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China prepared for military confrontation, will annihilate all Indian troops: Chinese media warns PM

Chinese blothel, hope one day you can come out your prison that you call China. Let me also educate you that outside China (and your boyfriend North Korea), there is something called the internet. You can, in fact, use the internet to refer information from various sources including non-government one. Yeah, that might come as shock to you but that is how the people in the free democratic world live.

Now on a serious note, let me educate you on the Forward Policy. The Forward Policy of Nehru was not wrong at least from an Indian perspective but its execution was totally flawed. The Indian army, both the men from the lower rung as well as senior officers gave ample warnings to Nehru that it lacks the means to execute Forward Policy given the budgetary constraints including lack of weapons and winter gears but Nehru ignored this warning. Nehru was idealistic who wanted to completely keep the Indian Armed Forces under the civilian thumb. Given the experience that Pakistan polity had with it's with Army, Nehru was not completely wrong. But nepotism took better of Nehru. I'll not go into detail of what Nehru did but will tell you what China did.

The duplicity of China was that it did not recognize both the MacMohan Line and the Johnson Line (many Indians here on pdf do not know about Johnson) and yet wherever it suited the Chinese, they did not hesitate to flaunt the English agreements. The latest example is Dokalam where Chinese are shamelessly flaunting 1890 agreement. Moreover, it was the assurance given by Chinese Zou Enlai that China will act upon the agreed principle of Panchsheel while dealing and negotiating with India which gave Nehru the confidence that China will never invade India. From Nehru perspective, Tibet was a bonus for China and it was his thinking that China will settle the boundary as per the British agreements i.e. honoring both the Johnson and MacMohan Line.

And my little Chinese blothel, Indians never had any impression of China so your assumption of Indians thinking themselves stronger than Chinese does not ever arise. The military had the idea of your duplicity but was let down by the political leadership. 10000 ill equipped men with limited ammunition, no winter gear, no automatic assault weapon fought with 80000 men of a well equipped Army.

Now coming to what Indians really think of you, you should read of 1967 Chola incident and 1987 skirmishes, especially 1967 one. 1967 was not that far away from 1962 loss and yet Indian army was not a bit hesitant to reply the Chinese in their own currency. There is nothing you can do on Doklam military to force any status change. Its too long that you have controlled your geopolitics using two rogue nations using their nuclear blackmail but this time India has decided to pay you in the language you understand. You will realize how the nuclear blackmail works and conventionally there is zilch you can do against India. We might not be able to match you on equipment basis but we will match you on man to man basis which is more than enough to force at least a stalemate.

The links you provided again reinforces my belief of you being a propagandist!

Considering the India' literacy rate, life expectancy, HDI is far behind China. So I forgive your ignorance. You don't need to know China, you should know the world. Indians know the world? So India propaganda is a superpower? Terrible brainwashing, even if I give evidence. The Indians still believed in their poor propaganda.:lol:

BTW, Obama's brother, lives in China (Shenzhen), and has been 15 years. For now, he still has no intention of leaving... Oh, you are saying that Dalit's democratic and civilized world?

And it seems that more and more Indians live in China. This is the I live city - Anping county(安平). A county-level city.

All your arguments are full of logical contradictions. Even if you Its loopholes appeared one after another. make people laugh, still believe that India propaganda.

I'm sorry, I'm not an Indian, and I don't have the obligation to know what Nehru thinks.

Tibet belonged to China hundreds of years ago, and then UK tried to invade it. Indians know Dalai and the Panchen Lama is accepted China emperor canonized? Then Indians thought it was a reward for China? No, I think the reunification and independence of India is the biggest reward. India wants to inherit UK's colonization in South Asia, but unfortunately, India does not have this power.

BTW, because the India’ famine in 1951, China supplied 660 thousand tons of rice to India. Oh, it was during the Korean war.

According to your media, India deployed 12000 troops in the 1962 war, and there China are 22000 troops, We captured and killed more than 5100 India soldiers in 1962. You said India has only 10000 soldiers in the "forward policy"?????


It seems Indians except lie... Only brainwashing. Isn't it? Superpower.:-)
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Another childish but accurate illustration of Indian actions in Donglang.
Very sad indeed.
Grow up Indians,
your humiliation and bruised ego is result of Nehru's doing, not China's fault

Humiliation? You are warning us and we are saying the below. The mighty dragon seems to be f@rting a lot nowadays. The humiliation is on you and the entire world is watching how China is unable to do a thing.
Same BS repeated ten times a day. Thread starts with a warning and then Chinese bots fill the thread with GDP, Forex, Olympiad, IQ, Universities, Patents, Military strength,1962 etc etc. basically everything except acting on ground.

