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Dr. Qadeer responsible for N-proliferation: Musharraf

well the thing is that AQ Khan did work for Pakistan and had an important role in our nukes development... Was nt his role important in the centrifuge process...

He may have been trying to make money using his position... but the question remains... if the US and all these other colonialist and cruel countries possess nukes why cant other countries possess them...

Yes he had important role but to the part that he pointed out suppliers of refining centrifuges to Z.A.Bhutto.

Nothing more is notable to his contribution to the pro-gramme.

He misused his authority and was involved even in petty corruption in procurement. Yes... .he was only responsible for procurement and he plundered nation's wealth ruthlessly.

He was on radar of intelligence agencies from long time before getting busted shamelessly but every one was afraid of his fame.

It is a fact that he brought shame to Pakistan.

As MK said his rhetorics hold no value against facts.
While we all know the facts very well.
I just want to add that he not only was corrupt selfish but an idiot as well.
His own network double crossed him.
Swiss nuclear smuggling suspect claims CIA link [Tinner]

First customer of A.Q. Khan was non other than India and he employed Tamils in his network in Dubai.
No one can bring more disgrace to Pakistan as he brought to us.
Musharrf did not punished him only relieved him from his position.
Present govt. has not re-instated him and neither any politician has even demanded for it.
If this opportunist have courage than he shall be complaining to every one! why limit himself to Musharraf.
If America can transfer ready made nukes to Israel, they should not cry if AQ Khan tried to transfer some technology to Iran, N Korea.

After Israel it is India to whom US have exported ready made nukes.
failed Indian tests seriously tilted the balance of regional power to Pakistan's favor.
Therefore, bailout of India was mandatory.

Handing over nukes to Iran and Korea amounts to handing them to individuals.
Handing over nukes to Iran and Korea amounts to handing them to individuals.

The same was the case with Pakistan under Musharrafs dictatorship. It was a one man show, an individual.
After all it is the same man who started the Kargil misadventure, which lead us to more shame and disgrace from the hands of our arch enemy, more than what the actions of AQ Khan could ever do.
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The same was the case with Pakistan under Musharrafs dictatorship. It was a one man show, an individual.
After all it is the same man who started the Kargil misadventure, which lead us to more shame and disgrace from the hands of our arch enemy, more than what the actions of AQ Khan could ever do.

Musharraf created national security council and nuclear command.
He apprehended A.Q. khan and relieved him from his position.
Musharraf, was not dictator.. all his acts were legal, democratic and liberal.
Not like Sharif who appointed an army chief violating the constitutional obligations.
Sharif was head of state and technicaly responsible for all the adventures and misadventures.
Disgrace was when Sharif followed Indian P.M. to US in the middle of war.

No more discussion on off topic subject.
Yes he had important role but to the part that he pointed out suppliers of refining centrifuges to Z.A.Bhutto.

Nothing more is notable to his contribution to the pro-gramme.

He misused his authority and was involved even in petty corruption in procurement. Yes... .he was only responsible for procurement and he plundered nation's wealth ruthlessly.

He was on radar of intelligence agencies from long time before getting busted shamelessly but every one was afraid of his fame.

It is a fact that he brought shame to Pakistan.

As MK said his rhetorics hold no value against facts.
While we all know the facts very well.
I just want to add that he not only was corrupt selfish but an idiot as well.
His own network double crossed him.
Swiss nuclear smuggling suspect claims CIA link [Tinner]

First customer of A.Q. Khan was non other than India and he employed Tamils in his network in Dubai.
No one can bring more disgrace to Pakistan as he brought to us.
Musharrf did not punished him only relieved him from his position.
Present govt. has not re-instated him and neither any politician has even demanded for it.
If this opportunist have courage than he shall be complaining to every one! why limit himself to Musharraf.

Data & info you provided quiet resembles to the documentary made none other than by India; starring some Indian bollywood actor as AQ khan & that Dubai fallacy that you are talking about was their in that fcuking documentary!!
Misused his authority>>in what manner? I dont see any of his nuclear colleagues blaming him of some heinous act.
Petty corruption in what manner?? Procurement of technology of that magnitude is bound to illegal by all means & how do you suppose Soviet got nuclear secrets out of US??
Own network; you sure have seen that Documentary. Network plz do tell me some comrades from his network? & dont include German names because they wrent part of his personal network they were all just black market suppliers who out of money had given their secret to Iran/Libya....
CIA had busted hsi network; yep that was right but Soviet invasion of Afghanistan & Pakistan as an important ally of US was bound to have some edge; & CIA was to hold its proceedings against this network*
Talking about plundering huge amount of financial out of ones country is nothing but a very pathetic argument; media could easily have searched the financial assets AQ khan had previously!!
Talking about shame; to some extent he did simply because if I were in his shoes (& even though I had made proliferations) I would had accepted it as personal crime not entail the whole nations army/politicians alike; but guess what our own politicians disregard him to a much higher extent than they would had~~Remember that German rocket scientist who even operated some Nazi camps (eyewitness proves that ) was made a key star celebrity in NASA in Apollo programme; was that a severe disgrace to US??

