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"Communist Chinese liars are all Racist"

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Don't worry they don't. They might have a problem with people who shout that Chinese people are racist though.:police:
You mean the CBC made this story up...

CBC News: Analysis & Viewpoint: Global View: China
On one of China's popular websites called sina.com, hundreds of messages were pouring in around the time of Condoleezza Rice's visit to China this past spring. The comments were very disturbing for a couple of reasons. People lashed out angrily at the U.S. secretary of state's ethnicity, her looks, her gender.

They wrote that she was (and this is hard for me to repeat): "a black devil," "a black pig," "a black whore" and "a black female dog." They said: "You're not even as good as a black devil, a real waste of a life," "Her brain is blacker than her skin," "The ugliest woman in the world" and "She looks like an orangutan, and talks rubbish; send us a beautiful woman next time."

The website is particularly popular among the urban elite and educated masses, and I remember reading these shocking words at the time. According to media reports, these comments were also gathered by Chinese dissident Liu Xiaobo, who was so disgusted by the awful remarks he felt compelled to write something about it.
So Condi Rice is 'ugly' because her skin is much darker than Chinese skin color.
Why should the government need to be involved? Racism can be very personal and local. And who is talking about forcing anyone to marry anyone? There is no 'perhaps' about it. For all the rants against the US about racism, it turns out that the Chinese are no different and it is actually the US who is more open and self critical about racism than China does.

Self critical because they actually have a long history of Racism against most Races and have actual laws that enforce it. I.E The Chinese Exclusion act.

The Chinese government does not enforce Racism like the U.S which has institutionalized for centuries.

Racism in China is like Racism in most other places. It's nothing special that you need to rant about in all the other defense threads.
Self critical because they actually have a long history of Racism against most Races and have actual laws that enforce it. I.E The Chinese Exclusion act.

The Chinese government does not enforce Racism like the U.S which has institutionalized for centuries.

Racism in China is like Racism in most other places. It's nothing special that you need to rant about in all the other defense threads.
If the government is involved, then it is right that the government should do something about its role, and the US government did. But in no way does that remove the people's responsibility in recognizing that racism is wrong, especially in this 21st century.
You mean the CBC made this story up...

CBC News: Analysis & Viewpoint: Global View: China

So Condi Rice is 'ugly' because her skin is much darker than Chinese skin color.

So a few internet statements by anonymous people are the definitive views of more than a billion people?

Have you ever taken statistics? I have and that sample is so pitiful that I'm surprised even the likes of you would try to bring it up.
So a few internet statements by anonymous people are the definitive views of more than a billion people?

Have you ever taken statistics? I have and that sample is so pitiful that I'm surprised even the likes of you would try to bring it up.
Aaaahhh...Yes...The courage to use statistics against an American but not against a fellow Chinese who has a record of abuse of statistics and even made up statistics to suit his arguments. Until you find a bigger set of balls to stand against racist comments regardless of who makes them, your argument here is worthless.
Aaaahhh...Yes...The courage to use statistics against an American but not against a fellow Chinese who has a record of abuse of statistics and even made up statistics to suit his arguments. Until you find a bigger set of balls to stand against racist comments regardless of who makes them, your argument here is worthless.

I don't need to because on most threads other Chinese members have already taken care of it. However you on the other hand look for any minuscule opportunity to start a racial flame war based on the comments of a single person.

As for balls you're a old geezer trolling on a Pakistani forum on Chinese matters 24/7. A eunuchs got more balls than you ever had.

You don't even have the balls to put up a flag of your native country. Are you that ashamed of Vietnam?
I don't need to because on most threads other Chinese members have already taken care of it. However you on the other hand look for any minuscule opportunity to start a racial flame war based on the comments of a single person.

As for balls you're a old geezer trolling on a Pakistani forum on Chinese matters 24/7. A eunuchs got more balls than you ever had.
:lol: :lol: :lol: Please stop it...You are killing me...!!!
:lol: :lol: :lol: Please stop it...You are killing me...!!!

At least have the balls to respond to the entire post instead of responding with a one liner with emoticons.

And yes Chinese members deal with it by either ignoring him or criticizing him. You just jump in and start ranting about how all Chinese are racist.
At least have the balls to respond to the entire post instead of responding with a one liner with emoticons.

