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BREAKING: 7000 US troops Ordered to Withdraw from Afghanistan, Blackwater is coming.

So you have it?

But but people said Iraq was America's Vietnam!!!
Sir i am not sure who would have said that. Iraq was never going to be America's Vietnam (besides, American's Vietnam was Vietnam itself!). It was always going to be Afghanistan. I am not saying that its all over for Americans in Afghanistan but lets be honest here, what is the current situation of US in Afghanistan? The installed a puppet regime that have no control whatsoever beyond Kabul. The had to brought in another terrorist outfit that they created, the ISIS in Afghanistan to keep Taliban in check and that attracted unnecessary attention of both Russia and China, even if you do not consider Pakistan to be a problem or important enough. At the end of nearly two decades and hundreds of billions of dollars spent, US have NOTHING to show for all this effort. No control beyond Kabul, an unfriendly country, pissed off neighbors who will be the most important players in the country once US withdraws (even are so today). It was a total failure!

Iraq was never going to be Vietnam for US. Those who said so were wrong. As wrong as those who think that Afghanistan is a victory and not a disaster.

america ab bahar se thonkega .
If they could have done that, they would never have gotten into that God forsaken place! This comment of yours show you maturity and total lack of knowledge on the subject. Ideally in such case, a person should LISTEN rather than SPEAK.

not reality
So you have anything more than one liners, conspiracy theories and "know it all about aliens" to contribute?

Not quoting all your one liners but i suppose you will know about them yourself.
@I.R.A you to sir. I hope you will understand.
American strategy one = failed
Strategy two = failed
Strategy three = failed
Strategy four = failed
Strategy blackwater = ... ... ...
A drowning man catches at a straw....

Here, it is an anaconda...

Yanlish hesaplar Ba'dat-tan doner....Wrong calculations return from Baghdad...
That is how this horse and pony show ended up last time on the Pakistani soil.

What kind of agency is this that is leaking news of it's "revival".Black water or Xe company is known for their terrorists activities in Pakistan.I am afraid that they are going to bring instability and chaos in Afghanistan when peace talks will be going on: Peace talks on one side, marking leaders and bombing on the other side.I am warning Pakistan to stay away from this as far as possible because Americans will continue to harbor "lack of trust" between Pakistani leadership and Afghan Taliban.The main goals Americans have is to make sure that they leave a front open against Pakistan so that she could face enemies from two sides and does not get stability: Afghan Taliban, Ghani gov. and Indians.If Afghan Talibans turn against Pakistani regime then it would be very troubling for us.Hence, Pakistan should clearly convey this to Afghans that she is not responsible for actions Americans are going to take and that Afghans should rely upon their own wisdom.It is historical move that when a nation starts to loose a front then she offers for pseudo settlement in which marking is completely done.Upon acquiring psychological weakness, the hunter then hunts the prey.Symptoms include mutual interests, permission to access and installation of specific check points.Don't give them what they want, put your own terms or continue your struggle.
Remember, unstable Afghanistan is not favorable for Pakistan.Do not grant Americans access to install oil/gas pipelines in your area or else you will end up like East Indians who got their agenda in Sub-continent.Unless you don't find Americans sincere, do not grant them access.Please do not follow their terms.

US or India
Twining yourself with USA does not make you USA anymore then Pakistan can become China by hanging by the Chinese coat tails.

Even during the most dominant days of Taliban, India kept them on their toes with few million funding towards Northern Alliance. SO as long as there are people to fight against the Taliban in Afghanistan, we are very much in the game.
That was because Russia, Iran, Central Asia were with Northern Alliance. You guys were one bit players. Without the rest, who brought geography, economic linkages India had nothing to offer. Need I remind you of the Indian Airline hijack??

The reality is the landscape has changed. All of Afghanistan's neighbours want USA out. And since then China has risen. Afghanistan's future 'partners' are going to be it's neighbours. Pakistan, Iran, Central Asia and China. Sorry India is excluded. Grab a map. You have no access to Afghanistan and you are not a neighbour. That is the decisive factor.

Neither does Russia but Central Asian countries are Russian satellites and offer full access to Afghanistan. You can already see who the participants are in the discussions for future peace. India is not even on the list.

Afghanistan, Central/Western Asia is effectively blocked by Pakistan. In the meantime as China rises it's shadow will outshine others. China has the access, the money, the industry. So I am not saying Pakistan is going to be dominant in the region but neither will you. But Pakistan will still stay relevant because of our geography and the Chinese factor.

Still you guy's can play Puja with Bangla, Bhutan, Maldives etc

by the way, US is replace the forces with private contractors …

This will alienate the local population even more. Contractors show even less restraint then regular US military. I suspect after US Army pulls out the contractor footprint will shrink gradually and their ony interest will be to keep eyes on AQ or ISIS type of outfits.
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