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BSF kills Bangladeshi

Report clearly said victim was shot by Indian terrorist BSF 250 yards inside Bangladesh territory.
ঝিনাইদহে বিএসএফ’র গুলিতে বাংলাদেশি নিহত

আলাউদ্দীন আজাদ, ঝিনাইদহ
৩ জুন ২০১৪, মঙ্গলবার, ৯:৩৪

ঝিনাইদহের মহেশপুর সীমান্তের হালদারপাড়া এলাকায় ভারতীয় সীমান্তরক্ষী বাহিনী-বিএসএফ’র গুলিতে এক বাংলাদেশি নিহত হয়েছেন। আজ মঙ্গলবার ভোরে এ ঘটনা ঘটে। নিহতের নাম রিপন মিয়া (২৫)। তিনি উপজেলার সরিষাঘাটা গ্রামের রায়হান উদ্দিনের ছেলে।
মহেশপুরের বিজিবি শ্রীনাথপুর ক্যাম্পের কোম্পানী কমান্ডার হাবিলদার আব্দুল হালিম জানান, ঝিনাইদহের মহেশপুর শ্রীনাথপুর সীমান্তের ৬১ নং মেইন পিলারের আড়াইশ’ গজ বাংলাদেশের অভ্যন্তরে হালদারপাড়া নামক স্থানে রিপন নামের এক বাংলাদেশিকে গুলি করে বিএসএফ। এতে ঘটনাস্থলেই তার মৃত্যু হয়। এ ঘটনার প্রতিবাদে বিএসএফকে পতাকা বৈঠকের জন্য বিজিবির পক্ষ থেকে চিঠি দেয়ার প্রস্তুতি চলছে বলে জানান তিনি। নিহত রিপন গরু ব্যবসায়ী ছিলেন বলে জানায় বিজিবি।
মহেশপুর থানার ভারপ্রাপ্ত কর্মকর্তা এম শাহজাহান আলী জানান, মঙ্গলবার সকাল সাড়ে ৭টার দিকে মহেশপুর উপজেলার সীমান্তবর্তী গ্রাম হালদারপাড়ার মাঠে একটি গুলিবিদ্ধ লাশ পড়ে থাকতে দেখে গ্রামবাসী পুলিশকে খবর দেয়। খবর পেয়ে পুলিশ লাশ উদ্ধারের জন্য ঘটনাস্থলে রওয়ানা হয়েছে।
তিনি আরো জানান, ভোরে সহযোগীদের সাথে ভারতের অভ্যন্তরে গরু আনতে গিয়ে বিএসএফ এর গুলিতে রিপন মারা গেছে বলে গ্রামবাসী তাকে জানিয়েছেন। এ ব্যাপারে চুয়াডাঙ্গা ৬ বর্ডার গার্ড বাংলাদেশের পরিচালন লেঃ কর্ণেলঃ মনিরুজ্জামান ঘটনার সত্যতা স্বীকার করেছেন।

Naya Diganta :: ঝিনাইদহে বিএসএফ’র গুলিতে বাংলাদেশি নিহত

How are you so sure that this media house is not lying?
He tried to cross border at 3 AM (midnight) illegally. It was a crime but I think BSF should not shoot like this. They should capture the culprits and send to jail.

What do you expect border guards to do when someone crosses over illegally ?

Scare them with ghost stories ?

Indian terrorist BSF killed another Bangladeshi

Another Bangladeshi was killed 250 yard inside Bangladesh territory by indian terrorist force BSF. Indian terror killing happen in Chuadanga frontier. BGB as usual just sent letter to indian terror force and no action taken.

মহেশপুরে বিএসএফ’র গুলিতে বাংলাদেশি নিহত

ঝিনাইদহের মহেশপুর সীমান্তের হাওলাদারপাড়া এলাকায় ভারতীয় সীমান্তরক্ষী বাহিনী বিএসএফ’র গুলিতে রিপন মিয়া (২৫) নামে এক বাংলাদেশি গরু ব্যবসায়ী নিহত হয়েছেন। তিনি মহেশপুর উপজেলার সরিষাঘাটা গ্রামের রায়হান উদ্দীনের ছেলে।

মঙ্গলবার ভোরে মহেশপুরের শ্রীনাথপুর সীমান্তের ৬১ নং মেইন পিলারের ২৫০ গজ বাংলাদেশের অভ্যন্তরে পৌঁছালে হালদাপাড়া নামকস্থানে রিপনকে লক্ষ্য করে গুলি করে বিএসএফ।

বাংলাদেশ সীমান্তরক্ষী বাহিনী বিজিবির শ্রীনাথপুর ক্যাম্পের কোম্পানি কমান্ডার হাবিলদার আব্দুল হালিম বাংলানিউজকে জানান, বিএসএফের গুলিতে ঘটনাস্থলেই মারা যান রিপন।

এ ঘটনার প্রতিবাদে বিএসএফকে পতাকা বৈঠকের জন্য বিজিবির পক্ষ থেকে চিঠি দেওয়ার প্রস্তুতি চলছে বলে তিনি জানান।

This is what BD media says ..

