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China must recover territory ‘looted' by neighbours, said PLA General

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But you do forget..we did defeat you in two weeks.

That is true, but in a territory divided by a thousand miles, that had a raging insurgency, where it's troops were massively outnumbered.

Try it on the Pakistani Homeland - if you dare:) but if even the Mumbai and parliament attacks and other things - cause india not to retaliate then I am afraid the indian armed forces and state, realise that any such war with Pakistan is unwinnable :pakistan:
That is true, but in a territory divided by a thousand miles, that had a raging insurgency, where it's troops were massively outnumbered.

Try it on the Pakistani Homeland - if you dare:) but if even the Mumbai and parliament attacks and other things - cause india not to retaliate then I am afraid the indian armed forces and state, realise that any such war with Pakistan is unwinnable :pakistan:
pakistan accused us for all the bombing in pakistan.. they even have the evidence... if india didnot attack pakistan after mumbai incident and if there is big question mark over indian army..then try to think what is the credibility of pakistanis army who cannot do anything after having 100 of mumbai like bombings in pakistan....
President of Brazil..!

And his name is Luiz Inácio, Lula da Silva



Former President of Brazil and a great man, also a friend of Pakistan:pakistan:
That is true, but in a territory divided by a thousand miles, that had a raging insurgency, where it's troops were massively outnumbered.

Try it on the Pakistani Homeland - if you dare:) but if even the Mumbai and parliament attacks and other things - cause india not to retaliate then I am afraid the indian armed forces and state, realise that any such war with Pakistan is unwinnable :pakistan:

Is there any tourism development happening in Siachin now a days?
pakistan accused us for all the bombing in pakistan.. they even have the evidence... if india didnot attack pakistan after mumbai incident and if there is big question mark over indian army..then try to think what is the credibility of pakistanis army who cannot do anything after having 100 of mumbai like bombings in pakistan....

My friend just over 1,200 people were killed in 2010 in terrorist attacks in Pakistan.

This is the amount of people killed in Naxalite attacks.

Deadly mission
Last year more than 1,000 people were killed in Naxalite areas, many of them civilians.
Baderna freely admits that he and Latta took part in the planting of roadside bombs that killed scores of policemen.
"I was involved in three big operations near Dantewade (Southern Chhattisgarh). In the first seven people were killed and we were both involved in that. In the second nineteen people were killed and in the third one, sixteen people were killed. And there were lots of smaller operations too."
Baderna insists that he never killed civilians, but concentrated solely on targeting police officers.

Last year more than 1000 people were killed in Naxalite areas
"We planted the landmines in the road when we knew that policemen were coming in large numbers. There were two buttons, red and green, and our duty was just to press the red button and it would explode."
To help convince me that they took care not to kill civilians, Latta adds:
"We had intelligence from the village. They would tells us that the police are coming and then we would set off the explosives. We had the registration numbers of the police cars, so we knew [if] it was the police coming."
How, I asked them, did they justify the taking of human life to justify their group or personal ideology?
"I can't explain" replied Latta, "he will tell you", pointing at her husband.
Staring me straight in the eye, Baderna replies: "I felt that we were fighting a noble cause. Police are hired to work for businessmen and capitalists and we are society's policemen. So, there is nothing wrong with killing the police."
Baderna seemed untroubled by the fact that he and his fellow insurgents had been taking supplies from the very same capitalists that he despises the police so much for protecting.

Baderna and Latta do not want their daughter to follow in their footsteps
Not only that but he gives me the distinct impression that he still feels the killing of policemen is justified.
This despite the fact that he claims to have turned his back on Naxalism and is talking to me inside a police station full of armed officers.
The couple went on to tell me how they got married in the jungle in a simple Naxalite ceremony.
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That is true, but in a territory divided by a thousand miles, that had a raging insurgency, where it's troops were massively outnumbered.

Try it on the Pakistani Homeland - if you dare:) but if even the Mumbai and parliament attacks and other things - cause india not to retaliate then I am afraid the indian armed forces and state, realise that any such war with Pakistan is unwinnable :pakistan:

Give any excuse what you want.. but bottom line remains the same.

India forced your army to surrender within two weeks

Even we were fighting on two separate fronts.. separated by thousand miles.

India being a responsible nation does not want a nuclear holocaust..otherwise you would have your same two weeks theory action again and again.
But you do forget..we did defeat you in two weeks.

of course you defeated us in 2 weeks through deceit, through terrorism using mukti bahini which unleashed death and destruction in bengal, when mukti bahini was unable to defeat pakistani army and when it was exhausted you invaded,

Whats worse is pakistan army was fighting 1600 kilometres away, it was by far the largest distance any army was fighting from its land since WW2 and it took you 2 weeks to defeat an army which had no air and naval support.
Is there any tourism development happening in Siachin now a days?

Yes we have a lovely beach resort there especially for our indian friends, do not forget to pack your swimming trunks, and also remember to bring your bucket and spade. :azn:
Give any excuse what you want.. but bottom line remains the same.

India forced your army to surrender within two weeks

Even we were fighting on two separate fronts.. separated by thousand miles.

India being a responsible nation does not want a nuclear holocaust..otherwise you would have your same two weeks theory action again and again.

Bring it on son, don't just flap your lips. :bunny:
Former President of Brazil and a great man, also a friend of Pakistan:pakistan:

Former?? When?? I think Missed the News..!

Anyway,,He is a Great and strong man who take decisions on his own :cheers:
The Sino-Pakistan alliance is stronger now than it has ever been.

If India attacks Pakistan, not only are they attacking our close ally, India would also be threatening our access to Gwadar, pipelines and KKH.

If India attacks Pakistan, they will be hit on two fronts, by both China and Pakistan.
of course you defeated us in 2 weeks through deceit, through terrorism using mukti bahini which unleashed death and destruction in bengal, when mukti bahini was unable to defeat pakistani army and when it was exhausted you invaded,

Whats worse is pakistan army was fighting 1600 kilometres away, it was by far the largest distance any army was fighting from its land since WW2 and it took you 2 weeks to defeat an army which had no air and naval support.

What even worse is that you still consider it is 1600 Km away while you are a part of it. That is why the problem begun
Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, who steps down after two terms on Jan. 1, urged Brazilians to support his successor, Dilma Rousseff, in just the same way as he was supported at “all times.”

During a nationwide televised speech today, Lula said Brazil’s economy will expand by “a record of almost 8 percent” this year. Brazil’s economy grew 7.85 percent in 1985 and 9.2 percent in 1980, according to the Institute of Applied Economic Research, known as IPEA.

“I ask everyone to support the new president, just as you supported me in all moments,” Lula said in his speech. “This also means demanding in the right time.”

Yes Lula is a great man, also a good friend of Pakistan and the developing world, may he enjoy his retirement.
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