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DMRC to help build Dhaka Metro

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For Bangladeshi members demanding better MRT systems than this one,I would ask them to look at the standard of other 'modern' infrastructure existing in their country,like Dhaka Airport.:lol:

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Will the design the cars,engines & transmission systems for you ? If it can,go do it

There are software which will do these for you too. And yes KUKA will do that for you as well for money. Again they cant make Toyota or Benz but certainly can Nano.

Yeah right Virgin market with absolutely no competition.Hey,aren't you the same guy who claimed 'Bangladesh can an aircraft carrier faster than India ' ? :omghaha:

Yes I did..
There are software which will do these for you too. And yes KUKA will do that for you as well for money. Again they cant make Toyota or Benz but certainly can Nano.

Then hire them for designing a moped engine in your country,since you are unable to do even that.

Yes I did..

Shows your level of intellect.
Then hire them for designing a moped engine in your country,since you are unable to do even that.

Look into your auto factory and read the names of the machine and robot and you will know who makes what.

The three countries which actually monopolize auto industry are Germany, Japan, United States and all of them makes industrial robots and use them in their factories. When you reach to that level of expertise then you come here and brag about auto industry. What you are doing can be done here in Bangladesh too. No biggies.
What you are doing can be done here in Bangladesh too. No biggies.

Really ? Show me a Bangladeshi developed moped engine please.

ok into your auto factory and read the names of the machine and robot and you will know who makes what.

The three countries which actually monopolize auto industry are Germany, Japan, United States and all of them makes industrial robots and use them in their factories. When you reach to that level of expertise then you come here and brag about auto industry.

Automotive Industry is all about industrial robots ? Are you dumb ?

FYI there are Indian companies that make these - Precision Automation & Robotics India Limited - Customers
200 kms of infra,ahead of schedule completion, the similarity of demand and neighborhood, and to top it all- one of the few metros in the world running on profit makes DMRC a perfect consultant for the Dhaka metro if it ever materializes.
200 kms of infra,ahead of schedule completion, the similarity of demand and neighborhood, and to top it all- one of the few metros in the world running on profit makes DMRC a perfect consultant for the Dhaka metro if it ever materializes.

Why are the Indians promoting their third rated technologies here? We are not interested, sell them somewhere else!
OK you already have advanced technology for mass transit

@gslv mk3 - let it go man. This is akin to us showing off. We wont like it if the Chinese did it to us, or the Japanese to Chinese.
We have nothing to prove online to Bangladeshi's.

For their sake if not ours, just accept that they have better tech/brains/xyz, or that they will buy from US/Japan/Korea/xyz. It wont make an iota of difference either ways.

Why are the Indians promoting their third rated technologies here? We are not interested, sell them somewhere else!
You are right. We wish you the best.
Automotive Industry is all about industrial robots ? Are you dumb ?

FYI there are Indian companies that make these - Precision Automation & obotics India Limited - Customers
No you are dumb. I did not say automotive all about robotics but KUKA does erverything from stern to stem for auto company. And bringing Pari, more of a automation consulting firm than a robotic excellence shows your level of IQ.
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