inside information.

What Musharraf stated is rigt---A Q had a carte Blanche---in his hey day---he was a god----.

What Musharraf is telling you is---people wake up and open your eyes and listen with an open mind---A Q is not what he portrayed himself to be.

A Q can rhetorically deny all this---but technically he cannot---it is material science---it is there for people to see the process---.

And there is no metallurgist in the world who is the pioneer to a nuclear program anywhere in the world.

Stop worshiping people----please don't create people with bigger imagegs than GOD and bigger following than GOD.

This hero worship of A Q Khan shows----how incompetent my nation is---how much dearth of real talent is out there in the country---for they are running around to make somebody bigger than lifem, give him an image bigger than god---out of ETHNIC SUPERIORITY---.

Some pakistanis make him look like the SUPER HERO from the indian movie---.


Outsiders don't understand pakistan's system---paks worshipped A Q----he was a god---nobody dare say anything to him---nobody had any authority to check his stuff---he had created such a hold on the adminstration through PEOPLE POWER that nobody dare touch him.

To my indian colleagues, it is not a matter of reasoning that no other govt would allow such a thing to happen---because reasoning are flawed at times and you can only reason with what you know, what you have read or see or what you may assume or presume it to be, based on your experience and heresay.

Let me ask you indian friends---if Zardari as who he is was an indian---would you allow him to be your president----I guess not---you know why---because you are different than us in that sense. People like Zardari can never be at the pinnacle of indian politics---they may be at a lower level---.

It is about time that paks started listening and understanding what is being said rather than a knee jerk reaction.:pakistan:
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