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Brunei to impose death by stoning for gay sex and adultery

There is no ruling in Quran regarding this , either been gay is sin ( what if it's how Allah made someone like this )? But I believe that act of homosexuality is sin , I think it's a bit strict on gay part and it's punishment .

People need to understand that been homosexual is not itself a sin alone , if one is gay he also doing other sins for example , two gay man can only indulge into anal sex which is prohibited in Islam also , Islam only recognize a marriage between a man and a women so any relationship between two same gender will not be accepted in Islam as marriage and any sexual activity outside marriage is adultery , and this is not just for gays it's for straight people as well .
Bro, nobody is punished for being gay rather for doing the act. Homosexuality is not genetic and it can be cured through psychological and medical treatments.
Bro, nobody is punished for being gay rather for doing the act. Homosexuality is not genetic and it can be cured through psychological and medical treatments.

any case of treating homosexuals or homosexuality ?
any case of treating homosexuals or homosexuality ?

Do you know what makes male and female attractive to each other? Chemicals in our brain/our desire to reproduce, so clearly homosexuality is possibly a condition in which people start to find their own gender attractive or have confusing thoughts but in Western countries you're not allowed to call it mental illness as its considered offensive, the next step might be to stop calling pedophiles what they are because they find it offensive?
Do you know what makes male and female attractive to each other? Chemicals in our brain/our desire to reproduce, so clearly homosexuality is possibly a condition in which people start to find their own gender attractive or have confusing thoughts but in Western countries you're not allowed to call it mental illness as its considered offensive, the next step might be to stop calling pedophiles what they are because they find it offensive?

yep I agree, I once keep asking a Homosexual that provide me evidence from Scientists that Homosexual behavior is natural , or if a person is born with it or its part of our DNA ? but he/she keep bring animal examples to it most frequently Sheep cases as they show homosexual behavior along with so many other animal .
Do you know what makes male and female attractive to each other? Chemicals in our brain/our desire to reproduce, so clearly homosexuality is possibly a condition in which people start to find their own gender attractive or have confusing thoughts but in Western countries you're not allowed to call it mental illness as its considered offensive, the next step might be to stop calling pedophiles what they are because they find it offensive?

I'd like to think of the possibility to cure them out of faggotry, but the problems are the country that legalizes and even promoting faggotry. Why? Because they benefitted from it. It won't be too weird for them to see curing faggots as "violation of human rights". That is why a very strict punishment is needed.

Their next step would be beastiality. Well it already happened anyway. Women marrying dogs are going to be abundant soon.
I'd like to think of the possibility to cure them out of faggotry, but the problems are the country that legalizes and even promoting faggotry. Why? Because they benefitted from it. It won't be too weird for them to see curing faggots as "violation of human rights". That is why a very strict punishment is needed.

Their next step would be beastiality. Well it already happened anyway. Women marrying dogs are going to be abundant soon.

Sadly extreme on both sides are not the way to approach this issue, stoning homosexuals to death is cruel and inhumane, I don't agree with it but promoting it to young children like its happening in some European countries is also not the right way.
UK, George Clooney lead calls for Brunei to drop LGBT+ death penalty


LONDON (REUTERS) - The British government and European Union politicians called on Brunei on Friday (March 29) to abandon plans to impose the death penalty for gay sex or adultery while actor George Clooney urged a boycott of hotels owned by the Southeast Asian country.

Brunei in 2014 introduced Islamic criminal law, with fines or jail for offences like pregnancy outside marriage or not praying on Friday, but held off on more extreme changes after a global outcry.

But the former British protectorate has now unveiled plans to roll out syariah law further from April 3 with a new penal code that imposes death by stoning or whipping for sodomy, adultery or rape and amputation of a hand or foot for theft.

The announcement, and particularly the targeting of LGBT+ people, has sparked international outrage with politicians and celebrities calling on Brunei to immediately halt its plans.

"The Minister for Asia and High Commissioner have raised their concerns in person," a British foreign office spokesman said in an e-mailed statement on Friday.

"Corporal and capital punishment goes against our national values."

The United States and Britain updated their travel advisories to caution people about the changes in the Muslim-majority country of 400,000 people where Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah has a firm grip on power.

The world's second-longest reigning monarch, the sultan holds the key portfolios of prime minister, defence minister, finance minister and the minister of foreign affairs and trade in Brunei which does not hold elections.

The changes come at a time when socially conservative attitudes prevail across Asia with Myanmar, Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei banning sexual relationships between men while Indonesia has seen an increase in raids targeting LGBT+ people.

EU politicians called for Brunei to withdraw the law.

Mr Antonio Panzeri, the chairman of the European Parliament subcommittee on human rights, said the country should "bring its penal code into full compliance with human rights obligations".

"Sexual orientation and gender identity are in essence individual choices, which should, under no circumstances, be subject to punishment, legal codification or discriminatory practices," Mr Panzeri said in a statement on Friday.

The European Parliament's Intergroup on LGBTI Rights would send a letter to the Sultan of Brunei next Monday (April 1), its secretary Juliette Sanchez-Lambert told the Thomson Reuters Foundation.

