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BREAKING: 7000 US troops Ordered to Withdraw from Afghanistan, Blackwater is coming.


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Who said Blackwater is going to Afghanistan to party?

Run little girl, run to the mods :lol:

And guess who set up the meeting between the Taliban and U.S

Thats right Pakistan

And we had our own list of demands regarding our interests

Thats how you do it son!!!!

Not let burma rape kill and humiliate bengalis only for Bangladesh to bow down and take them all without even a whimper
This is really bad for Pakistan though. If the US is leaving they have no use for our services. They will stop giving us aid via the IMF and other IFIs and in fact they will enact economic sanctions. Sanctions will destroy the economy!
Just in the other thread some kids were giving me negative rating while the news is already out. :lol:

Some people come to defence forum just because they are bored. They have no interest in learning from senior members here.

They achieved their objectives there. If they were asked to 'stay and monitor' they will stay and monitor. If their orders are to 'slaughter everyone' they will do it without mercy. Remember what they did to Al Shabbab. And they were not more than a few 100.
if it keeps the faith. transfering from US to mercenaries then so be it.
US military generals have been recommending this for a long time. It is nothing new and just the organic sequence of events.

US is not doing so well economically to maintain a useless occupation, they must have a better plan to use their troops elsewhere.

I wonder if it will be to bulk up South Korea and Japan against China or if it will be to invade Venezuela and Bolivia.

Obviously they don’t plan on attacking Pakistan or Iran anytime soon, otherwise staying in afghanistan would be their best bet.

You don’t know Pukhtoons well. :rofl:

It will be Hindi hunting season all over Afghanistan very soon.

The US is in for new cold war "Fighting Islamic terror" is no longer needed
As if the USSR and USA didn't send their elite folks to Afganistan...

:hitwall:, i knew u were a brain fart but didnt knw u were this stupid, i am not going to continue this conversation with a kid who doesnt knw the difference between cold calculated warfare and genocide. @Dubious mate kindly take care of this little troll who has the audacity to spread his bs on games way above his head bieng a submissive bengali and all.
Arkadash-im!!! Please don't waste your bandwidth on the Termites, the ultimate token of love from their Hindu masters!!!

Now, all the noise from the USA is like "a drowning man catches at a straw"!!!! The problem isn't Syria or Afganistan!!! It's the home front!!! The US Deep State is dead set to get rid of President Trump, the symbol of the US Deep Nation of the white males!!! It my turn very very ugly, and that's the stuff for panicking!!! What a strange reversal is happening - in the countries like Turkey and Pak, the Deep Nation and the Deep State are getting aligned; whereas, in the USA they're falling apart....

As for the Ehl-i Iman, we are under constant C4I of the All-Seeing, All-Hearing, All-Executing Supreme and the ONLY ONE LORD of the Worlds!!!! HE puts (K)hair in Sher, and Sher in (K)hair!!! And, HIS Rahmet wins over HIS Ezep for the Believers!!! So, why the Gum...

if it keeps the faith. transfering from US to mercenaries then so be it.
A Jihan Devlet is depending on mercenaries - this shame should suffice for the USA.....

For the reference only, the Ottomans depended on the Janissaries....

black water will make Taliban more strong and will drag Russia & China more and more .
When Allah-u Azimushshan intends to punish a nation HE first takes away their collective Akl...
Blackwater blue water all will turn to piss in Afghanistan. This is the land where empires fall. They have the backing of Pakistan, the regions kingmaker.

Blackwater will face black storks.
It's a business, and the damn darkest one, to begin with!!! Top folks will cash out their support to the government, while the common folks will kill and get killed there to pay the bills for the families at home!!!! How heartless these Eric Prince type folks are!!! As if the human tragedies have only one shade of Black....
Actually u.s govt want to transfer burden of failure to private blackwaters so their public not blame them for failure in afghanistan and blame blackwater.Blackwater was there from the year 2005 and was free to work under u.s umberella but failed to achieve targets
Good news.

Blackwater will show Taliban what a real war looks like. They will not abide by Rules of Engagement. Just 600 Blackwater decimated Al Shabbab in Somalia.

and adversaries will not be bound by war rules either.
The US is in for new cold war "Fighting Islamic terror" is no longer needed
You know you touched something profound there. Could we be seeing the age "Moslem terrorists" drawing to a close? Just like we saw the gradual shift from Cold War to WOT is it possible we are seeing the begining of a Cold War v2 with the new enemy being China? It certainly looks like it.
There is one fundamental question that everyone seems to be forgetting ....... The logistical and supply route for Blackwater in A-Stan???

Now, there is ONLY ONE country that can make this possible. And this country is Pakistan. Think about it ..... without Pakistan's permission there is no Blackwater in A-stan!!

And hence this raises an extremely important point to ponder by all of us here ...... IF the presence of Blackwater in A-stan is detrimental to Pakistan, and to everyone else in the region like Russia, China, etc .. then would it be fair to assume that if Blackwater is allowed in A-Stan by Pakistan then the Generals and people in Pakistan allowing this to happen are Traitors to they own country???
You know you touched something profound there. Could we be seeing the age "Moslem terrorists" drawing to a close? Just like we saw the gradual shift from Cold War to WOT is it possible we are seeing the begining of a Cold War v2 with the new enemy being China? It certainly looks like it.

George Friedman a geo-stategic author wrote a book a decade ago on this I think the book was titled "The Next 100 years" and he predicts that war on terror will draw to the close in late 2010s and gradual shift to Cold War with a China or Russia may occur, he see's Russia in a weaker position its population is too low and ageing and still is recovering from the USSR demise of the early 1990s so China is the big fish, to catch now and its kinda true do you hear ISIS in the headlines or Al Qaeda(Old School) nah its all about China China China

"Moslem terrorists" drawing to a close? Just like we saw the gradual shift from Cold War to WOT is it possible we are seeing the begining of a Cold War v2 with the new enemy being China? It certainly looks like it.[/QUOTE]

Ahh the good ole media terms of the 1980s when western press used Moslem a lot in fact I was watching some old ABC News reports from 1988 over Lockerbie and the 1986 hijacking of Flight 73 and they way the pronounced Moslem is funny asf
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