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Cancelled by Pakistan : Sale of 27 ASW Helicopter for Pakistan Navy

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So when Pakistan is going to dump MIRAGES and AGOSTA submarine?
Don't know about the agosta, but I'm pretty sure Pakistan has been looking at dumping the mirages for the last decade now.

With France increasingly becoming pro-India, and anti-Pakistan, replacing French systems has probably become a priority over the last half a decade.
News clearly say cancellation of proposal. I doubt France was ever in the race considering Pakistan would try to opt for Italian, Turkish or Chinese options. US option if Americans are in the mood otherwise Italian option is most likely to win.
Many companies approach the Armed forces for their products and offers.
A marketing proposal or offer is not CANCELLED, it is simply not considered.

So even it such an offer existed, this report just made a story out of nothing to excite the public. I am sure this was a fake news in relation to what is happening between Muslims and France.

PN was never considering French helo's anyway.

As per my knowledge the only ASW helo's being considered were the AW-101 & NH90.
Z20 is to pre-mature to even consider for specialized operations like ASW.

Isn't the NH-90 an Airbus helicopter ?
I dont think we were getting something which is not available in market. In current scenario, some lesson should be given to this rude President.
So when Pakistan is going to dump MIRAGES and AGOSTA submarine?

This is blasphemy of the highest order. Mirages are here to stay until 2120 if it was up to Pakistanis. Agosta MLU has replaced almost all the critical components except engines so it is hardly a French sub anymore.
Isn't the NH-90 an Airbus helicopter ?

It was developed in response to NATO requirements for a battlefield helicopter which would also be capable of being operated in naval environments. The NH90 was developed and is manufactured by NHIndustries, a collaborative company owned by Airbus Helicopters, Leonardo (formerly AgustaWestland) and Fokker Aerostructures.
So when Pakistan is going to dump MIRAGES and AGOSTA submarine?

When the operators feel they are not usable anymore.
Whatever the rational is irrelevant. Peoplemcan say it was about Marcon and his comments and how the French treat Muslims and Islam or they can create other rationals. This isnt how countries work otherwise Pakistan would have prevented the sale of JF-17 to Myanmar. The reality is that Pakistanis are happy not to buy anything from France, BUT the military and government contract decisions are more detail oriented. Btw people who are arguing that this was a canceled contract thay never existed need to reread the statement. The statement is not that PN canceled a contract but basically rejected a tender for a contract (turned down a bid). That os very reasonable considering thst usually the french represents the most expensive (or close to it) tender and are not the most reliable of partners with respect to Pakistan. With that said the US is not either, but i expect the z-20 to ultimately win anyways so its a bit of a moot point. Honestly, i would have hoped Leonardo had an offeringnbut i guess not.
First of all, Le France's own policies hasnt had that much of effect rather then the French government and Nation's Anti Islamic/Anti Muslims practical decisions did that.

Let me first tell you what had happened! Due to the Azeri Armenian war and the reaction among the judochristian population of Europe against it had given this French government who otherwise is incompetent with Maria Le Pan's {who herself is a judochristian radical} boot up their ***{as they all dont agree with anything happening in their country but only agree on Anti Islam/Anti Muslim approach as Islam is growing rapidly there so much so i have personally read a few estimates of France becoming a Muslim country in a few decades, France is a mere sixty seven million population country with Muslims already exceeding 5 million in it, and among them the French embarrassing Islam women outnumber men significantly!} They had used that radical Charlie Hebdo magazine to publish those cartoons AGAIN! to clearly provoke the European JudoChristian sentiments against Muslims there and giving the radical organizations like that of France, Netherlands, Germany, Denmark etc some boosting! as they themselves are known very well to provoke Muslims there inorder to get a reaction out of them since they know very well that how Muslims feel about it.

So when we NATURALLY react and give a beautiful knife treatment to them they get all worked up saying Islam is bad and It is the biggest threat to Europe and its civilization and all, that same bullshit propaganda that we have been hearing for the past 2 decades.......even though its them who get their asses whooped by us.......From Crusades to their recent adventures in Afghanistan and Iraq!

Now that radical judochristian who had taken this opportunity for himself to be a smart *** got a deserving treatment he deserved and these buffon are about to give him their highest civilian award LOL

Now if they dont like us, then there is no way we are gonna allow them to make money from us either. Our hard earned cash must go to the countries and help boost them who pose no threat whatsoever to us!

These small countries like that of Europe and all with little to no economic resources of their own will never e able to sustain which is good for us! It will be sad to see from now on the common people of france suffer but in any case its they who themselves will be made to suffer the insufferable because of their own decisions to elect these Psychopath radicals!

Now with these economic boycott or even sanctions and ending of diplomatic relations will just be a start!

As far as we r concerned! the sanctity and respect of the Last and Final Prophet Muhammad SAW send for the whole of human kind is of first and foremost importance to us! and we have nothing to either prove or explain anything to anyone anymore!

This Islamic Radicalism or terrorism bullshit narrative will no longer be allowed to blackmail us all!
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The first link in ur post...is not working...takes me to a page that says "invalid url".

...the second one is a database showing Pakistan's EXPORTS to France...one of those entries of "aircraft, spacecraft" shows ~$28 million dollars in 2019...
View attachment 682679

Is this the $28 million dollars of aircraft parts u were referring to as "imports" here?

Bcuz if so...that is extremely embarrassing. Imagine axing ur own foot while trying to prove a made up argument...and inadvertently getting it completely opposite with the very evidence u provided urself :lol:
...if I were u I would quit the forum red faced...but I'm pretty sure u have no shame.

I'm impatiently waiting for a response...it would be so much fun to watch u bend logic in all kinds of ways to get out of this one :pop:

lets invite others to have some fun too...
@Areesh @Dalit @Avicenna @masterchief_mirza @peagle @doorstar tag others

The first link is a PDF file..link to it could not posted .. I will post the detailed break down of Pakistani imports from France ..later when I have time .

Post second link again...check this out .
The first link is a PDF file..link to it could not posted .. I will post the detailed break down of Pakistani imports from France ..later when I have time .

Post second link again...check this out .

Aircraft could of been a few AS350 Ecurrill helicopters or even just parts/engines for PIA A320 planes
This has to be fake news. The size and weight of this helicopter is too big for many PN ships.
kakay! they were for Jinnah Class and other heavy weight Ships of Pakistan for future as well as for backup

This is true news!

France does not deserve my hard earned Muslim Cash! its better for it to go towards more Friendly countries who dont pose any threat to Islam or Shariat!
This is blasphemy of the highest order. Mirages are here to stay until 2120 if it was up to Pakistanis. Agosta MLU has replaced almost all the critical components except engines so it is hardly a French sub anymore.
good thing is that in these both projects Pak has kicked out France like in ROSE Update as well as in Agosta MLU
there wasn't any such deal ever... chilax
Tender! they were the ones shot listed from this Tender of 1.5 billion with Chinese.

Its a great and clear message of Pakistan, if u want to declare war on Islam then you dont deserve our hard earned cash!
Aircraft could of been a few AS350 Ecurrill helicopters or even just parts/engines for PIA A320 planes
they all must be kicked out!
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