Actor George Clooney and filmmaker Dustin Lance Black were among the celebrities who called for a boycott of hotels owned by the government-owned Brunei Investment Agency, including The Beverly Hills Hotel in Los Angeles and The Dorchester in London.

"Every single time we stay at or take meetings at or dine at any of these nine hotels we are putting money directly into the pockets of men who choose to stone and whip to death their own citizens for being gay or accused of adultery," Clooney said in an article on Deadline, a news website.

"If you continue to stay at or frequent the Beverly Hills Hotel, you are guilty of financially supporting these murderers," Black, an Oscar-winning screenwriter, wrote on Twitter, adding the hashtag #BoycottBrunei.

A spokesman for the Dorchester Collection said the hotel group "strongly values people and cultural diversity amongst our guests and employees".

"Inclusion and diversity remain core beliefs as we do not tolerate any form of discrimination," she said in an e-mail.

Caucus, a Manila-based human rights group, voiced concerns that the new penal code had already "sent a chilling effect to LGBTIQ persons as it made them vulnerable to harassment, intimidation and surveillance by law enforcers".

"Brunei must be a society that recognises difference and treat marginalised groups with respect. We appeal: govern the nation with compassion and humanity," the group said in a statement.

Brunei vs the Globo Homo + Thots

Does Brunei have its own thot patrol?
any case of treating homosexuals or homosexuality ?

Russian Scientists Discover Cure to Homosexuality

Novosibirsk | Dr. Dimitri Yusrokov Slamini of the Russian Institute for Medical Science in Novosibirsk and his team of researchers have discovered what they claim to be a new vaccine which could prevent early symptoms and even cure humans of homosexuality if treated at a young age.

Russian scientists developed the so-called «antidote» based on a 1959 scientific research published under the title “Organizing action of prenatally administered testosterone propionate on the tissues mediating mating behavior in the female guinea pig” by Charles H. Phoenix, an American researcher.

The study concluded that “INAH [part of the hypothalamus] is dimorphic with sexual orientation, at least in men, and suggests that sexual orientation has a biological substrate”.

Iran, China and Saudi Arabia have been the first countries to show interest in the new discovery.

«Xenoestrogen are a type of estrogen mimickers found in synthetic or natural chemical compounds. Synthetic xenoestrogens such as PCB’s, BPA and phthalates have been also been found to have estrogenic effects on living organisms and to disrupt the endocrine system» explains Dr. Yuri Krutchev, who took part in the experiment. «Injecting specific quantities of testosterone helps to

«Injecting specific quantities of testosterone helps to upset this artificial biological unbalance which occurs mostly in part because of environmental pollution and an excess of estrogen mimickers in our modern environment» he adds.

The new discovery has attracted much criticism from lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) organizations around the Globe, yet a few country leaders have outspokenly shown support and interest for the research. Iran, China, and Saudi Arabia have been the first countries to show interest in the new discovery.

American and European researchers have expressed much skepticism upon receiving the news.

source: https://worldnewsdailyreport.com/russian-scientists-discover-cure-to-homosexuality/
Russian Scientists Discover Cure to Homosexuality

Novosibirsk | Dr. Dimitri Yusrokov Slamini of the Russian Institute for Medical Science in Novosibirsk and his team of researchers have discovered what they claim to be a new vaccine which could prevent early symptoms and even cure humans of homosexuality if treated at a young age.

Russian scientists developed the so-called «antidote» based on a 1959 scientific research published under the title “Organizing action of prenatally administered testosterone propionate on the tissues mediating mating behavior in the female guinea pig” by Charles H. Phoenix, an American researcher.

The study concluded that “INAH [part of the hypothalamus] is dimorphic with sexual orientation, at least in men, and suggests that sexual orientation has a biological substrate”.

Iran, China and Saudi Arabia have been the first countries to show interest in the new discovery.

«Xenoestrogen are a type of estrogen mimickers found in synthetic or natural chemical compounds. Synthetic xenoestrogens such as PCB’s, BPA and phthalates have been also been found to have estrogenic effects on living organisms and to disrupt the endocrine system» explains Dr. Yuri Krutchev, who took part in the experiment. «Injecting specific quantities of testosterone helps to

«Injecting specific quantities of testosterone helps to upset this artificial biological unbalance which occurs mostly in part because of environmental pollution and an excess of estrogen mimickers in our modern environment» he adds.

The new discovery has attracted much criticism from lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) organizations around the Globe, yet a few country leaders have outspokenly shown support and interest for the research. Iran, China, and Saudi Arabia have been the first countries to show interest in the new discovery.

American and European researchers have expressed much skepticism upon receiving the news.

source: https://worldnewsdailyreport.com/russian-scientists-discover-cure-to-homosexuality/

Homosexuality is widely accepted in the US and certain European capitals.

The vast majority of the world simply abhors homosexuality. Homosexuality might exist in these countries, but it is largely hidden and not accepted by the vast majority of the societies.

It is unnatural and against human principles. Many European and US INGOs operating in developing nations also want to normalize this sickness among the general populace.

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