India is very primitive and backward, still China needed 2 months to prepare for a conflict?

Do these commies believe the BS they propagate ?
Barring the bots, who are paid to do this, the common man there doesn't have an option to not believe what is told to them.

Refute it and they'd be taken off the radar with their existence wiped out.

No one wants that.

Do they pay taxes on each of the posts? is there an incentive program for the most posts?

Sticking to the topic our best course of action is just to ignore it outright and let them make a fool of themselves.
Barring the bots, who are paid to do this, the common man there doesn't have an option to not believe what is told to them.

Refute it and they'd be taken off the radar with their existence wiped out.

No one wants that.

Man bored of these daily warnings and same replies. It seems every thread is copied from previous one with minor changes.

Its like a sequel of a movie or TV show that has been stretched beyond its hype and fans hope for series to die down respectfully like the Terminator and Fast & Furious movies.
View attachment 416648
Considering the India' literacy rate, life expectancy, HDI is far behind China. So I forgive your ignorance. You don't need to know China, you should know the world. Indians know the world? So India propaganda is a superpower? Terrible brainwashing, even if I give evidence. The Indians still believed in their poor propaganda.:lol:

BTW, Obama's brother, lives in China (Shenzhen), and has been 15 years. For now, he still has no intention of leaving... Oh, you are saying that Dalit's democratic and civilized world?

And it seems that more and more Indians live in China. This is the I live city - Anping county(安平). A county-level city.
View attachment 416657

All your arguments are full of logical contradictions. Even if you Its loopholes appeared one after another. make people laugh, still believe that India propaganda.

I'm sorry, I'm not an Indian, and I don't have the obligation to know what Nehru thinks.

Tibet belonged to China hundreds of years ago, and then UK tried to invade it. Indians know Dalai and the Panchen Lama is accepted China emperor canonized? Then Indians thought it was a reward for China? No, I think the reunification and independence of India is the biggest reward. India wants to inherit UK's colonization in South Asia, but unfortunately, India does not have this power.

BTW, because the India’ famine in 1951, China supplied 660 thousand tons of rice to India. Oh, it was during the Korean war.

According to your media, India deployed 12000 troops in the 1962 war, and there China are 22000 troops, We captured and killed more than 5100 India soldiers in 1962. You said India has only 10000 soldiers in the "forward policy"?????


It seems Indians except lie... Only brainwashing. Isn't it? Superpower.:-)

Chinese blothel, for your propaganda you do deserve 2 cents. Well, you may take pride on where Obama brothers wipe his as s but as per relevance to the post I made it makes no difference. If it makes you feel better, let me reveal that I also use made in China toilet paper (hail mothel China !).

Now your fancy imagination and your incoherent historical facts might suggest that China is the center of the universe and hence universe belongs to China but that is not how the modern world works. Chinese blothel, it makes zero difference to us what Ancient China had. You can write this down on some slip of paper and keep it where the sun doesn't shine to remember every time of what we think of Ancient China.

Second, whether there were 10K Indian troop or 12K, my greater point still remains valid. And my little blothel, we are not the nation who peddles lies to its citizenry. This great attribute is associated with nations like China and its girlfriend and boyfriend.

Third, you will come to the terms that Asia will be lead by two powers or more. India will ensure that Asia remains multipolar. Now the question is to you if you have the power to deny that!
Chinese blothel, for your propaganda you do deserve 2 cents. Well, you may take pride on where Obama brothers wipe his as s but as per relevance to the post I made it makes no difference. If it makes you feel better, let me reveal that I also use made in China toilet paper (hail mothel China !).

Now your fancy imagination and your incoherent historical facts might suggest that China is the center of the universe and hence universe belongs to China but that is not how the modern world works. Chinese blothel, it makes zero difference to us what Ancient China had. You can write this down on some slip of paper and keep it where the sun doesn't shine to remember every time of what we think of Ancient China.

Second, whether there were 10K Indian troop or 12K, my greater point still remains valid. And my little blothel, we are not the nation who peddles lies to its citizenry. This great attribute is associated with nations like China and its girlfriend and boyfriend.

Third, you will come to the terms that Asia will be lead by two powers or more. India will ensure that Asia remains multipolar. Now the question is to you if you have the power to deny that!
you happy just is good.:-)
I have already explained this before.

Let me do it once more. According to my analysis China will never dare to start a war with India. They have much to lose than India.

