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China backs Myanmar in Rohingya crisis

So,as long as nobody touches Chinese nationals,it doesnt matter what happens to others,all is fine?
And whats with the Nazi/racist ideas?

Nazi/racist ideas means putting "race" above the "nation".

For me, and for the Chinese government, the Chinese "nation" comes first, which is made up of 56 different ethnic groups.

So yes, I will always put Chinese citizens first. Even if a foreigner shares my ethnic group (Han) does NOT mean I will put him over a fellow Chinese citizen from a different ethnic group, such as Zhuang. I would consider that to be a treasonous act, to put race above nation.
Nazi/racist ideas means putting "race" above the "nation".

For me, and for the Chinese government, the Chinese "nation" comes first, which is made up of 56 different ethnic groups.

So yes, I will always put Chinese citizens first. Even if a foreigner shares my ethnic group (Han) does NOT mean I will put him over a fellow Chinese citizen from a different ethnic group, such as Zhuang. I would consider that to be a treasonous act, to put race above nation.

Violence against different ethnic groups, whether Muslim or Chinese. Wouldn't you say the problem is the Myanmar government?
Violence against different ethnic groups, whether Muslim or Chinese. Wouldn't you say the problem is the Myanmar government?

The problem is the Myanmar government and military, that's probably true.

However, China is still a developing country, we already have 1.3 billion of our own citizens to worry about. As a nation we have to do what is best for our own citizens first, foreigners will have to wait.

Maybe when we are a developed country, we can consider using our excess capacity for other things, but that is a long way off.

Let the "global policeman" handle the issue if they want, although under Trump they seem to be opting for a more isolationist stance. If the Muslim world can't stand Myanmar's policies (and for good reason) they have more than enough resources to take care of all the Rohingya and crush Myanmar too, if they actually wanted to do that. But apparently they don't want to do that.
The problem is the Myanmar government and military, that's probably true.

However, China is still a developing country, we already have 1.3 billion of our own citizens to worry about. As a nation we have to do what is best for our own citizens first, foreigners will have to wait.

Maybe when we are a developed country, we can consider using our excess capacity for other things, but that is a long way off.

Let the "global policeman" handle the issue if they want, although under Trump they seem to be opting for a more isolationist stance. If the Muslim world can't stand Myanmar's policies (and for good reason) they have more than enough resources to take care of all the Rohingya and crush Myanmar too, if they actually wanted to do that. But apparently they don't want to do that.

Like I said in one of my previous posts, the reality is no one cares that much.

Or definitely not enough to really do anything about it.

As I've said before the only crime the rohingya people committed is being poor and unimportant strategically.

Like I said in one of my previous posts, the reality is no one cares that much.

Or definitely not enough to really do anything about it.

As I've said before the only crime the rohingya people committed is being poor and unimportant strategically.

Still, on the topic of Myanmar, it's a tin pot country which obviously holds the interest of the regional players. Apparently more so than Bangladesh.

It appears Myanmar is the favored sibling.
I don't see anything wrong with Chinese policy toward others with Chinese roots. It's rather simple. It's rather clear. Indeed beautifully so. With a population that is touching 1.4 billion people more than next 50 countries PRC has to keep a tight grip on the direction it takes. It has the fortunes of 1.4 billion people on it's back. That is lot of responsibility to have. There are 10s of millions of ethnic Chinese abroad. Indeed entire countries like Taiwan, Singapore are made of ethnic Chinese. Others like Malaysia etc have huge numbers of Chinese minorities.

If PRC did not adhere to strict and coherant foreign policy it would quickly become mired or stuck in dozens of problems across the globe that would deflect and hurt PRC from it's primary responsibility. I give two examples here to contrast this. The Pak state and PRC. Pak state has a habit and it's people have become addicted with sticking their noses into every single issue on planewt earth that remotely involves circumcized people - as long as they are not Jews.

At differant times Paks have become animated about Palestinians, Arabs, Afghans, Uighurs, Syrians, Rohingyas etc etc. In the 1970s Pak state cultivated love for Arabs. In 1980s Pak cultivated jihad to help fellow Afghan brothers. The result of all this "charity" is Pak has built up hatreds and animosities when it had no bone in the fight. The Pak state has also restricted and tied itself as a consequence of this "charity work" helping Muslims of the world.