BSF kills Bangladeshi on Jhenidah frontier

Indian Border Security Force (BSF) gunned down a Bangladeshi national along Sreenathpur frontier in Jhenidah early today.

The victim is Ripon Hossain, 26, son of Raihan Uddin of Sarishaghata village of Moheshpur upazila, reports our Jhenidah correspondent quoting Habildar Halim Mollah, commander of Border Guard Bangladesh (BGB) camp in Moheshpur.

Ripon, a cattle trader, along with his other fellows entered to Haldarpara of Nadiya district in Paschimbanga state of India around 4:30am through Sreenathpur border pillar No. 61 in Jhenidah, Commander Mollah said.

When the cattle traders reached near Fatehpur BSF camp there, the Indian troops fired on them, leaving Ripon dead on the spot, he added.

The rest cattle traders managed to escape from the spot taking Ripon's body, the BGB camp commander said.

The body was kept at the Sreenathpur BGB camp.

Protesting the killing, BGB members sent a letter to BSF for holding a flag meeting, the BGB official added.
How many other countries in the world do this?

India is a inhumane country.

I wonder if you have noticed, BD nationals have just been shot by Myanmar as well a few days ago. Everybody has a problem with BD nationals ?

Every nation has a right to protect its borders & Border Guards are mandated to protect its borders.

Instead of cribbing forever what the BSF does, why don't you guys focus on what BGB does not do ?

This will help BD citizens dying unnatural deaths.
For humanity's sake, infiltrators should not be shot at sight.

Stop this rubbish.

How can you know they are not some terrorist with guns and explosives? Just to seem a noble person, you are putting the lives of our soldiers at risk.
No Bangladesh can afford it. As per @UKBengali and @Luffy 500 Bangladesh is a land of milk and honey with better economic development as compared to shithole India where everyone is hungry,poor and dying.

Such an economically developed nation can surely afford these toys to keep big bad India in place.

Don't embarrass us please. Yea, we need to depend on you for several things. Indians are holding massive business in BD garment industry which is the main economic source for Bangladesh. I have respect for Indian entrepreneurs who are doing business in Bangladesh. We should work together forever to improve our relations. India-Bangladesh friendship is permanent but this type of border killing is not expected from India.
How many other countries in the world do this?

India is a inhumane country.

Who knows the potential infiltrator is not carrying explosives or intention to raise jihad against BSF only? Why to put their own lives on risk?

Don't embarrass us please. Yea, we need to depend on you for several things. Indians are holding massive business in BD garment industry which is the main economic source for Bangladeshi low skilled laborers. I have respect for Indian entrepreneurs who are doing business in Bangladesh. We should work together forever to improve our relations. India-Bangladesh friendship is permanent but this type of border killing is not expected from BSF.

Sad incident but dont BD person understand that they will be shot, then why they still try to pole vault?

Is it BDesh such a bad place that people are risking their lives just to get away with it?
Who knows the potential infiltrator is not carrying explosives or intention to raise jihad against BSF only? Why to put their own lives on risk?

Sad incident but dont BD person understand that they will be shot, then why they still try to pole vault?

Is it BDesh such a bad place that people are risking their lives just to get away with it?

Bangladeshis in bordering areas have families in India. I know many illegals are working in India. Our country is the most populated country in the world. Govt can't provide jobs for such huge population, so we pole vault in India. Happy now ? :enjoy:
Bangladeshis in bordering areas have families in India. I know many illegals are working in India. Our country is the most populated country in the world. Govt can't provide jobs for such huge population, so we pole vault in India. Happy now ? :enjoy:

Why shall I be happy on a poor's death?

To risk life will always be a last option, but poor guys still opt for it. Disgrace to humanity.

But one should understand the BSF POV as well.
Who knows the potential infiltrator is not carrying explosives or intention to raise jihad against BSF only? Why to put their own lives on risk?

Sad incident but dont BD person understand that they will be shot, then why they still try to pole vault?

Is it BDesh such a bad place that people are risking their lives just to get away with it?

Still no excuse. They might, might, might be terrorists is a pathetic explanation. No civilised country does this, but then again Indians are not known for their humanity.

