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China backs Myanmar in Rohingya crisis

DSR sb,

I dont know whether you consider Islam to be your nation; or Pakistan. I dont whether ISIS are the best Muslims or not. How do you expect me to answer the question? You have to answer!

DSR sb,

and I as a Muslim should support ISIS since it's a Caliphate.

If you believe that your nation is Islam and ISIS are the best Muslims, you should.


Your post illustrates the level of ignorance you possess.

There's nothing Islamic about ISIS.
You know we all can talk. Talk is cheap. What matters is the tangible product our talk creates. After 70 years of talking and being clever this is what we Pakistanis have made of our city - Karachi. Then compare what Chinese have made of their city - Shanghai.

We need to learn from the Chinese instead acting smart and giving them lessons.

You didnt read me at all. It was DSR who brought in ISIS, I have no opinion about whether ISIS is Islamic or not. It is for DSR sb to decide.

@Kaptaan is a "PDF Think Tank" and "consultant", with his view of supporting Myanmar genocide, one should wonder what kind of consultation he is providing to PDF; state sponsored terrorism, barbarism?????

PDF authorities owe an answer to its members.
I am sorry. I didnt see so much anger when Tamils were slaughtered in 2009 in Sri Lanka. You guys were busy exterminate them like kinda comments. Pakistan, Bangladesh didnt utter a word. Now you guys expect India to comment something? Just cos they are Muslims?

Apples and oranges situation mate. The Tamil Tigers were an internationally recognised terrorist group responsible for the deaths of tens of thousands of civilians, pioneers of suicide bombing attacks, assassinated two presidents etc. Even India after supporting this terrorist movement backtracked eventually.
is a "PDF Think Tank" and "consultant", with his view of supporting Myanmar genocide
Where did I say I support any genocide of any people? All I said is I concur with Chinese policy in the region and feel Pakistan should show solidarity with Beijing with whom Pakistan has strategic interests. Which is not the same thing as supporting genocide. In the coming months with Trump getting more vocal with his barking we needs Chinese help to put a leash on that canine. As somebody who comes from Pakistan I have a right to express what I think is better for Pakistan. I am not here to represent what I percieve as Bangla or Rohingya interests. Thanks god those were severed in 1971.
DSR sb,

I dont know whether you consider Islam to be your nation; or Pakistan. I dont whether ISIS are the best Muslims or not. How do you expect me to answer the question? You have to answer!


I expect you to answer appropriately, not give some absurd answer with even more absurd logic behind it.
Bhai DSR,

I am a mere mortal not a supercomputer. How do I know whether ISIS is Islamic or not, am I a Muslim? How do I know whether you consider yourself a Muslim first or a Pakistani?

Apples and oranges situation mate. The Tamil Tigers were an internationally recognised terrorist group responsible for the deaths of tens of thousands of civilians, pioneers of suicide bombing attacks, assassinated two presidents etc. Even India after supporting this terrorist movement backtracked eventually.

Lol. THe same justification have been used by Myanmar. I am not talking of LTTE cadres here. But the death of civilians in LTTE captured areas which SL army shelled without remorse. 40k is the most conservative estimate given by the UN. I didnt see Pakistanis or other Muslims jumping up and down. Infact in this same pdf were cheering for it. Now when Muslims are persecuted you guys go bonker. I am appaled by the hypocrisy. Nothing more.

I am not sure about us guys but personally i was never aware of any such thing. As for Bangladesh taking them in, it was nice of you to take yours in but that do not means everyone should follow that example. They have their own country and world must work to make sure they can live there in peace. Sorry if the concept sounds alien to you.


You sir reinforce my point. You never was even aware because you guys never cared until unless get killed anywhere is a Muslim.

I am not advocating the Rohingyas also to be subject to genocide. I want them to live in Burma with peace and prosperity. If that cannot happen BD should take them. 2m population would not cause much long term strain. We had 10m refugees at one point of 71 war and nearly 4m settled in India after the war. BD should take them in if all measures fail is my opinion. India is already in talks with Burma to take back the refugees. ARSA attacks is making the situation bad. They had fragile peace since 2012, thanks to ARSA terrorist group war has broken again
Lol. THe same justification have been used by Myanmar. I am not talking of LTTE cadres here. But the death of civilians in LTTE captured areas which SL army shelled without remorse. 40k is the most conservative estimate given by the UN. I didnt see Pakistanis or other Muslims jumping up and down. Infact in this same pdf were cheering for it. Now when Muslims are persecuted you guys go bonker. I am appaled by the hypocrisy. Nothing more.

Again apples and oranges. Sri Lanka never denied the Tamils nationality (@Gibbs can u confirm this?). The Rohingyas on the other hand have no rights since they are not recognised as citizens of the country. They have no political representation in the Burmese centre or in the military. Meanwhile Tamils in Sri Lanka have elected members of parliament and several generals and admirals in the country's armed forces are/have been Tamil.
Your post illustrates the level of ignorance you possess.

There's nothing Islamic about ISIS.

Then why it named as ISLAMIC STATE not Buddhists or Sikh or Christian state??

2.Why only Muslim youth from all around the world joining in IS??

On OP: That is nothing new China cares about only her interests and we all know their treatment in Xinjinag muslims:rofl:
Then why it named as ISLAMIC STATE not Buddhists or Sikh or Christian state??

2.Why only Muslim youth from all around the world joining in IS??

On OP: That is nothing new China cares about only her interests and we all know their treatment in Xinjinag muslims:rofl:

Your an ignoramus.
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