Network is bound to be defined in the given context:
if you have read the book
Amazon.com: The Bomb in My Garden: The Secrets of Saddam's Nuclear Mastermind (0723812697502): Mahdi Obeidi, Kurt Pitzer: Books
the Iraqi scientist himself proclaimed that AQ khan wasn't operating any international group of technology providers but was himself a customer of those black market technology providers. Guess what a customer not a network operator; just a customer at the open black market
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thats what am saying musharaf is part and parcel of the NWO,mi5 and six spending millions to cover his *** down london he wants to be more of a co.. su.... than zaradari who got billions in swiss acounts ,my
:pakistan:brothers understand musharaf is ahmedi :agree:yes check it out:pakistan:
An "error in judgement"?

"The world can't accustom itself to our strength."
"Why do you think that is?"
"Because the world is frightened of Muslim power. They don't call the American bomb a Christian bomb. They don't call India's bomb a Hindu bomb. The Jews have a bomb and the Muslims didn't. What's fair about this? Israel is an aggressor state and needs to be confronted. Why is there such a double standard? All the West is an enemy of Islam. The West has been leading a crusade against the Muslims for a thousand years. Israel is the leader of the crusade. The West will have Israel use its bomb on the Muslims. The crusades have not ended. The war against our religion has not stopped."

The Pakistanis nodded in agreement...

The occasion was a party thrown by then-President Musharraf on the second anniversary of Pakistan exploding its bomb.

The questioner was reporter Jeffrey Goldberg.

The speaker was A.Q. Khan.

(Prisoners, pp. 247-8)

In Past every country has done proliferation Be it the US scientists selling Nuclear Blue prints to Soviets who transfered the tech to the Chinese.
The Brits,The French and the Israelis all had there Bombs through a well Devised Nuclear Proliferation Network.

Recently Revealed Israeli Proliferation

Some even now Argue that its impossible to have a control over Nuclear Proliferation

Nachrichten Heute

Today the Iranians are pursuing these Weapons with great Zeal, Tomorrow who knows , There are alot of ambitious countries who want to have there hands on such Technology.

read my last 2 posts this mushraf is against a man dr kadeer :pakistan:who stoped the indian invasion a hero of :pakistan:who will you trust an ahmedi or dr kadear who was living in the west but still to life and limb sacraficed all for:pakistan:
Musharraf created national security council and nuclear command.
He apprehended A.Q. khan and relieved him from his position.
Musharraf, was not dictator.. all his acts were legal, democratic and liberal.
Not like Sharif who appointed an army chief violating the constitutional obligations.
Sharif was head of state and technicaly responsible for all the adventures and misadventures.
Disgrace was when Sharif followed Indian P.M. to US in the middle of war.

No more discussion on off topic subject.

What musharraf did to AQ Khan, apprehending him, on context is same to what Nawaz Sharif did to Musharraf, showing ignorance.

Both claimed they had no clue or idea whatsoever what the other was doing/planning.

Nawaz Sharif declared he knew nothing about Musharraf's plan.
Musharraf declared he not knew what AQ Khan was doing.

Both saved their *****.

Technicaly speaking Musharraf should have taken not only the Head of State in confidence, but the Airforce and Navy aswell, before starting the Kargil adventure, he didnt. So our Airforce and Navy was a mere spectator while India came at us with full force.

Nawaz sharif had given in to the USA's pressure and withdrew forces from kargil.
Musharraf had given in to the USA's pressure and joined WOT.

To me both are disgrace to Pakistan, both acted upon on their personal interests. Iqtadaar.

To me AQ Khan is a hero, what he did, he did to increase his country's strenght.
Call it a Muslim Bomb, then what AQ Khan did, he did to increase the Ummah's strenght.

I agree, No more discussion on off topic subject.
A.Q.Khan confessed his crime but Musharraf pardoned him.
Musharraf said he knew what he was doing but it was his fake fame which held them from taking action.
A.Q.Khan was side lined long ago fearing his unpatriotic activities.

On what grounds, can you equate both?

You keep coming around and around but ignore the fact conveniently.
What i'm talking is no assumption.. it is reported and documented fact.
...it is a fact, prove me wrong other wise.
If someone here said, "JonAsad has a small dick, it is a fact, prove me wrong otherwise" isn't such a claim equally valid?

Disproving made-up assertions is a foolish standard. Do they teach you this in school, or do your teachers just let you get away with it?
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