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Does Pakistan Navy need a nuclear-powered submarine?

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THERE IS ABSOLUTLY NO NEED FOR PAKISTAN TO HAVE NUCLEAR SUBMARINES. Nuclear powered subs offer range over conventional powered subs, hence they are for global power projection. Only a few select nations have/need this capability, India is one- Pakistan IS NOT. it is clear to see why India with her aspirations and military and economic might to back it up needs such vessels. However it is in no ones interest (least of all Pakistan's) for Pakistan to posses such craft just because of an inferiority complex and because "our neighbours have it". Unfortunately for Pakistan is not and never will be more than a semi-powerful regional power in the shadows of much more powerful neighbours.

Look at it this way Romania (similar GDP to Pakistan)- has no aspirations for a nuclear sub or ACC.
I think what Pakistan needs and what Pakistan is going to get is ... A nuclear capable sub. One with ability to launch nuclear tipped Land attack cruise missiles. Qing class will brought this capability which we can also translate as "second strike capability". N-powered subs are for bigger nations. India may need them but certainly we don't.
I think what Pakistan needs and what Pakistan is going to get is ... A nuclear capable sub. One with ability to launch nuclear tipped Land attack cruise missiles. Qing class will brought this capability which we can also translate as "second strike capability". N-powered subs are for bigger nations. India may need them but certainly we don't.
doesn't a nuclear capable sub need a nuclear reactor???.......i thought only nuclear subs could launch nuclear tipped missiles!!!
now why are you pulling in india dude.........we need aircraft carriers and n-sub's in case of a war with YOU KNOW WHO(not voldemort!!):azn:

you forgot Agni 5...............the third hallow
doesn't a nuclear capable sub need a nuclear reactor???.......i thought only nuclear subs could launch nuclear tipped missiles!!!
NUCLEAR CAPABLE SUBS AND nuclear powered subs r to different things
we can say that
a conventionaly powered sub is nuclear capable if it has capablity to launch nuke tipped land attack cruise messiles like qing class subs
King class subs (6 on order) are electric-diesel subs with MESA AIP...Which are far more quieter n than nuclear powered subs and have greater endurance than regular subs... they can also launch nuclear missiles like Naval version of babur with 1000km range,CJ-10 rumoured etc.... Also there have been talks abt PN leasing a Chinese nuclear powered sub... Hope for the future... though as of right now we have 3D nuclear capability.
Yes N subs will be a good add to the PN bt certainly this is nt something we need at the moment

we need conventional sub,5 ton frigate capable of launching babur
A nuclear sub cost $1 billion each

They are toys for big boys with big budgets

For pakistan it would be a waste of very scare cash.

India is next door just stick to gharui they cot only 5% of a nuke sub cost and will make same damage
Pakistan does have plans to deploy nuclear weapons at sea, we do want SSN and boomers eventually. The Navy Strategic Force Command has been set up exactly for this purpose, among the Armed Forces planners they consider the NSFC as the most important Command.
advantage of N-Sub over Diesel sub is they can stay under water for indefinite period of time,without the need to coming to the surface to recharge the cells.The vibrations from the diesel engine is also a giveaway
I think Pak Sea area is not too large, There is no need of nuclear-powered submarine, Fact is, even nuclear-powered submarine
has to come on surface to strike air missiles, Nuclear capable submarines are the best substitute of nuclear-powered submarine,
Who wanna stays permanent in water??Hmm... 30 days are not enough for submarine to stay/hide in water?? I would prefer
nuclear submarine if it can strike cruise missiles from inside the water. But also we can't ignore the advantages of nuclear submarine,Current generations of nuclear submarines never need to be refueled throughout their 25-year lifespans. he main difference
between conventional submarines and nuclear submarines is the power generation system. The nuclear reactor also supplies power to the submarine's other subsystems, such as for maintenance of air quality, fresh water production by distilling salt water
from the ocean, temperature regulation, etc. Also point to be noted. The only resource that limits the time underwater is the
food supply for the crew and maintenance of the vessel
By 2014, we will be operating around 11 Destroyers. I think Pakistan needs at least 2 destroyers as PN has 0 as of now. 2 destroyers will cost around 2 Billion $ which is affordable as per Pakistan defence budget.

ATV's and CBG are very expensive to Buy/Build. Maintainance is also very expensive. Only 5-7 countries including India operating ATV's and CBG's.
As soon as Pakistani Economy can bear the burden, I would like PN to have not one but three nuclear submarines to have sea denial capability. This should be in addtion to the new advanced AIP equipped Chinese Submarines Pakistan plans on buying. All these Purchases must come with transfer of Technology and joint Productions plan.
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