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Defeat in Afghanistan


I can give you many references with research, but entire fiqh is based on what the 4 Imaams have said based on their research from the light of the Qur'an and Sunnah. For example, rules for praying, paying zakat, divorce, property rights, etc

The difference between Ahlesunnah Wul Jummah (Sunnis) and rest of the like wahabiism, salfiism, shia, etc are that Sunnis (who are also the majority within the Ummah) follow Qur'an Hadees, Sahaba رضي الله عنه and one of the four Imaams.

I know that brother . But who made this "Rule of 4" ?? Surely not Quran or Hadith . Man made rules are always debatable
Mr and those Imam said when you have Hadees and my saying goes against Hadees follow Hadees not my saying so Sir we basically have to follow Quran and Sunnah that is what Quran orders Muslims to do several times follow Quran and Sunnah follow ALLAH and his RASOOL SAW
answer this first : Defeat in Afghanistan | Page 10

I know that brother . But who made this "Rule of 4" ?? Surely not Quran or Hadith . Man made rules are always debatable

Which imaam do you follow ?
I know that brother . But who made this "Rule of 4" ?? Surely not Quran or Hadith . Man made rules are always debatable


Here are many proofs from the Qur'an and Hadees why we must follow one of the four Imaams:

This is a very detailed explanation in the light of Qur'an and Hadees why it is mandatory upon Muslims to follow one of four Imaams
Mr and those Imam said when you have Hadees and my saying goes against Hadees follow Hadees not my saying so Sir we basically have to follow Quran and Sunnah that is what Quran orders Muslims to do several times follow Quran and Sunnah follow ALLAH and his RASOOL SAW
Listen Mr Zarvan I personaly as Pakistani can say we are not in Islamic Country or obeying Allah's order
We just talk to much and DO nothing
We are living in country in which our products are not pure For Example Oil, Vegetables and fruits etc
we are living in a country in which not only Our Leader but we are also to much corrupted, I was watching ARY's Show Sar-e-aam they are showing about corruption of small shop keeper All I want to say we are not living in Islamic Country

Muhammad (pbuh)
He wasnt Imam He was Nabi, Rasool
As I can say Nabi is innocent but not IMAM

Here are many proofs from the Qur'an and Hadees why we must follow one of the four Imaams:

This is a very detailed explanation in the light of Qur'an and Hadees why it is mandatory upon Muslims to follow one of four Imaams

brother it says :
The view of the Ahl-us-sunnah wa’l Jamaa is that it is impossible for an ordinary Muslim to go directly to the Qur’an and Sunnah and extract religious laws. This is due to the fact that these sources of knowledge contain many matters which are unclear -

Whereas Quran says completely opposite :
And We have indeed made the Qur'an easy to understand and remember: then is there any that will receive admonition?[54:17]
brother it says :
The view of the Ahl-us-sunnah wa’l Jamaa is that it is impossible for an ordinary Muslim to go directly to the Qur’an and Sunnah and extract religious laws. This is due to the fact that these sources of knowledge contain many matters which are unclear -

Whereas Quran says completely opposite :
And We have indeed made the Qur'an easy to understand and remember: then is there any that will receive admonition?[54:17]

are you a Sunni ?
brother it says :
The view of the Ahl-us-sunnah wa’l Jamaa is that it is impossible for an ordinary Muslim to go directly to the Qur’an and Sunnah and extract religious laws. This is due to the fact that these sources of knowledge contain many matters which are unclear -

Whereas Quran says completely opposite :
And We have indeed made the Qur'an easy to understand and remember: then is there any that will receive admonition?[54:17]

are you a Sunni ?
But Quran says that Ibrahim A.S was made IMAAM after being made a nabi !!

Was Muhammad (pbuh) a sunni ?


I don't have time to play games. If you are not a Sunni then don't waste my time
you think that one has to be a Sunni/Shia etc. to be a Muslim ??

Don't ask me question over question without answering the previous one.

Are you a Sunni yourself? Yes or no? If not then we have nothing further talk about.

If you want to learn about what Islam then I can give you references

If you are Sunni this Taqleed will explain the rest of your objections about the four Imaams

Don't stop mid sentence without reading entire site
God has blessed us with a wonderfull label ''muslim''
I don't believe in calling ourselves anything but that
Don't ask me question over question without answering the previous one.

Are you a Sunni yourself? Yes or no? If not then we have nothing further talk about.

If you want to learn about what Islam then I can give you references

Brother you need to learn yourself before trying to teach others ..
that jamaati parrot needs to arrested by the Pak authorities & interrogated because I am pretty sure he justifies the killing of Pakistani soldiers by his TTP friends

Not a good enough reason, he has a right to think what he wants to. But if he acts upon it then may god have mercy if he gets aught cz His men wont.

If he keeps this up i wont be surprised if he'd disappear.
Not a good enough reason, he has a right to think what he wants to. But if he acts upon it then may god have mercy if he gets aught cz His men wont.

If he keeps this up i wont be surprised if he'd disappear.

what would happen to him if he gets caught?

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