Apart from their trade, 80% of Chinese oil passes through Indian ocean. China surely will be tempted in desperation or frustration to pull a trigger to kills one or two soldiers or intrude & occupy some of Indian territory like before. But this assumption India will panic & call for peace & back off from Doklam to avoid escalation, will be a big mistake. That gamble will back fire & burst the bubble of the Chinese fake courage & threats. That would be an under estimation of Narendra Modi. Without second thought Modi will cut off the supply route from Indian ocean this time. China will literally panic & face bigger humiliation if this happens. That would be a diplomatic defeat for China as any Chinese later explanation of not wanting war so withdrawing will drastically alter the image of China & make all the smaller countries who are the victims of the Chinese hegemony immediately shift their full weight behind India, to make it the Regional leader. This is the gamble Chinese will never take, even though eventually it will happen, China can buy time to delay it.

Chinese Navy is definitely much bigger than India but it cannot defeat India in Indian ocean on the naval front. India has to only defend Malacca Strait, a small region to smash any Chinese aggression. India is not only the Don of Indian ocean, it also has arrangements with Vietnam to use its ports & bases to station its supplies & launch attacks. And due to the threats from Japan, Taiwan, US, Vietnam, Philippines, Malaysia, Brunei, Indonesia & other countries, China cannot even move half of it's navy to Indian ocean. It won't be a surprise, everybody will jump into attack from all sides to exploit Chinese vulnerability If China went to war with India. India alone, on its own can defeat China, without anybody's help on blue waters. Any naval war with India is suicide for China. It will face a certain defeat & it will end its dominating hegemonic Image. India is definitely vulnerable to Chinese Army & Air-force strength, if India & China are players of the war. But just Japan sides India, China will be facing an at par confrontation. Any additional countries will massively turn the tide in to Indian favor. If US & west enters, it's doom for China, unless Russia can take the side of China, even though that also won't save China. Russia with its economic condition won't risk being part of Chinese war. According to me Russia is only dependent of China for its money to keep up Russia's image & economy going. Otherwise any expert can tell the real story behind Putin & Jingping's bitterness & mistrust from their body language.

Russia will be quiet from any misadventures in world politics for next 2 years. I won't be surprised if in coming years they also tilt to US & west. Russia can never afford to lose India, because if China attacks Russia which is bound to happen in future, India is a country which will save major Russian losses. Russia will be more than happy to see a weaker China than its growing military muscle threat. (Siberia Factor)

The above video will tell the story.

India is preparing for a two front war just to be double safe, but I can confidently say China will never dare to attack India even if there is a war between India & pakistan. Wait & watch. I don't think I will be wrong.

If India stands strong, even small countries like Vietnam, Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia will have the courage to stand up against China. US or Japan cannot take on China without India. They can definitely defeat, but can have unbearable losses on their side too. This is the reason India is a key, to take down China because China can never defeat India on the naval front & mostly will never attack India due to India's control of Chinese trade & oil in Indian ocean.

So all the Pakistanis & others who are fantasizing & rejoicing India is made your life better by taking panga with China will again bite the dust & experience another disappointment. In-fact India has foiled Pakistan media's drum beating of Indian fake encounters, border claims & buzdil soldiers. This will spoil the so far small happiness Pak Gov.t & media used to get by calling Indian soldiers spineless cowards & announcing strikes & casualties fake. This story won't sell anymore as India is surprising not only Pakistan but China, Russia, US & the entire world.

Sit back & enjoy the empty vessel noise of China as it keeps throwing threats at every nation be it Vietnam, Japan, Taiwan, Philippines, US, Australia, Bhutan. The latest threat is to Britain as they are also joining the party to needle China by sending their biggest carrier. This is what India has done to China. The SCS is becoming more & more crowded with foreign intervention to Chinese distress. Chinese dejection & desperation is only going to increase more & more they push India.

As the saying goes Barking d0gs seldom bite.
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I have already explained this before.

Let me do it once more. According to my analysis China will never dare to start a war with India. They have much to lose than India.

Apart from their trade, 80% of Chinese oil passes through Indian ocean. China surely will be tempted in desperation or frustration to pull a trigger to kills one or two soldiers or intrude & occupy some of Indian territory like before. But this assumption India will panic & call for peace & back off from Doklam to avoid escalation, will be a big mistake. That gamble will back fire & burst the bubble of the Chinese fake courage & threats. That would be an under estimation of Narendra Modi. Without second thought Modi will cut off the supply route from Indian ocean this time. China will literally panic & face bigger humiliation if this happens. That would be a diplomatic defeat for China as any Chinese later explanation of not wanting war so withdrawing will drastically alter the image of China & make all the smaller countries who are the victims of the Chinese hegemony immediately shift their full weight behind India, to make it the Regional leader. This is the gamble Chinese will never take, even though eventually it will happen, China can buy time to delay it.

