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Brunei to impose death by stoning for gay sex and adultery

Brunei to impose death by stoning for gay sex and adultery

MAR 27, 2019

KUALA LUMPUR (AFP) - Adultery and gay sex in Brunei will be subject to death by stoning from next week, authorities said, under a strict Syariah law that has been on hold for four years amid heavy criticism.

Rights groups reacted in horror on Wednesday (March 27) to the latest hardline move from the resource-rich nation on Borneo, which practises a stricter brand of Islam than its neighbours Malaysia and Indonesia.

The tiny sultanate will implement the harsh new penal code - which also prescribes amputation of a hand and foot for theft - next Wednesday.

Homosexuality is already illegal in Brunei but it will now become a capital offence. The law applies to only Muslims.

The new penalty for theft is amputation of the right hand for a first offence, and the left foot for a second offence.

Amnesty International on Wednesday urged Brunei to "immediately halt" implementing the new penalties.

"To legalise such cruel and inhuman penalties is appalling of itself," Brunei researcher Rachel Chhoa-Howard said in a statement. "Some of the potential 'offences' should not even be deemed crimes at all, including consensual sex between adults of the same gender," she said.

Ty Cobb, director of US-based gay rights group Human Rights Campaign, called the legislation "state-sponsored torture and murder of LGBTQ people,” adding it was “crucial” that the international community demand that the country "stop these barbaric changes that threaten the lives of Brunei citizens.”

A notice on Brunei's Attorney General's Chambers dated Dec 29 last year said the provisions will take effect on April 3.

Brunei first announced the measures in 2013 but implementation has been delayed as officials worked out the practical details and in the teeth of opposition by rights groups.

Under a shift towards hardline Islamic law, Brunei in 2015 banned excessive Christmas celebrations for fear that Muslims could be led astray.


Very good decision. Same law should be in Pakistan and Turkey and probably in Indonesia necessary .:P
Money is not everythin UN and EU USA should punish these animals
If you are not qualified to pass fatwas, please don’t make religious pronouncements.

The law/punishment in fiqh is well known for homosexual acts, and has been established since Hazoor saws times.

Brunei doing right.

In Pakistan as well, technically it is banned but our state does not practice it. We should follow Brunei.

Those who are against this ruling should voice there opinion publicly in Pakistan:)
The barbarian dictators the hypocrates whomm enjoy 500 wives and force the laws on common public

These gays and lesbians are transgressors according to sharia.
2ndly it’s their country..their rules my friend
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