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Chinese military chief makes first visit to Israel

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Chinese military chief makes first visit to Israel


Chinese military chief Gen. Chen Bingde, left, meets with Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak in Tel Aviv on Sunday. (AP Photo/Dan Balilty)


Published: Aug 14, 2011 22:15 Updated: Aug 14, 2011 22:15

JERUSALEM: The chief of China’s armed forces visited Israel on Sunday in what analysts saw as part of a Middle East reassessment by Beijing following the political upheaval of the “Arab Spring.”

General Chen Bingde was scheduled to tour an army base and hear security briefings, the Israeli military spokesman said, describing the unprecedented visit as part of “the development and upkeep of international cooperation as a means of facing mutual challenges.”

Israel and China established ties almost two decades ago, but the relationship has been clouded by US disapproval of Israeli arms sales to the Asian superpower.

The Israelis have also been troubled by Beijing’s past reluctance to back international sanctions against Iran over its nuclear program.

Gedaliah Afterman, China expert with the Jewish People Policy Institute, an Israeli think-tank, saw in Chen’s visit a sign of “the growing Chinese interest in the relationship with Israel because of the instability in the surrounding Arab states.”

“They were caught ill-prepared, they didn’t expect the events in the Middle East,” Afterman said, adding that China could try to renew defense deals with Israel.

There was no immediate comment from the Chinese embassy.

Israeli officials described Chen’s visit as part of wider bilateral contacts and played down any prospect of defense deals being discussed. China hosted Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak in June.

An Israeli defense ministry statement said Barak and Chen discussed “ties with the Palestinians Authority, the situation in Pakistan and Iran and the fight against international terrorism.”

© 2010 Arab News

He was just surveying the area so that when america becomes bankrupt the chinese can assist the palestinians to recover their lands
"The PhDs set the general direction but several experienced BS/MS engineers and technicians can replace them"

I cannot believe I hear such retard comments again.

I have never said engineers are not important. However, given solely engineers, you won't have satellite or ICBM or nukes. They can help you realize the design but they cannot do all of those blue-print design and calculation. Most importantly, they won't come up with the original ideas by those scientists.

As about your super-twist of my words to nobel price winners, I have nothing remotely related to what you are dragging along. As long as for "no one else matter", that is not my words but yours. I indicate those scientists trained in the west played the most important roles for China's ICBM, satellites as well as nukes. However, none of my words indicate others are not useful or do not matter. Saying John von Neumann, Edward Teller, Klaus Fuchs, J. Robert Oppenheimer and several other scientists along them play most important roles in developing Nukes, ICBMs and etc, does NOT indicate that those engineers working for them are NOT important at all. Just like, saying Steve Jobs plays the most important role for Apple's revival has not indicated any condescending remarks against those designers, engineers working for apple and make the products realized.

Well, it may be already too hard for a retard like you to understand.

About today's person's names, what is the point? Where did I mention that they are trained by the west? I did not mention every scientists working in China are trained by the west. Just read what I have said exactly and do not twist my words again.


OK, wise guy, by the time China was working on ICBMs and nukes, they weren't new technology. They were decades old technology that needed to be replicated not reinvented. China had almost zero "new" technology from 1840 to 1990. We can't afford new technology when we don't even have the old technology down. You don't need to "think of new ideas" the ideas are already there and just waiting to be put to application after the solving of numerous specific problems. The theoretical idea has been worked out decades ago by scientists from US, Russia and Germany. What is needed is a specific design with specific parameters like length, width, mass, number of bolts, time to completion, explosive composition, etc.

Your argument basically says nothing, you're changing your point every time.
You know I understand ePhone point of view - OK He supports Israel - Perfectly fine but what gets me is in any thread related to islam he is ready to post his crap like Muslims want to take over the world and on Ughyrs thread where it was mentioned that few terrorists were killed by Chinese Forces he tried to be all macho and act like Internet Hero as if we give a sh!t.He accuse others of Anti Semitism yet he is so anti islamic.He is a bigot IMHO .He thinks Muslims actually will react to him and care about him.
You know I understand ePhone point of view - OK He supports Israel - Perfectly fine but what gets me is in any thread related to islam he is ready to post his crap like Muslims want to take over the world and on Ughyrs thread where it was mentioned that few terrorists were killed by Chinese Forces he tried to be all macho and act like Internet Hero as if we give a sh!t.He accuse others of Anti Semitism yet he is so anti islamic.He is a bigot IMHO only.

It is actually very unusual to see a Chinese person with ephone's views.

China doesn't really have much of a stake in the Israel-Palestine conflict, and most people don't really care about it either way.

Best to ignore ephone, he annoys everyone, including all the Chinese members here.
That is absolutely false. China will do NOTHING to interfere. If Mao died earlier and either Zhou enlai or Deng Xiaoping took power earlier, China would have established formal relationship with Israel much earlier than 1992.

During Mao's era, China still broadcasted some slogans for those Palestinians. Nowadays, I do not think so. Especially about Hamas, majority of China think they are terrorists. Putting Hamas and Israel together, China will definitely pick Israel. Majority of Chinese will do the same as well.

