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BRICS statement not foreign policy failure, says Asif

- Incase you missed BRIC contains Russia and that is the official position of Russia.
- Talis are an instrument, they will be a spent force they moment the switch is turned off in GHQ.
- Iran ? When did a Shia Iran had any strategic synergies with Talis? They may have cooperated on tactical basis but that becomes a bad news for Pak.
Haven't you noticed how NK is updated from "standby" to "operational" mode???? And, Taliban from wearing "traditional" to "western" outfits in their latest "commando" videos???? It's the US newspapers like NYT, WP etc. which are reporting that Taliban is being supported in all possible ways by Iran/Russia etc. to counter ISIS and to take revenge on the USA. Haven't you already seen that the Pindi boys have kept the Pentagon boys waiting?????? It's all parts of OBOR vs anti-OBOR warfare......
What were the Gernals in GHQ thinking?

Hate and insecurity about India.

May be to settle the score of 1971 disintegration.

Then the never ending desire for Kashmir and lands beyond. This is one single policy they follow.
Brother i don't care if they've job offers or not thing is everyone is accusing my country of harboring them and i want my civil and military leader to come out and tell us and whole world whether they're in Pak or not and if they aren't than why our leaders are failing to shut mouths they have to answer and be truthful to us.
Maybe they don't want to say they have lost the leverage!!!! Just kidding....
Buh buh CPEKK. We willz be gret puwer huse of Asia. The nxt DUbai.

We are continuing to sell our country to China. And this is what we get. I warned about not putting all our eggs in one basket but nah, we like selling this country as long as our personal bank accounts are full.

Kin ghatiya logon se wasta para hai. You are either not capable enough to present your view to the world, or you are turning a blind eye to certain terrorists. It's one or the other, I am not sure which is worse.

I wait in anticipation of the next move by our genius political/military/bureaucratic establishment.
Why you are interested in my age, i am not interesting in marrying your ugly stinky sister you lowly subhuman, yeah only your shupa powa shithole could stop that crisis on China, i think Chinese would prefer to leave the world if they have to depend on your kind for anything, US was depending on you to invade North Korea, now come up with more shitty logic brain dead shakha educated bhangi.

Don't worry..it looks like you are a minor.Concentrate on your LKG exams that are coming up. Let me try again :-

Diplomacy is not about who kills who . I never said U.S is dependent on india to invade N.k. I said one of the quid pro quo involved india's muted response to NK test among others. Now in your small little world every action needs to have a war at the front...it does not again work like that kiddo.

P.S i dont have a sister...thanks for the concern though.
Say that to the Iranians.

It was not sanction on country, how are you comparing with Iran?

Highlighting that. I repeat, not a single official confirmation from any country that named India, sponsoring TTP.

They will not bcoz they have intersts attached with india, chuck hegal is prime example he spoke before and then turned blind eye.. no one also spoke against indian involvement in bengali militancy, northern alliance in Afghanistan and Tamil militancy, but it does not mean you are saints. anyways the statement does not refer to Pakistan.

huh! Russia-China is not a forum.

What weight brazil, india carry for Pakistan, other then them this forum not even worth a mention..

And LeT and JeM is well supported by Pakistan, why name the country while it is obvious. It's a win for India, because China had prewarned not to raise the issue of terrorism. While not only India raised the issue but for the first time, Joint declaration by China - Russia - India - Brazil - South Africa named these Pakistan based organization as a threat to regional security.

Who among them accused Pakistani govt of supporting LeM and LET other then bharatis?
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US ban carry not weight, he is only sanctioned by US. nothing more, you made fuss like you are making today, his party is still operating and Pakistan openly criticize US decision, does it changed anything on ground? No.

Their are statements by US officials including former Defense sec, chuck hegal that India is using Afghan soil against Pakistan. no one connected LeJ or LeT to Pakistan in brics statement either..

just like any forum praise Pakistan is irrelevant for you guys, when same China and Russia defended Pakistan against Trump's statement it didnt worth but when they signed a piece of paper which mention LeJ and Let without reference to Pakistan.. that piece of paper is holy for you guys.
And, send jet engines, choppers, submarines, stand-off weapons etc....
Don't worry..it looks like you are a minor.Concentrate on your LKG exams that are coming up. Let me try again :-

Diplomacy is not about who kills who . I never said U.S is dependent on india to invade N.k. I said one of the quid pro quo involved india's muted response to NK test among others. Now in your small little world every action needs to have a war at the front...it does not again work like that kiddo.

P.S i dont have a sister...thanks for the concern though.

stop embarrassing yourself and your fellow bharatis.
It was not sanction on country, how are you comparing with Iran?

They will not bcoz they have intersts attached with india, chuck hegal is prime example he spoke before and then turned blind eye.. no one also spoke against indian involvement in bengali militancy and Tamil militancy, but it does not mean you are saints. anyways the statement does not refer to Pakistan.

What weight brazil, india carry for Pakistan, other then them this forum not even worth a mention..

Who among them accused Pakistani govt of supporting LeM and LET other then bharatis?
And, their cohorts NA thugs....
Bye kiddo...go watch some cartoons . I think kids these days watch doremon right.


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