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Does Pakistan Navy need a nuclear-powered submarine?

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Nuke sub is more silent and longer survival under water, only good for those countries who want to be regional power and longer coastline to defend.Good for India not feasible for Pakistan navy. But PN french inventory is also silent and very lethal.
Nuke sub is more silent and longer survival under water, only good for those countries who want to be regional power and longer coastline to defend.Good for India not feasible for Pakistan navy. But PN french inventory is also silent and very lethal.

dude we already are a global power!!!!.........(i mean GLOBAL POWER!!!!........not in anyway superpower!!!!....even many pakistani's will accept that!!!)
dude we already are a global power!!!!.........(i mean GLOBAL POWER!!!!........not in anyway superpower!!!!....even many pakistani's will accept that!!!)
OK India is regional power , happy dude ..lolz
OK India is regional power , happy dude ..lolz

even if you treat india as a regional power it will still be a global power in reality!!!!!.......i can feel your frustation!!!!;)
AFAIK, there was a project of AECP to miniturize the nuclear reactor (for a possible sub useage). But dont know what happened subsequently. But the biggest question is the cost vs benifit, if conventional submarine offers low acustic signature and strategic strike capability with decent endurance, why to go for a nuclear sub which is more costly and more noisy.....Instead of wasting a couple of billion dollars on building a nuclear sub, why not to acquire 3 or 4 SKGNs.....
Its not a question of strategic value, its about prestige.
In international relations, a regional power is a state that has power within a geographic region. States which wield unrivaled power and influence within a region of the world possess regional hegemony. Regional powers shape the polarity of a regional area. Typically, regional powers have capabilities which are important in the region but do not have capabilities at a global scale. There are slightly differing definitions of what makes a regional power. The European Consortium for Political Research defines a regional power: "A state belonging to a geographically defined region, dominating this region in economic and military terms, able to exercise hegemonic influence in the region and considerable influence on the world scale, willing to make use of power resources and recognized or even accepted as the regional leader by its neighbours".
Regional power - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Imdia IS a South Asian regional power

A great power is a nation or state that has the ability to exert its influence on a global scale. Great powers characteristically possess military and economic strength and diplomatic and cultural influence which may cause small powers to consider the opinions of great powers before taking actions of their own. International relations theorists have posited that great power status can be characterized into power capabilities, spatial aspects, and status dimensions

There are no set or defined characteristics of a great power. These characteristics have often been treated as empirical, self-evident to the assessor.[9] However, this approach has the disadvantage of subjectivity. As a result, there have been attempts to derive some common criteria and to treat these as essential elements of great power status.

Early writings on the subject tended to judge states by the realist criterion, as expressed by the historian A. J. P. Taylor when he noted that "The test of a great power is the test of strength for war." Later writers have expanded this test, attempting to define power in terms of overall military, economic, and political capacity. Kenneth Waltz, the founder of the neorealist theory of international relations, uses a set of five criteria to determine great power: population and territory; resource endowment; economic capability; political stability and competence; and military strength. These expanded criteria can be divided into three heads: power capabilities, spatial aspects, and status.

For many, power capabilities were the sole criterion.
Duroselle : "A Great power is one which is capable of preserving its own independence against any other single power
Ranke: a Great power that it must be able to maintain itself against all others, even when they are united

All states have a geographic scope of interests, actions, or projected power. This is a crucial factor in distinguishing a great power from a regional power; by definition the scope of a regional power is restricted to its region. It has been suggested that a great power should be possessed of actual influence throughout the scope of the prevailing international system. Other suggestions have been made that a great power should have the capacity to engage in extra-regional affairs and that a great power ought to be possessed of extra-regional interests, two propositions which are often closely connected

Formal or informal acknowledgment of a nation's great-power status has also been a criterion for being a great power.
Great power - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
India is NOT currently regarded as Great Power

India can be regarded as a 'middle power'
Middle power - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Conceptualising Regional Power
in International Relations:
Lessons from the South African Case
Daniel Flemes

GIGA German Institute of Global and Area Studies / Leibniz‐Institut für Globale
und Regionale Studien.
Regional powers can be distinguished by four pivotal criteria: claim to leadership, power
resources, employment of foreign policy instruments, and acceptance of leadership.
chapter 4
‘You can claim great power status but membership of the club of great powers is a social
category that depends on recognition by others – by your peers in the club, but
also by smaller and weaker states willing to accept the legitimacy and authority of
those at the top of the international hierarchy. So a constructivist approach would
view power hierarchies in terms of shared understandings that develop amongst
groups of states’ (Hurrell 2000: 3).
Its neighbours should accept the regional power as a leader responsible for regional security.
A broader or extra‐regional acceptance is a necessary, but not sufficient condition. The
acceptance of the leadership role by actors within the region is pivotal for the regional
power to avoid a reduced power over outcomes due to obstacles constructed especially by
secondary regional powers. Cooper et al. (1993: 16) argue that the dynamics of leadership in
international politics are more clearly revealed by an examination of followership.
thanks penguin dude!!!!.......now atleast they will accept we are a regional power and a middle power!!!!.........great power status will probably come by 2015 0r 2020!~!!!!!.
even if you treat india as a regional power it will still be a global power in reality!!!!!.......i can feel your frustation!!!!;)

You know why we have frustration , because we have infriority complex and we are wondering that how india became global power while having half of nation with one dollar , having increasing aids deseases, having junk airforce , having more corrupted politics i think we cannot compete india we are going to give up , you are global power becasue your half of nation is hungry and hungry people can eat everything so dangerous and are global power
thanks penguin dude!!!!.......now atleast they will accept we are a regional power and a middle power!!!!.........great power status will probably come by 2015 0r 2020!~!!!!!.

Mmm, not quite the point I was attempting to convey: you can only be a leader to the extent of your following. I.e. rather than being the region, India must in effect be a leader of other nations in the region. Not something that's automatic.

Other than that, it really is irrelevant whether one's country fall in one class of another.... what matters is national security.

I'm not endosring either/any view....
Yes Pakistan need to have some Nuclear ed Powered Submarine as well as needs to increase its Frigates and Missile Boats in huge Numbers and also develop Naval version of Cruise Missiles and other latest Missiles
Yes Pakistan need to have some Nuclear ed Powered Submarine as well as needs to increase its Frigates and Missile Boats in huge Numbers and also develop Naval version of Cruise Missiles and other latest Missiles

and your reason??????
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