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Brunei to impose death by stoning for gay sex and adultery

Since we have to move with the current times and stoning and lashing in this day and age, seems a bit harsh and widely unacceptable, the best course for Muslim countries to deal with blasphemers, adulterers, homosexuals etc. is to simply send them into exile. I suppose those nations which support and promote such promiscuity will be more than happy to welcome them since they are their brothers and sisters, in sprirt.
Where does it say it is exclusively for that?
A state can impose any punishment for any crime depending on its severity.
Actually the base of this law is Islamic Sharia. In sharia, no death penalty, for this crime, to any unmarried person.
So Brunei wishes to implement "Shariah" law interesting. So when in Islam monarchy was allowed as Halal or by "Shariah", guess I am gonna find out. The Royal family and king being one of the richest man in the world lives large, spends lavishly known to have multiple mistresses, surrounds himself with opulence yet will dictate Islamic values to his countrymen. His elder son is another story altogether.

A colony of US, wishes to use religion in order to justify oppression of its people and we have religious zealots and bigots jumping all up and down here. People with stone age mindset.

When people are high, they can do anything.. Living in the west, I see it all the time.. even movies don't show half the filth.

Yeah like in Muslim countries people dont abuse drugs or get high and do all kind of shit. Yet at the end of the day secular countries tend to be more peaceful and prosperous. Not the religious ones occupied by numbskulls.
The second country flag in your profile is among top 10 secular and happy countries of the world, yet still youre here making up stories and how bad of place it is to live.

Suppose a Gay commits sexual act with your child, then who you will call a barbarian? And if you male child becomes a Sissy, will you be happy to see that Cancer flourishing?

So, which version of Islam you are following? Man on Man & Woman on Woman?

Listen carefully! Vast swarms of underground LGBT communities are flourishing in Islamabad and Lahore, majority of them are at Lahore. By the way I don't care even if you change your gender from male to female or whatsoever.
But I am hell bent on spreading awareness and saving my children's and others who are future of Pakistan.

You are confusing Pedophilia with homosexuality, two are not the same. Dont talk non-sense.
You want to talk about pedophilia, lets do it. To begin its pretty common in parts of Baluchistan and KPK, called as baacha baazi or launday baazi. Even a well established practice in Afghanistan. Not to mention street child are abused across our country. So yeah protect those children of yours and turn them into a bigot just like yourself.

I am not following any version of Islam when it comes to this, what two consenting adults do in the privacy of their bedrooms is none of mine or states business.

Well, that's your ignorance.. mate.. you need to read more..

Interesting, a bigoted and person displaying extreme version of ignorance is actually calling others out, ironic.
Allah Akbar, sovereignty belong to Allah, we should Abid by Allah rule. Wish Pakistan also get rid of the Democratic filthy system and implement the Sharia Law. in the country
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Historically societies that either avoided or controlled "Social filths" listed above have advanced in all fields.
Sharabi used to get 40 lashes in Holy Prophet (ﷺ) 's time and same was during Abu Bakr's but during Caliph Umar's time it was raised to 80 lashes because a lot of violations were getting reported after the expansion of Islamic territory and people getting rich and going astray..
Killing someone is a bigger problem. Increasing lashes, well, I will say, it's OK.
Killing someone is a bigger problem. Increasing lashes, well, I will say, it's OK.
Yeah but this is adultery and that too unnatural so eliminating this vermin is very important and any punishment less than capital punishment is not acceptable.

Homosexuality has always earned the worst Azab from Allah Almighty, through Earth Quakes and stone rains..History and Holy Quran both are witness to it
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Yeah but this adultery and that too unnatural so eliminating this vermin is very important and any punishment less than capital punishment is not acceptable.

Homosexuality has always earned the worst Azab from Allah Almighty, through Earth Quakes and stone rains..History and Holy Quran both are witness to it
When people leave "tanha anil fahsha, wa nahi anil munkir", than comes law and harsh punishments.
When people leave "tanha anil fahsha, wa nahi anil munkir", than comes law and harsh punishments.
Wrong Arabic.. but anyways..punishments are part and parcel of the statecraft ..if those were implemented even during the Holy Prophet (ﷺ)'s times so there's even stronger need today.
There is no ruling in Quran regarding this , either been gay is sin ( what if it's how Allah made someone like this )? But I believe that act of homosexuality is sin , I think it's a bit strict on gay part and it's punishment .

People need to understand that been homosexual is not itself a sin alone , if one is gay he also doing other sins for example , two gay man can only indulge into anal sex which is prohibited in Islam also , Islam only recognize a marriage between a man and a women so any relationship between two same gender will not be accepted in Islam as marriage and any sexual activity outside marriage is adultery , and this is not just for gays it's for straight people as well .
Since we have to move with the current times and stoning and lashing in this day and age, seems a bit harsh and widely unacceptable, the best course for Muslim countries to deal with blasphemers, adulterers, homosexuals etc. is to simply send them into exile. I suppose those nations which support and promote such promiscuity will be more than happy to welcome them since they are their brothers and sisters, in sprirt.

No, you don't understand. Faggots won't be satisfied if they can't export their illness worldwide. They're going to bribe countries to legalize faggotry either way. Its like how vegan becomes "cult", they hate people who aren't vegans. the same can, and will become for the faggots as well. I don't wanna see faggots in broad daylight, and I certainly don't wanna see them copulates in public areas either. Faggots are for fools.
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