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China backs Myanmar in Rohingya crisis

Wow,didnt know that,how many are there?
Tens of thousands, this poor Chinese villager took in over 100 Burmese refugees home, saying although I m poor, they are poorer than me.

Below is an anti CCP TV channel, Using Kokang issue to attack CCP government
Tens of thousands, this poor Chinese villager took in over 100 Burmese refugees home, saying although I m poor, they are poorer than me.
So,why doesnt China do something about it,its your people?
Stop the sale of the fc-1/JF-17,pressure the Myanmar government with economic sanctions or military.
So,why doesnt China do something about it,its your people?

Because they are not Chinese citizens.

China isn't responsible for every single foreign national in the world who might have had Chinese ancestry, otherwise we would have to take care of people like Gordon Chang as well. Chinese people as individuals can choose to help them but the Chinese state has a duty to Chinese citizens first.

And in any case we have provided humanitarian assistance and refugee camps for the Kokang refugees that have crossed the border.
So,why doesnt China do something about it,its your people?
Stop the sale of the fc-1/JF-17,pressure the Myanmar government with economic sanctions or military.
China did mass troops at the border to scare Myanmar after they bombed a village inside China and killed 4 Chinese people. but politics are never that simple, it's very complicated.
Chinese rise is because of capitalist policies and determination not atheism.

You needed an atheist revolution to prime China for rocketsled-level economic growth 30 years later......

The fact that China won, and every Hindu,Buddhist,Muslim,Christian (non-Western ones) majority country lost in the race for development. is precisely due to the fact that China turned Atheist...

Now it is too late cause the world at any time cannot support more than 2 billion people on developed lifestyle level

Pre-Mao China was a hotbed of religious superstition giving rise to notions that Taoist Chi superpower can stop western military weapons..This led to the debacle of Boxer Rebellion..........This is not unlike Indian Babas and Swamis claiming you can live on Prana without food, that Yogic penances give you superpower and you should revere these Yogis for that...That Yogis can break the laws of physics, stop their heartbeats, live without breathing...It is this rampant superstitious beliefs that is sapping the energy of the Indian people........On top of that belief in pseudo-science (nuclear warfare and alien spaceships in Ramayana,Mahabharata) and pseudo-history (Ramayana,Mbh are true history while actual history of Magadhan kings being unimportant) is rampant and viral in the educated classes of India...China has a much better sense of what is historically true and what is not

Mao may have been bad because of the untold sufferings brought on Chinese people due to his ill timed revolutions..But Chinese people should revere Him for dragging them into rationality and atheism inspite of protestations........The atheist revolution is not over in China as there are vestiges of Chinese superstitions left and Chrsitianity is worryingly increasing there...But their problems with religious/superstitious irrationality is nowhere near the level of India or Middle East or Africa
Because they are not Chinese citizens.

China isn't responsible for every single foreign national in the world who might have had Chinese ancestry. Chinese people as individuals can choose to help them but the Chinese state has a duty to Chinese citizens first.

And in any case we have provided humanitarian assistance and refugee camps for the Kokang refugees that have crossed the border.
Wow,your government really has strange policies,ancestry is just an excuse,they are Chinese(one of the many ethnicities).
Arent the Kokang just Han Chinese born in Burma?
So if a Chinese person isnt born in China,he/she is not Chinese?

China did mass troops at the border to scare Myanmar after they bombed a village inside China and killed 4 Chinese people. but politics are never that simple, it's very complicated.
They bombed your village and you did nothing back?
Its time China did something else but politics,wouldnt you agree?
Wow,your government really has strange policies,ancestry is just an excuse,they are Chinese(one of the many ethnicities).
Arent the Kokang just Han Chinese born in Burma?
So if a Chinese person isnt born in China,he/she is not Chinese?

Well this is true of most countries in the world isn't it?

Does Turkey consider Chinese Uyghurs to be Turkish nationals?

Does Britain consider White Americans of English/Scottish/Irish ethnic descent to be British nationals?

Is Donald Trump a British+German national due to his ancestry?

Does India consider European Roma to be Indian nationals?

Nationality and Ancestry/Ethnicity are not the same thing.
Wow,your government really has strange policies,ancestry is just an excuse,they are Chinese(one of the many ethnicities).
Arent the Kokang just Han Chinese born in Burma?
So if a Chinese person isnt born in China,he/she is not Chinese?
You are right, if they were not born in China, they are no different from any other non Chinese foreigners.

Wow,your government really has strange policies,ancestry is just an excuse,they are Chinese(one of the many ethnicities).
Arent the Kokang just Han Chinese born in Burma?
So if a Chinese person isnt born in China,he/she is not Chinese?

They bombed your village and you did nothing back?
Its time China did something else but politics,wouldnt you agree?
If China attacks Myanmar, that will cause international uproars, if Myanmar attacks China, it's ok and can be accepted by the international community.
Should have! People should have talked about it. Not only that should have been highlighted but condemned as well. May be that would have stopped what is going on today from happening and precious lives could have been saved.

You guys never bothered cos they were non muslims. Burma expelled Indians too. We took them and re-settled them. Bangladesh should now take them in.
Well this is true of most countries in the world isn't it?

Does Turkey consider Chinese Uyghurs to be Turkish nationals?

Does Britain consider White Americans of English/Scottish/Irish descent to be British nationals?

Nationality and Ancestry/Ethnicity are not the same thing.
What a comparison,they are at your border.
We took in many Turkmens(Turks) from Syria and Iraq.
Uyghurs are Turkic,they are not Turks and they are not in the situation the Kokang(life threathening) are.
The Kokang are more Chinese then the Uyghurs are Turks.
Find some other situations to compare.

If China attacks Myanmar, that will cause international uproars, if Myanmar attacks China, it's ok and can be accepted by the international community.
In this case,the whole world would support you,at least those that matter.
What a comparison,they are at your border.
We took in many Turkmens(Turks) from Syria and Iraq.
Uyghurs are Turkic,they are not Turks and they are not in the situation the Kokang(life threathening) are.
The Kokang are more Chinese then the Uyghurs are Turks.
Find some other situations to compare.

Kokang are Burmese nationals, the Chinese government only has a duty to Chinese citizens first.

Our foreign policy doesn't run on Nazi/racist ideas.
Kokang are Burmese nationals, the Chinese government only has a duty to Chinese citizens first.

Our foreign policy doesn't run on Nazi/racist ideas.
So,as long as nobody touches Chinese nationals,it doesnt matter what happens to others,all is fine?
And whats with the Nazi/racist ideas?

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