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China's motorized troops will reach New Delhi within 48 hours if a war breaks out: China TV

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China can just pass first through Pakistan... till they pass the Himalaya and then .... war is done.
Have fun
Challenge for that is transporting troops through one of most dangerous highways in the world


Karakorum highway


Only way for your plan to work is for China to already station large number of troops in Pakistan.

But Chinese do not have the luxury to do so.
Lol Good dreams. Delhi is protected or will be by S-400 and good luck with that. Secondly most of Indian troops are concentrated in and around Delhi (Kashmir, Punjab Strike corps) and good luck climbing Himalayan mountains for more than a week where artillery will greet them on the slopes unable to escape. :lol: I must say your wish of having the thoughts of besieging Delhi will be over in 2-3 hours :D

Man I am really laughing seeing ur posts./

Chinese are humble? Definitely not the ones in pdf. :lol:

China can counter S-400 they have all means to do that. :D
Any Chinese offensive is doomed to fail less they manage to replicate the 1962, 8:1 numerical strength(something they will never be able to do as India has now 6-7 divisions meant for China border in peacetime itself)
PLA’s war wherewithal on the Indo-Tibet frontline must be carted over 1500 kilometers from their logistic hubs at Lhasa and Kashgarh, which in turn must be stocked from central China, a further 2000 kilometers away. The entire logistic connectivity by road, rail, pipeline and air depends upon tenuous lines of communication and static staging yards, all situated over a terrain that is completely open, devoid of local resources and subject to such extreme conditions as it must obtain at 4300 meters of average altitude and sub-zero cold almost throughout the year. Even if China has engineered her transportation capacity to 24000 tons a day and therefore stated to be able to build up 30 divisions, including formations already in place, in 30 days, and sustain this force in war indefinitely, such theoretical calculations may be valid under ‘test conditions’, in practice this will invariably not be so. No doubt, the whole system of induction and sustenance for PLA’s field forces in war would be ripe for interdiction by air power and special operations.

On the Indian side, the terrain south of the 4300 to 5400 meter high Himalayan passes, constricted and snow-bound most of the year, is characterised by razor-sharp ridgelines, steep slopes and narrow, gorge-like valleys generally running North to South. The Indian logistic installations are between 350 to 400 kilometers in depth, and therefore, in terms of turn around time, comparable if not better to that of the PLA in Tibet. Road axes connecting Indian foothills to the Indo-Tibet Border, being aligned more or less along the narrow valley floors, are extremely difficult to interdict by air or ground fire; these are targetable only in some stretches and even then require super-skills, high-technology and load of chance to score effective hits. Notably, scope exists to make such hits even more ineffective by means of modern methods of camouflage, deception and repair.

To undertake offensive operations in such terrain, PLA formations have to confine to constricted valleys that are hemmed-in by successive ridge lines, thus limiting the scope for tactical level lateral manoeuvre. At the operational level, axes of offensive have to remain isolated from each other, while envelopment and turning movement, besides inviting risks of entrapment, would entail such heavy logistic back up as to be prohibitive in terms of resources and time. Further, some distance down the Southern slopes into Indian territory, the terrain closes down to subsume the advantages that heavy weaponry and high-technology might bring to PLA’s offensive. Indeed, the ground is heavily biased towards defensive operations - if conducted with aggressive intent.

We have reasons to believe that mother earth has not been overly supportive of aggression from Tibetan Plateau across the Himalayan Passes into India. Indeed, any PLA offensive across the Indo-Tibet Border has to contend with an adverse terrain anomaly: its build-up and spring-board areas straddle a ground that exposes its war machine to disruption by inhospitable elements as well as air and ground attack, while its offensive across the watershed passes would be beleaguered by a ground that favours classically conducted defensive operations. Indeed, PLA’s offensive across the passes would have to fight ‘friction of terrain’ and ‘tension of logistics’ before engaging Indian forces - with “General Snow” ever ready to cut off its lifeline.

Therefore, even if the PLA commits overwhelming number of formations to its offensives, as to how many of these could actually be employable - along limited, narrow axes, and against successive lines of defences, remains a moot point to consider.
The east front the terrain is very unfriendly but in the west front there's not much standing in the way between the border and New Delhi and even Chinese artillery rockets from the border can cover New Delhi with ease, no missiles and bombers needed.
Now the chinese media just over took Indian media...

How desperate
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Some with the range of 300km

Satellite guided artillery rockets with range of 300 KM can hit a target the size of a small box More accurate than what a professional sniper can do.
Im calling bullshit.

There is no way the PLA can navigate through the mangled traffic, broken roads and slums within 48 hours.

Looking at my crystal banana and using primal mental powers I can see what happens:

The PLA enters India and routs the Jawans who were too busy complaining about burned bread for breakfast. Pushing all the way to the outskirts of New Delhi sickness breaks out among PLA soldiers. Medics diagnose the illness and epidemic to be Delhi belly and no medicine can cure. Nontheless the PLA push foward only to enter a slum so dense all motorised vehicles had to be left behind.

On foot the ill and tired PLA enter New Delhi where the ill equiped Indian civilian militia counter attacked with fists and chakras. Throwing aside their assault rifles and LMGs the PLA engaged the Indian milittia and a fist fight of epic proportions take place. The PLA comes out on top but both sides sustained thousands of casualties but no fatalities.

The PLA hold a victory parade in New Delhi but a derailing train plows into the marching soldiers devastating the PLA. Victory is quickly declared, the Indians are said to be taught a lesson and the PLA withdraws never again to enter such a terrible land.
Well actually China can reach delhi in , 30 minutes

48 Hours is time frame if they are walking
The east front the terrain is very unfriendly but in the west front there's not much standing in the way between the border and New Delhi and even Chinese artillery rockets from the border can cover New Delhi with ease, no missiles and bombers needed.

Ok nd how u able to clear infantry nd armoured. Division which was stationed in ladhakh its high fr ur artillery nd what u think its easy to fire rocket on Delhi fr that u have to come near border nd if u do that u feel nightmare with m777 howitzer ....
Nd I think ur news channel by mistake take name of India actually in reality they r talking about Vietnam remember India is not a small country which has small army nd different thing nd India is a world's 2nd largest army of 12lakh 50 thousand troops nd India has 21 lakh reserve force which was highest in world....
Nd sry to say the vedio of Indian troops which was viral r. Frm bsf NT frm army...
i fr that u have to come near border nd if u do that u feel nightmare with m777 howitzer ....
In that video everything is explained, they did the reality comparison and Indian m777 howitzer and the only type of artillery rockets are nothing comparing to overwhelming dominant overall Chinese power, getting to New Delhi is not harder than getting to the border itself.
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