And yes Chinese members deal with it by either ignoring him or criticizing him. You just jump in and start ranting about how all Chinese are racist.

Maybe you should just leave him to his own devices. Besides... this entire thread was created so that he can continue to vent his anger and delude himself with western media biasm. He keeps posting the same article about some racist incident in China and has used that article yesterday as well, and he has made the same tiring argument. I can post literally hundreds of rather recent hate crime incidents that have occurred here in the U.S., some of which involve murder. So he can spare us the story of how a black girl was mistreated in China by the evil Chinese. African Americans use to hung up on trees for crying out loud.

The fact of the matter is, and I believe this is psychological when it pertains to him, he simply hates himself. The media, Hollywood, have all brainwashed him to the point where he hates being Asian. He can stare in the mirror for as long as he wants, but the simple fact is... he's Asian, so he needs to deal with it.
It's really simple.

In every country, there are some who are racist. It's a relic from the past that is slowly disappearing.

I actually believe there are (much) fewer racists relative to population in China than in other countries.
Maybe you should just leave him to his own devices. Besides... this entire thread was created so that he can continue to vent his anger and delude himself with western media biasm. He keeps posting the same article about some racist incident in China and has used that article yesterday as well, and he has made the same tiring argument. I can post literally hundreds of rather recent hate crime incidents that have occurred here in the U.S., some of which involve murder. So he can spare us the story of how a black girl was mistreated in China by the evil Chinese. African Americans use to hung up on trees for crying out loud.

The fact of the matter is, and I believe this is psychological when it pertains to him, he simply hates himself. The media, Hollywood, have all brainwashed him to the point where he hates being Asian. He can stare in the mirror for as long as he wants, but the simple fact is... he's Asian, so he needs to deal with it.

I only started this thread so he would stop polluting other threads. It's somewhat working I suppose.
Maybe you should just leave him to his own devices. Besides... this entire thread was created so that he can continue to vent his anger and delude himself with western media biasm. He keeps posting the same article about some racist incident in China and has used that article yesterday as well, and he has made the same tiring argument. I can post literally hundreds of rather recent hate crime incidents that have occurred here in the U.S., some of which involve murder. So he can spare us the story of how a black girl was mistreated in China by the evil Chinese. African Americans use to hung up on trees for crying out loud.

The fact of the matter is, and I believe this is psychological when it pertains to him, he simply hates himself. The media, Hollywood, have all brainwashed him to the point where he hates being Asian. He can stare in the mirror for as long as he wants, but the simple fact is... he's Asian, so he needs to deal with it.
Reading this one can only wonder who is truly brainwashed here. Apparently to you, an Asian must think 'Asian' thoughts and have 'Asian' world view, probably dictated by China, of which the Chinese boys here pretty much declared to be the only representative of Asia, as being from a 'Mandate of Heaven'. There are no ideas that can possibly transcends skin color and unite a people. Guess we should rule out religions as being able to unite people of different skin colors. No wonder the Chinese government seeks to control religions.
Maybe you should just leave him to his own devices. Besides... this entire thread was created so that he can continue to vent his anger and delude himself with western media biasm. He keeps posting the same article about some racist incident in China and has used that article yesterday as well, and he has made the same tiring argument. I can post literally hundreds of rather recent hate crime incidents that have occurred here in the U.S., some of which involve murder. So he can spare us the story of how a black girl was mistreated in China by the evil Chinese. African Americans use to hung up on trees for crying out loud.

The fact of the matter is, and I believe this is psychological when it pertains to him, he simply hates himself. The media, Hollywood, have all brainwashed him to the point where he hates being Asian. He can stare in the mirror for as long as he wants, but the simple fact is... he's Asian, so he needs to deal with it.

If u put it like that, it looks like he got stockholm syndrome.:lol:
Reading this one can only wonder who is truly brainwashed here. Apparently to you, an Asian must think 'Asian' thoughts and have 'Asian' world view, probably dictated by China, of which the Chinese boys here pretty much declared to be the only representative of Asia, as being from a 'Mandate of Heaven'. There are no ideas that can possibly transcends skin color and unite a people. Guess we should rule out religions as being able to unite people of different skin colors. No wonder the Chinese government seeks to control religions.

You're not making any sense here. You have pretty much taken all your arguments from before and mashed it together thinking it would make sense. Well it doesn't and frankly it makes you sound demented.
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