Now lets look at what it achieved. Afghans positively hate Pakistan while Indians are touted. Now Paks love calling Afghans "namakharams". Okay when did you make this freakin conclusion? After you spent decade plus helpinh Afghanistan and provoking Russia or before? Now of course the 1980s policy has boomaranged. After all that "love, love" now we have "hate, hate". Compare this with India. It stayed distant and today is sat pretty in Kabul laughing away.

For decades Pak has supported the Palestinian cause and as manifestation of that refuses to engage Israel. In doing so Pak has bought US Jewish lobby unrelented hate. Result we see how in Washington Pak gets shafted at every turn. As a comparison take Turkey. It has all along recognized and played along with Israel. yet Turkey carries more traction with Palestinians then Pak does. Tuekey even today has full diplomatic relationship with Israel. I note that US has no problems with Turkey recieving the 5th gen American fighters coming out this decade.

Now let's look at what the primary interest of a state is. What the primary interest of Pak citizens is. That is to have a clean, prosperous, healthy, ordered home. That is what Pak state should be doing first. Well go visit Karachi or the countryside. Poverty, no education, conflict, sectarian wars, crime mafias, disfunctional state system. People so poor that they are selling their kidneys. People are being killed in droves. Povery causing suicide. Inequality and suffering on a scale that you struggle to comprehend. Dirt. Filth and chaos everywhere. Roads that resmble like death runs. This is the freakin state of the country. This is the responsibility of the Pak state which it has faile miserably yet it wants to do charity abroad. Pak can't run Karachi slums but it wants to launch charity runs half way across the world.

Now compare this to PRC. Go to Shanghai, go to Shenzhen. Go to rest of China. The entire country and it's people are being lifted up in a single mindeded effort like never seen ever before. I wish Pak state would do exactly like what PRC does. Clean it's mess at home before it goes and cries about rest of the world.

However, China is still a developing country, we already have 1.3 billion of our own citizens to worry about. As a nation we have to do what is best for our own citizens first, foreigners will have to wait.
Bingo. Charity begins at home. Read my post above.

You guys never bothered cos they were non muslims. Burma expelled Indians too. We took them and re-settled them. Bangladesh should now take them in.
I am not sure about us guys but personally i was never aware of any such thing. As for Bangladesh taking them in, it was nice of you to take yours in but that do not means everyone should follow that example. They have their own country and world must work to make sure they can live there in peace. Sorry if the concept sounds alien to you.
Luffy mian,

And who decides what pro-pakistan or anti-pakistan?

Every Pakistani, as per his own independent judgement.

And more importantly why should being this "pro-pakistan" be something good

Being pro-Pakistan is something good if the person is a Pakistani. I can understand that as a BD who suffered a lot from Pakistanis in 1970-71, being pro Pak is not good for YOU. But for a Pak citizen like Kaptaan sahib, being pro-Pak is not only good but the ONLY HONOURABLE COURSE to take.


It's not honourable to be pro-Pakistan if Pakistan isn't exactly being the best country in the world right now, is it?

My stance is support Pakistan when it does something good, and don't when it does something bad. This is a very objective standard, and is based on my values, but it's how I deal with political issues in the nation.

For example, letting America do drone strikes = bad, but making nuclear weapons = good.
It's not honourable to be pro-Pakistan if Pakistan isn't exactly being the best country in the world right now, is it?

Pakistan is the best country in the world (or should be) for all Pakistanis just as India is the best country for all Indians and so on.....

No. Emphatically not. This is something the mullahs and their ilk peddle. If the Rohingya were Hindu they would still be getting jacked with as much force. If you look at the post 1948 Burma the Indian community was discriminated by the Burmans. This is part of the same reflex.

And I am adopting the same "considered amnesia" that Pakistan has adopted with regard to Uighur Muslims. I don't have endless supply of tears - if I am going to shed them I would much rather do it for Kashmiris across the LOC. Rather than become some freakling global contractor for Muslim suffering.

