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BREAKING: PAF base Mianwali under attack, suicide bombers and heavy weapons in use

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Insider help is not ruled out. Usually such help pinpoints security lapses and routines for terrorists to exploit. However I have another theory. Since Mianwali is the 'home constituency' of Imran Khan, terrorist may have found help from his supporters as well, living nearby ...🤔🤔
Have some shame!
There is no confirmation by PAF or DG ispr all you are doing is propagating their narrative.... Don't know what kind of handicapped person are you....but 7 terrorist are killed and that's a victory !

LOL! This idiot is claiming that killing the terrorists who destroyed multiple F-7PGS and killed security personal is a victory. Which kind of world you are living in dude? BTW, the videos proved 9 units destroyed. Even a blind man can see that. Open you god damn eyes and look at them. See the frames one by one.

You called me handicapped, ok but I am not mindfuck-d like you who blindly follow ISPR wagging his tail like a dog and calling the 7 terrorists killed as victory. Those were already on one way mission. Those 7 will be replaced with another 7 in an instant. Terrorists lives do not matter, they have unlimited supply. Are you able to defeat terrorism in 20 years? You are killing them and yet more numbers are being created. How naive and stupid you are. This is just mind boggling.
Or should I post picture of your brigadier surrendering to Gilgit Scouts JCO?

Better is to stay in topic. You want a picture posting contest, why not to uptrend up a new thread and start there.
He wasn't our brigadier, he was Maharaja's Army's Brigadier. I expect a retired pak army vet to know this basic fact.
The video shows 1 Hardened shelter with 1 jet inside - destroyed and 3 F7PGs destory under their shelters ... I dont see how you got to 10-12 units.

Dont get me wrong - complete disaster for the PAF base security - uttter cluster f--k to fail to secure a major forward operating base. They learnt NOTHING from the attacks at Kamra where AEW&C's were lost and Karachi where P3Cs were lost ... complete clowns ...
They need to have multilayered security as they did with Pakistan's nuke facilities.
LOL! This idiot is claiming that killing the terrorists who destroyed multiple F-7PGS and killed security personal is a victory. Which kind of world you are living in dude? BTW, the videos proved 9 units destroyed. Even a blind man can see that. Open you god damn eyes and look at them. See the frames one by one.

You called me handicapped, ok but I am not mindfuck-d like you who blindly follow ISPR wagging his tail like a dog and calling the 7 terrorists killed as victory. Those were already on one way mission. Those 7 will be replaced with another 7 in an instant. Terrorists lives do not matter, they have unlimited supply. Are you able to defeat terrorism in 20 years? You are killing them and yet more numbers are being created. How naive and stupid you are. This is just mind boggling.
If they did destroy F-7PGs then they did us a favour, our pilots will have new aircraft now. PAF should destroy more of these F7s and blame the terrorists.
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The phased-out a aircrafts narrative is so funny...it's like suppressing your big fart under a soft burp...The bad guys knew where to hit ...if they knew that Mianwali AFB has serious security lapses, they knew which aircrafts to hit..btw their RPG did magic on F-7 PGs and one Bowser...900 killed terrorists cannot compensate for one aircraft lost...so yes...PAF is defeated on the ground, not once, thrice. This was their hat-rick after Kamra and Faisal AFBs...
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These are 22 sheds So what your handicapped brain thinks that
22 fighter jets are parked there?
Which is more than a squadron?
What if they are the retired ones ?F-7 are retired only 2 squadrons of PG are operating .... Remember The word "PG" the newly acquired ones
Ist squadron "Talons" is in Quetta
2nd squadron "Tigers" is in Peshawar

They were scrapped 3 or 4 may be
But brain dead creatures like you don't understand that.

This dude don't have access to simple app like google-maps. Or perhaps don't know the counting. What a waste.

I never said 22. I said 10-12. IF you see the video closely you can see that. Don't jump on comments if you know nothing what you are talking about. See the photos I posted earlier in my comments.

The "scrapped" lol, those weren't even touched as those are in the other corner of the base. Why would PAF keep phased out aircrafts on the ramp under the sheds and in the hardened shelters ?? Those were active fighter jets.

Pathetic ISPR mentality is trying hard to portray this epic failure as success. You have zero future with such mentality.
Is there any moderator left here ?
Why this rabid dog let out ?
And the fk are you supposed to say this?
Noticed Indian posers use the term Napak FAuj quite a lot, I have complained but the MODs don't do anything other than give me warnings lol. Maybe the MODs have turned into Indian Sympathisers?
One thing I failed to understand may be some one can help me with this. Afghanistan has more then one neighbour and not a single one is attacked except Pakistan? so why always and only Pakistan?

Its almost impossible to go near a Generals house without having to bendover and cough Never mind armed to the teeth holding a ladder cutting the wires to an operational air base?

So I will ask is this a intelligence failure or 100% facilitated by intelligence Agency...
Is there any moderator left here ?
Why this rabid dog let out ?
And the fk are you supposed to say this?

Hey bitch even Air force personnel and former Generals are saying it as well.
It was done by Npak Fouj.
Sorry, i'm so late in the Game..., but let me just give you guys the inside news.


Totally Worthless.

If anyone out there is Celebrating this attack, I just took the air out of fun time.

Mianwali is as good as a Forward Operational Base. They don't have much.

I guess these idiotic terrorist didn't do there homework & have been tossed altogether on top of one another in a mass grave.

Anyone seen their pics? Pretty gruesome...
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