Chinese Navy is definitely much bigger than India but it cannot defeat India in Indian ocean on the naval front. India has to only defend Malacca Strait, a small region to smash any Chinese aggression. India is not only the Don of Indian ocean, it also has arrangements with Vietnam to use its ports & bases to station its supplies & launch attacks. And due to the threats from Japan, Taiwan, US, Vietnam, Philippines, Malaysia, Brunei, Indonesia & other countries, China cannot even move half of it's navy to Indian ocean. It won't be a surprise, everybody will jump into attack from all sides to exploit Chinese vulnerability If China went to war with India. India alone, on its own can defeat China, without anybody's help on blue waters. Any naval war with India is suicide for China. It will face a certain defeat & it will end its dominating hegemonic Image. India is definitely vulnerable to Chinese Army & Air-force strength, if India & China are players of the war. But just Japan sides India, China will be facing an at par confrontation. Any additional countries will massively turn the tide in to Indian favor. If US & west enters, it's doom for China, unless Russia can take the side of China, even though that also won't save China. Russia with its economic condition won't risk being part of Chinese war. According to me Russia is only dependent of China for its money to keep up Russia's image & economy going. Otherwise any expert can tell the real story behind Putin & Jingping's bitterness & mistrust from their body language.

Russia will be quiet from any misadventures in world politics for next 2 years. I won't be surprised if in coming years they also tilt to US & west. Russia can never afford to lose India, because if China attacks Russia which is bound to happen in future, India is a country which will save major Russian losses. Russia will be more than happy to see a weaker China than its growing military muscle threat. (Siberia Factor)

The above video will tell the story.

India is preparing for a two front war just to be double safe, but I can confidently say China will never dare to attack India even if there is a war between India & pakistan. Wait & watch. I don't think I will be wrong.

If India stands strong, even small countries like Vietnam, Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia will have the courage to stand up against China. US or Japan cannot take on China without India. They can definitely defeat, but can have unbearable losses on their side too. This is the reason India is a key, to take down China because China can never defeat India on the naval front & mostly will never attack India due to India's control of Chinese trade & oil in Indian ocean.

So all the Pakistanis & others who are fantasizing & rejoicing India is made your life better by taking panga with China will again bite the dust & experience another disappointment. In-fact India has foiled Pakistan media's drum beating of Indian fake encounters, border claims & buzdil soldiers. This will spoil the so far small happiness Pak Gov.t & media used to get by calling Indian soldiers spineless cowards & announcing strikes & casualties fake. This story won't sell anymore as India is surprising not only Pakistan but China, Russia, US & the entire world.

Sit back & enjoy the empty vessel noise of China as it keeps throwing threats at every nation be it Vietnam, Japan, Taiwan, Philippines, US, Australia, Bhutan. The latest threat is to Britain as they are also joining the party to needle China by sending their biggest carrier. This is what India has done to China. The SCS is becoming more & more crowded with foreign intervention to Chinese distress. Chinese dejection & desperation is only going to increase more & more they push India.

As the saying goes Barking d0gs seldom bite.
I doubt Modi will survive the first thermonuclear strikes on Delhi. Follow up nuclear strikes will reduce Indian population to just a few hundred.
I doubt Modi will survive the first thermonuclear strikes on Delhi. Follow up nuclear strikes will reduce Indian population to just a few hundred.
What happened already thinking of going nuclear,won't you have confidence on pla.
I have already explained this before.

Let me do it once more. According to my analysis China will never dare to start a war with India. They have much to lose than India.

Apart from their trade, 80% of Chinese oil passes through Indian ocean. China surely will be tempted in desperation or frustration to pull a trigger to kills one or two soldiers or intrude & occupy some of Indian territory like before. But this assumption India will panic & call for peace & back off from Doklam to avoid escalation, will be a big mistake. That gamble will back fire & burst the bubble of the Chinese fake courage & threats. That would be an under estimation of Narendra Modi. Without second thought Modi will cut off the supply route from Indian ocean this time. China will literally panic & face bigger humiliation if this happens. That would be a diplomatic defeat for China as any Chinese later explanation of not wanting war so withdrawing will drastically alter the image of China & make all the smaller countries who are the victims of the Chinese hegemony immediately shift their full weight behind India, to make it the Regional leader. This is the gamble Chinese will never take, even though eventually it will happen, China can buy time to delay it.

