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China willing to help India in COVID-19 fight

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I don’t think that’s going to fly. In my opinion we don’t trust the Chinese enough to accept their help. We would rather accept help from Pakistan, which owing to our shared heritage, would be a more acceptable proposition.
As long as India is a servant of America. Even if China helps them and save thousands of lives, Indians will still be enemies of China. India needs to stop worshipping white people and join their asian brothers.
China is willing to help India as it fights a surge in coronavirus cases, the Chinese foreign ministry said on Thursday.

China is aware that the epidemic in India has been severe recently, and there is a temporary shortage of necessary materials for epidemic prevention, said Wang Wenbin, a spokesman at the foreign ministry. He was responding to a question at a regular media briefing about what action China is taking in view of the spreading epidemic in India.

"China is willing to provide the necessary support and help," Wang said, without giving details of what such assistance might consist of. "The novel coronavirus is a common enemy of all mankind, and the global community needs to unite as one to fight against epidemics."

India recorded nearly 315,000 new coronavirus infections on Thursday and its health services are struggling to cope. Health officials in northern and western India said they were in crisis, with most hospitals full and running out of oxygen.

unbelievable, while every Delhi hospital runs out of beds, oxygens, vaccines, people dying in front of hospital gates on the pavement like animals, pyres burning all day and all night, RSS IT cell still finds time here to spit venoms against China
India should accept every help they get.

At the end of it there should be a Nuremberg style trial and everyone responsible for this mass murder should be prosecuted, including those who refused foreign help.
Either being defeated in the hand of Chinese, or being helped by Chinese, would be an extreme humiliation to Indians. Brown shomehow believes it sits between white and yellow.
It's good. After India having given refuge to 100,000 Chinese citizens - it's nice that the Chinese are considering a humanitarian gesture for a change.
It's good. After India having given refuge to 100,000 Chinese citizens - it's nice that the Chinese are considering a humanitarian gesture for a change.
Absolutely i personally will send food parcels and a £10 to india every little count right 🤭
Indian rather let her people die in millions a day, than to accept the help of their perceived low caste asiatic.
As I often says, that will depends on your level of IQ and in India, they will say... your caste.
I will put yours as India National Average plus or minus a couple of points.


Now we should have a pretty good idea where you comes from and which caste you belongs to.
You talking about caste brings out the racism built into you. I never brought out any of that. Get out of all kind of racism if you want to understand anything.

But blind bat you are. Now I know what and why you said all that.
Absolutely i personally will send food parcels and a £10 to india every little count right 🤭
Definitely. Any donations from China can be routed to the Chinese refugees in India.

Here is the contact info -
Definitely. Any donations from China can be routed to the Chinese refugees in India.

Here is the contact info -
In your pipe dream.

As many as 800 Oxygen Concentrators have been airlifted from Hong Kong to Delhi. 10,000 more will be dispatched in a week.

“India’s private carriers are strengthening our efforts against the pandemic. @flyspicejet airlifts 800 oxygen concentrators from Hong Kong to India,” tweeted Minister Puri

Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman, Zhao Lijian, to a question of what help China is giving to India during a regular media briefing in Beijing said, "We have noticed the relevant reports and China expresses sincere condolences to the recent deterioration of the situation in India. The Chinese government and the Chinese people firmly support the Indian government and people in fighting the pandemic, and are willing to provide support and assistance in accordance with the needs of the Indian side.”

He added, “The Chinese side is maintaining communication with the Indian side on this. China believes that the Indian people will be able to overcome the pandemic at an early date."
The caste system is a reality in India which was the first thing that I observed and was taught to me by your fellow Indians when I visited India.
Did I talk about it? No.
You claim that you have been taught and you have learnt all the nuances and have started quoting it as part of your arguments too. You justified your statement and observations based on caste. It seems that you have taken to this system and you would justify your weird thoughts by give it caste logic.

There is one word for such people.
Definitely. Any donations from China can be routed to the Chinese refugees in India.

Here is the contact info -

Funny thing is India had outrightly refused to hand these renegades back to China back in the 1950's.
The CIA original plan was to train them for an insurgency in Tibet.

I guess CIA realised that they have failed and have finally given up.
Trump has even cut off their funding.
So today they are pretty useless to both USA and India today.

Now you demand for China's donations to upkeep them, it is rather hilarious.

The Tibetan Indians in Dharmasala should read about it.
Did I talk about it? No.
You claim that you have been taught and you have learnt all the nuances and have started quoting it as part of your arguments too. You justified your statement and observations based on caste. It seems that you have taken to this system and you would justify your weird thoughts by give it caste logic.

There is one word for such people.
:sarcastic: :sarcastic:
OK If you considered a Brahmin Indian Insulting or bullying another Dalit Indian is racist, then it is.

But I am not an Indian and the caste system does not exists in my country or anywhere else except maybe among Indian community, so your logic is pretty flawed, right.

The truth is it is my observation that you have been pretty racist in most of your postings.

What has CCP or more correctly CPC a party inside China got to do with you or India apart from the fact you are just jealous about the success of your neighbour?
Where does the source of your jealousy comes from?

I am pretty well read both both China and India history.

At one stage, I considered myself a denizen of both nations. The people I interacted with are pretty decent, matured and friendly.

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