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Çay Bahçesi

this pic speaks a thousand words... screw the wahabi :

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I grew up here in NYC so I usually went to which ever mosque was closest to my home. I spent some time attending a wahabbi mosque and the Imam there was a nice dude but he used to talk mad shit about shias openly like shias are kaffir the same as one says hello or goodbye like in passing you know. Over time I started to echo his views and used to be like damn shia kaffirs and the ironic part is half of my family is shia and my shia uncle used to lead me in prayer when I was young. A few years later I realized how easily one can become indoctrinated lol then we wonder why there is so much blood shed in our part of the world. Also in the same mosque they used to tell me pull my pants up over my ankles or my namaz won't count I was like wtf lol.
I have seen many shias in Turkish mosques here, mostly Iraqis, there is no chance a Turkish Imam can spread hate because even European mosques get their Imams from Turkey.
The Imams get paid by state and they can be fired if they spreads racism and separatism.

there are Turk extremists too... when we my father was posted in FC.. We caught a Turk commander who was tryin to escape the area... his wife was pregnant...
Yes but they are few in numbers and didnt became extremists in Turkish mosques.
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I have seen many shias in Turkish mosques here, mostly Iraqis, there is no chance a Turkish Imam can spread hate because even European mosques get ther Imams from Turkey.
The Imams get paid by state and they can be fired if they spreads racism and separatism.

Yes but they are few in numbers and didnt became extremists in Turkish mosques.
Also they follow the hanafi madhab so any time you go to a dyanet mosque you see the same thing and also turks are not confused about how to pray etc. If everyone follows a madhab and stays with it then we will not run into issues.
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I have seen many shias in Turkish mosques here, mostly Iraqis, there is no chance a Turkish Imam can spread hate because even European mosques get their Imams from Turkey.
The Imams get paid by state and they can be fired if they spreads racism and separatism.

Yes but they are few in numbers and didnt became extremists in Turkish mosques.
A young girl and her dog look out from a vehicle as she and her family wait for security clearance at a checkpoint on the outskirt of Bannu, a town on edge of the Pakistani tribal region of Waziristan, Thursday, Oct. 22, 2009 as they flee a military offensive in South Waziristan. (AP Photo/Ijaz Muhammad)

all thanks to wahabi terrorism .. the product of arabia.
diyanet follow the hanafi madhab
Yes ofcourse, its our school after all.

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