Chinese Navy is definitely much bigger than India but it cannot defeat India in Indian ocean on the naval front. India has to only defend Malacca Strait, a small region to smash any Chinese aggression. India is not only the Don of Indian ocean, it also has arrangements with Vietnam to use its ports & bases to station its supplies & launch attacks. And due to the threats from Japan, Taiwan, US, Vietnam, Philippines, Malaysia, Brunei, Indonesia & other countries, China cannot even move half of it's navy to Indian ocean. It won't be a surprise, everybody will jump into attack from all sides to exploit Chinese vulnerability If China went to war with India. India alone, on its own can defeat China, without anybody's help on blue waters. Any naval war with India is suicide for China. It will face a certain defeat & it will end its dominating hegemonic Image. India is definitely vulnerable to Chinese Army & Air-force strength, if India & China are players of the war. But just Japan sides India, China will be facing an at par confrontation. Any additional countries will massively turn the tide in to Indian favor. If US & west enters, it's doom for China, unless Russia can take the side of China, even though that also won't save China. Russia with its economic condition won't risk being part of Chinese war. According to me Russia is only dependent of China for its money to keep up Russia's image & economy going. Otherwise any expert can tell the real story behind Putin & Jingping's bitterness & mistrust from their body language.

Russia will be quiet from any misadventures in world politics for next 2 years. I won't be surprised if in coming years they also tilt to US & west. Russia can never afford to lose India, because if China attacks Russia which is bound to happen in future, India is a country which will save major Russian losses. Russia will be more than happy to see a weaker China than its growing military muscle threat. (Siberia Factor)

The above video will tell the story.

India is preparing for a two front war just to be double safe, but I can confidently say China will never dare to attack India even if there is a war between India & pakistan. Wait & watch. I don't think I will be wrong.

If India stands strong, even small countries like Vietnam, Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia will have the courage to stand up against China. US or Japan cannot take on China without India. They can definitely defeat, but can have unbearable losses on their side too. This is the reason India is a key, to take down China because China can never defeat India on the naval front & mostly will never attack India due to India's control of Chinese trade & oil in Indian ocean.

So all the Pakistanis & others who are fantasizing & rejoicing India is made your life better by taking panga with China will again bite the dust & experience another disappointment. In-fact India has foiled Pakistan media's drum beating of Indian fake encounters, border claims & buzdil soldiers. This will spoil the so far small happiness Pak Gov.t & media used to get by calling Indian soldiers spineless cowards & announcing strikes & casualties fake. This story won't sell anymore as India is surprising not only Pakistan but China, Russia, US & the entire world.

Sit back & enjoy the empty vessel noise of China as it keeps throwing threats at every nation be it Vietnam, Japan, Taiwan, Philippines, US, Australia, Bhutan. The latest threat is to Britain as they are also joining the party to needle China by sending their biggest carrier. This is what India has done to China. The SCS is becoming more & more crowded with foreign intervention to Chinese distress. Chinese dejection & desperation is only going to increase more & more they push India.

As the saying goes Barking d0gs seldom bite.

= I can feel your inner dhotti shivering.

so keep burning more agarbatti and pray to Lord Shiva's lingam that China will never dare to start a war with India.

Chinese in recent days have overtaken Bangladeshis for Indian entertainment. Seeing the Chinese trolls post same messages in thread after thread gives us no surprise in CCP paid trolls trying to scaremonger international people.

China, better luck bullying small neighbours. IA was not ready in 62, did not even think China will attack. But now we are ready. Not for war. We Indians are not rich yet like the Chinese. But ready to defend our motherland and our friends.
there is NO Chinese army in your India land yet, but you have India army in Chinese territory, follow your logic, Chinese army are defending their motherland, can you understand that?
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= I can feel your inner dhotti shivering.

so keep burning more agarbatti and pray to Lord Shiva's lingam that China will never dare to start a war with India.


Calm down dude, your frustration is evident... meanwhile check out international reactions

It will die down once China comes to her sense's.

there is NO Chinese army in your India land yet, but you have India army in Chinese territory, follow your logic, they are defending their motherland, can you understand that?

Put this into perspective you are in Bhutanese land and in violation of their sovereignty. India will defend Bhutanese sovereignty at all costs.
Calm down dude, your frustration is evident... meanwhile check out international reactions

It will die down once China comes to her sense's.

Put this into perspective you are in Bhutanese land and in violation of their sovereignty. India will defend Bhutanese sovereignty at all costs.

yayaya and thus,

pray more to Lord Shiva's lingam that war will not happen.

Hope u have spare dhotis
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