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BREAKING: 7000 US troops Ordered to Withdraw from Afghanistan, Blackwater is coming.

Chahbar Port
This Chah dream that they have been touting for years went from crawl mode to full hibernation mode. The reality is it was never going very far anyway even if they built it. The fact is the route from Chah into Afghanistan ends up in Helmand region and we know who runs that part of Afghanistan ....
Name me one other army besides American/NATO that has occupied Afghanistan for 18 years, achieved its objectives (killed Osama, destroy Taliban regime, creat regional instability for Israel's enemies, etc.)?

America achieved its goals and is here to stay in Afghanistan.

Taliban has never faced a enemy like America.

And Blackwater will for the most part be working in conjunction with NATO while only utilizing spec ops and Drones to minimize own casualties while maximizing Taliban casualties.
oh dear. yet all the experts say america has lost this war and you say they are winning. honestly!!!
This won't be Soviet Army that used ww2 infantry tactics and got massacred.

Blackwater will not be operating like a conventional military (NATO). Even NATO has far less casualties compared to Red Army in Afghanistan.

We are talking about a private entity that will most likely utilize AI alongside spec ops teams, knock out heads of enemy organizations, destroy and demolish on their way in/out and get out.

Most likely they will avoid direct combat and use drones. Taliban will be smoked before they even see it coming.

Unlike NATO Blackwater will not be there for community outreach and nation building programs. Only to achieve military objectives, come what may.
Soviets even used scorched earth tactics,that only back fired.
Same goes for Talibs.Minus the Air Power and heavy weapons and they would take on anyone head to head.SoF have hard time fighting them withour Air Cover.

So TTP are now defenders of Islam? Baitullah Mehsud is now a Shaheed?
Both are two different things,to make it clear one is designated as Terror outfit by US and other is regarded as an Insurgency and is being called for negotiations.
Will Taliban survive the swarm of explosive drones?

Looks like Blackwater will have a nice hunting spree
Talibs are using small unit tactics teams made up of few men operate in an area with dozens of backup teams.
How many Black Water would kill?
Less than 5 thousand of US troops, but hundreds of thousands of Pakistani troops and civilians died from Taliban.

In one day in WW2 US lost 20 thousand soldiers.

Taliban in 18 years could not kill more than 3 thousand American troops. BORING :coffee:

The U.S spent most of that time hiding in bases thats why 17 years has gradually worn them down

Hence the various accusations and butt hurt against Pakistan

Pakistan is resilient and unwilling to allow our strategic interests be damaged
finally a good decision by trump.i love trump because he doesn't even care about congress.this man makes his own decisions.great.
Blackwater is not going to play tag with the Talibunnies.

Talibunnies are going to come to Blackwater and get mixed by drones :-)
Wait and see,engaging you is useless since you don't know about Afghanistan.It's Afghanistan kiddo,you don't know when the guy who was partying with you last night would turn his rifle on you and go on killing spree.
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