And don't flatter yourself, the person shot was a cattle smuggler and not a would-be illegal immigrant. People like him provide hundreds of millions of dollars to your poor country every year.
RIP to the pole vaulter.
I think GoI is making things tough
BD pole vaulters should learn not to become target practice.

BSF is not a terrorist organisation but a state trained and organised force of India. I have met the guys back in 88-89 along the Sialkot border at the no mans land meeting from our side of the barrier. relaxed , friendly and funny chaps. we had a good laugh , before our hosts took us to them they requested not to take any pictures. we had a little boy with us who hails from Pakistani Kashmir and someone joked that he is from Kashmir then on BSF guy said , "oh let me take him then and show him Srinagar,"

there are no issues with BSF on the eastern front with Pakistani Rangers force. we might have incidents but they are handful and we meet up to resolve the firing issues.

so lets try to find out the reason why BSF finds it necessary to resort to deadly force against Bangladeshis?
its defending the borders and sovereignty of India just like Pakistan army was doing during the 71 uprising. that time has gone. the Bangladeshi PM has done well by hanging a jamati guy over flimsy evidence through judicial murder and denouncing Pakistan and not allowing its flag to be flown during sports but she must realize that its been more than 40 years and now her people should stop being what they do out of habit..
2 or 3 hints should have been enough but I guess these trespassers bet each other if BSF would be able to pop them when they cross or not.

I have no sympathy for smugglers whatever the nationality, Afghan, Iranian, Indian, Bangladeshis or Pakistanis its the life they choose...

please dont confuse it with innocent villagers who loose their way or cross by mistake chasing their kids or animals. the forces are trained and experienced enough to distinguish between normal people and retards.

I would have understood if this usual firing was happening along Pakistani border because we can get hostile but Bangladesh? I wonder what Makti Bahni terrorists have to say about it now.

RIP to the pole vaulter.
I think GoI is making things tough
would you support the use of rubber bullets for these dimwits?
they are living beings after all. maybe anything less than lethal will be better?
these guys will drive me mad for sure.. thank goodness I am not serving on those borders.

what do you say?
BSF is not a terrorist organisation but a state trained and organised force of India. I have met the guys back in 88-89 along the Sialkot border at the no mans land meeting from our side of the barrier. relaxed , friendly and funny chaps. we had a good laugh , before our hosts took us to them they requested not to take any pictures. we had a little boy with us who hails from Pakistani Kashmir and someone joked that he is from Kashmir then on BSF guy said , "oh let me take him then and show him Srinagar,"

there are no issues with BSF on the eastern front with Pakistani Rangers force. we might have incidents but they are handful and we meet up to resolve the firing issues.

so lets try to find out the reason why BSF finds it necessary to resort to deadly force against Bangladeshis?
its defending the borders and sovereignty of India just like Pakistan army was doing during the 71 uprising. that time has gone. the Bangladeshi PM has done well by hanging a jamati guy over flimsy evidence through judicial murder and denouncing Pakistan and not allowing its flag to be flown during sports but she must realize that its been more than 40 years and now her people should stop being what they do out of habit..
2 or 3 hints should have been enough but I guess these trespassers bet each other if BSF would be able to pop them when they cross or not.

I have no sympathy for smugglers whatever the nationality, Afghan, Iranian, Indian, Bangladeshis or Pakistanis its the life they choose...

please dont confuse it with innocent villagers who loose their way or cross by mistake chasing their kids or animals. the forces are trained and experienced enough to distinguish between normal people and retards.

I would have understood if this usual firing was happening along Pakistani border because we can get hostile but Bangladesh? I wonder what Makti Bahni terrorists have to say about it now.

would you support the use of rubber bullets for these dimwits?
they are living beings after all. maybe anything less than lethal will be better?
these guys will drive me mad for sure.. thank goodness I am not serving on those borders.

what do you say?

My experiences with Rangers etc has been good - a professional lot.

Like any other uniformed force the BSF too does its job. As regards rubber bullets, the issue is that given the situation in our part of the world over the last decades there is no way to differentiate between friend or foe on the borders.

An ' innocent' cattle smuggler may well be an armed intuder or worse a terrorist attempting to cross 'seeking cattle' or an agent returning alongwith a group of smugglers .

Its better to be safe than sorry.

In my opinion, anyone who is old enough to break a law is fully aware of the consequences of doing so. The IB existed even before those illegally crossing it were born hence there is little room for error save a local villager.

Lastly, what does the BGB do ? If the BSF detects those trespassing so must the BGB . Crossing places are mostly known & local commanders are not doing their job if these places are not kept under surveillance.
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