He was just surveying the area so that when america becomes bankrupt the chinese can assist the palestinians to recover their lands
That is absolutely false. China will do NOTHING to interfere. If Mao died earlier and either Zhou enlai or Deng Xiaoping took power earlier, China would have established formal relationship with Israel much earlier than 1992.

During Mao's era, China still broadcasted some slogans for those Palestinians. Nowadays, I do not think so. Especially about Hamas, majority of China think they are terrorists. Putting Hamas and Israel together, China will definitely pick Israel. Majority of Chinese will do the same as well.

:lol: You're speaking for 1.4 billion Chinese when do you don't even speak any of the 30-40 Chinese members here. Serious lulz.
You see, Israel embassy officials have gone to the front of major Chinese shows and are welcome with great applause. The same is for U.S. embassy officials. Isn't it a good evidence already???

Where is Hamas??? You think people in China will welcome Hamas???

I do not need convince you since you pretty much like Hamas a lot. Well, the truth is just like what I have said. China will do nothing to interfere. China used to support Arafat. Well, he is gone. We may stand in the middle between his left-overs and Israel. However, for Hamas, such a terrorist group, China will for sure want nothing to do with it.

:lol: You're speaking for 1.4 billion Chinese when do you don't even speak any of the 30-40 Chinese members here. Serious lulz.
You see Israel embassy officials have gone to the front of major Chinese shows and are welcome with great applause. The same is for U.S. embassy officials. Isn't it a good evidence already???

Where is Hamas??? You think people in China will welcome Hamas???

I do not need convince you since you pretty much like Hamas a lot. Well, the truth is just like what I have said. China will do nothing to interfere. China used to support Arafat. Well, he is gone. We may stand in the middle between his left-overs and Israel. However, for Hamas, such a terrorist group, China will for sure want nothing to do with it.

There is also great applause when North Koreans and African generals come to China.

Chinese hate terrorists too. We would never give our hard earned tax money to terrorists. But white Americans don't hate terrorists that much, otherwise they wouldn't be giving their hardearned tax dollars straight to terrorists:

Osama bin Laden, A.K.A. CIA Asset "Tim Osman"

When Osama Bin Laden Was Tim Osman, by J. Orlin Grabbe

Western support for terrorism

Of course white Americans also love Israel, so we can see that they support terrorism, they support Israel, put 1 and 1 together...
we love china because they are the most clever people in the world china is the money supermarket and every one wants money israel the most.israel has to bow down to china because its financer the US is bankrupt.EVEN AFTER 1/4 OF US CONGRESS WENT TO ISRAEL TO STOP THEM MEETING CHINESE BUT THEY COULDNT STOP PLA CHEIF VISIT BUT CHINA KNOWS ISRAEL

China's goal is to use Israel in order to backstab the American elite WASPs.

Israel knows very well that the WASP society gonna soon start to blame on Jews since their Wall Street Jewish lobbyists have screwed up the US economy.

They gonna find out a new sanctuary, soon they are going to cooperate with China. :azn:
Welcome NK? African generals?

Those are just saving-face welcome for those nutcases. Those suckers dare not to go the front of Chinese major shows to present themselves.

What I am talking about are those casual meetings and presentations before China major shows. The audience mostly show themselves more truthfully than those official meetings where applause are required to do to show politeness.

Of course, U.S. likes to pick the bone from any issues related to China. U.S. being the only superpower, so far, China can not do too much except ignoring it.

However, how many times Israel has picked the bone for China's internal affairs including dealing with terrorists?

It seems China on the other hand in the past has interfered a lot during Mao's era related to Israel's internal affairs and many countries' internal affairs by exporting revolutions.

BTW, what do you need show those links for? Who don't know U.S. used OBL in the past to fight U.S.S.R? U.S. used dalai lama and his associates in the past and even now as well. Those are well known facts.

There is also great applause when North Koreans and African generals come to China.

Chinese hate terrorists too. We would never give our hard earned tax money to terrorists. But white Americans don't hate terrorists that much, otherwise they wouldn't be giving their hardearned tax dollars straight to terrorists:

Osama bin Laden, A.K.A. CIA Asset "Tim Osman"

When Osama Bin Laden Was Tim Osman, by J. Orlin Grabbe

Western support for terrorism

Of course white Americans also love Israel, so we can see that they support terrorism, they support Israel, put 1 and 1 together...
Those are just some wishful and idiotic remarks beyond stupidity.

China's goal is to use Israel in order to backstab the American elite WASPs.

Israel knows very well that the WASP society gonna soon start to blame on Jews since their Wall Street Jewish lobbyists have screwed up the US economy.

They gonna find out a new sanctuary, soon they are going to cooperate with China. :azn:
Those are just some wishful and idiotic remarks beyond stupidity.

The far right-wing movement in US is rampant right now, just look at the Tea Party.

When the US economy keeps getting worse, do you really think it is impossible to have a second Holocaust?

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