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Defence Forum India funny moments and trolling

Indian ratio is 10x more
7X more.

And don't crow over having trapped me into this damaging admission. I've been saying this for ages.

each and every Indian with such a deep hate against Pakistan that it is almost incurable now.
You couldn't be more wrong.

There are 1.4 billion of us. What gave you the impression that anyone had a magic wand that could addle 1.4 billion minds?

If you are arguing that a smaller number has to be addled, the rest being Hindu minds and already addled, no problems. For those who think that way, I have as little time as I have for Islamophobes.
If Indians want to ridicule and make fun of Pakistanis, at-least do it properly, be mature - with proper reasoning, name calling looks kiddish, for sure a cry child-behavior, inferiority complex which reflects jealousy, comparing themselves as superior and in actual value totally empty. Am sure Pakistanis everywhere would just laugh it out loud.

Utterly enchanting!

Not the slightest suspicion about that word called irony.

the link to the Indian defence forum has always been banned here for some reason.
AFAIK, it was to maintain the bare courtesies and not encourage slanging about different fora. Also a refusal to encourage soliciting, asking members of some forum to join another.
Truly looks like Indian amateurs - without any value. Donot know much about Indian defense forums - their active strength and the actual content they share, - as never spend time on indian defence forum one. But this one do seems so funny and immature. From the above posts it seems just win an argument and feel good about it is the only aim.

LoL - If Indians want to ridicule and make fun of Pakistanis, at-least do it properly, be mature - with proper reasoning, name calling looks kiddish, for sure a cry child-behavior, inferiority complex which reflects jealousy, comparing themselves as superior and in actual value totally empty. Am sure Pakistanis everywhere would just laugh it out loud.

Indians need to learn how to make sure other countries in this case Pakistanis are low value than themselves.
Have said this many times that most of the Indians are a victim of inferiority complex..... smaller brains may be?

Talking about population? Then 10x7

There are 1.4 billion of us. What gave you the impression that anyone had a magic wand that could addle 1.4 billion minds?
Most of you... 1.4B and still it is rare to find a sane Indian ..... even most Indian Muslims behave strangely as they know they do not have a choice,,, they have to prove their loyalty otherwise they know the consequences. And your media is your magic wand.

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