Even inside Pakistan there is enough suffering and pain that could do with our empathy. For example the entire Afghan refugee diaspora in Pakistan is hated and discriminated because of the actions of some. Are they not Muslim? Or is "Muslim" tag to be used when convenient but ignored when not so convenient?

when everybody is having a party all will be your friends. When tough choices have to be made - like doing something you might not be happy with is hallmark of true friend. Pakistan will stand by Chinese policy with regards to Myanmar.

As much as China will stand by Pakistan despite Trump barking.

Even the suffering of a single Muslim should sadden the believers.

I agree many have selective tears, winging over Palestine but never mentioning Mali, however, that doesn't negate the point that any Muslim who suffers, we should weep for.

It's not honourable to be pro-Pakistan if Pakistan isn't exactly being the best country in the world right now, is it?

Pakistan is the best country in the world (or should be) for all Pakistanis just as India is the best country for all Indians and so on.....


No offence, but that's a very silly viewpoint to take.

Hindustan cannot give 60% of its country toilets, whilst it's busy sending rockets to Mars. That's pathetic, these Martian rockets won't give those people toilets will they?

As per your logic, German's in WW2 should have supported Nazi Germany, and I as a Muslim should support ISIS since it's a Caliphate.

Sorry but your case just doesn't make sense, it's blind nationalism.

We protested

I'm no Chinese but in your position I'd want the military to put Burma's army in it's place.

Chinese Americans are Americans, they won't hesitate to shoot at we Chinese if a war broke out between two countries.

I'm pretty sure not all of them are like that, especially the older generations.

The problem is the Myanmar government and military, that's probably true.

However, China is still a developing country, we already have 1.3 billion of our own citizens to worry about. As a nation we have to do what is best for our own citizens first, foreigners will have to wait.

Maybe when we are a developed country, we can consider using our excess capacity for other things, but that is a long way off.

Let the "global policeman" handle the issue if they want, although under Trump they seem to be opting for a more isolationist stance. If the Muslim world can't stand Myanmar's policies (and for good reason) they have more than enough resources to take care of all the Rohingya and crush Myanmar too, if they actually wanted to do that. But apparently they don't want to do that.

Muslim world won't do that because the Muslim governments have embraced secularism.

Only Muslims you're going to see fighting against those who treat Muslims poorly are the likes of ISIS and Al Qaeda, which is rather depressing because they'll also kill the Muslims they're supposedly helping if their Islam isn't up to snuff.
DSR sb,

and I as a Muslim should support ISIS since it's a Caliphate.

If you believe that your nation is Islam and ISIS are the best Muslims, you should.

The Rohingya is not Pakistan's problem.

I think this is Myanmar's internal affairs.

Of course it is wrong the way the Rohingyas are treated.
To cap what I said earlier. The Pakistani state cannot even manage to do something as simple as count number of it's citizens. In another thread there are many Paks complaining that Karachi has been under enumerated. Whether it has or not I can't say for a fact. However what I can and anybody else can conclude is Pakistan and it's people can't even freakin agree on a simple thing like census without that turning into a big contested controversy.

This exposes the shear divided, conflicted, undeveloped polity at home. Yet the same people who can't even run a city - indeed that city has become notorious for disorder and crime are crying and shedding tears for a problem on other side of the continent that requires the services of a superpower to remedy.

As long as people in Pakistan run around crying about rest of the world their own country will continue to resemble a pi*ss poor undeveloped country. How about morality? How about the morality to provide right to a prosperous, safe, educated, secure life to the young children of Pakistan that tonight are going to sleep hungry or sick?

We have given up the care of our weak and broken to charities like Edhi etc etc but we want our country to go sort out the mess in the world. What a contradiction. Sort the mess out at home first. You just might be in more firmer ground to help others then.
DSR sb,

and I as a Muslim should support ISIS since it's a Caliphate.

If you believe that your nation is Islam and ISIS are the best Muslims, you should.


I'm sorry but that answer was incorrect, you're supposed to say "Support your country so long as it doesn't do terrible things", not "Yeah support ISIS if that's what you think dude".

I'm pretty sure that viewpoint of yours could get someone arrested if said in the public space.

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