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Boost of security


Oct 3, 2005
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Pakistan Boosts Security for England's Eight-Week Cricket Tour

Oct. 25 (Bloomberg) -- England's cricket players will get the same level of security as high-ranking political visitors when they tour Pakistan for eight weeks from tomorrow, Pakistan Cricket Board officials said.

New Zealand abandoned a tour in 2002 after an explosion near the team hotel in Karachi killed 11 people, while teams including Australia have refused to play in Pakistan in the past four years. Pakistan has a ``high threat'' of terrorist activity, according to the U.K. Foreign & Commonwealth Office.

``We have made special security arrangements, the same as we give foreign dignitaries,'' Zakir Khan, the board official in charge of the tour, said in a phone interview from Lahore. ``Extra police and commandoes will provide security to them from the minute they land in Pakistan until they leave.''

Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf ordered a clampdown on suspected militants after the July 7 suicide bombings in London that killed 56. England players had considered boycotting the tour because three of the four bombers were British-born Muslims of Pakistani descent who had recently visited Pakistan, the Guardian newspaper reported on July 25.

Thousands of Pakistan security officials are involved in the relief effort following the Oct. 8 earthquake that killed more than 53,000 people in the country's north.

The England & Wales Cricket Board has re-hired the Oliver Group, a company specializing in intelligence, after it worked on the team's 2001 visit to India shortly after the Sept. 11 attacks in the U.S. A board official who declined to be named said he was ``absolutely satisfied with the feedback we've been getting from all parties involved on the issue of security.''

`Indiscriminate Bombing'

Pakistan's board in July agreed to a U.K. request not to schedule a five-day Test match in Karachi, the target of militant violence. Last month, two bombs killed seven people in Lahore, venue for a Test match and two one-day internationals.

The teams will also contest Test matches in Multan and Faisalabad next month, while Karachi will host one of five one- day matches in December. England last toured Pakistan in 2000.

The U.K Foreign and Commonwealth Office said on its Web site that major cities are ``particularly vulnerable to indiscriminate bombing'' and ``those of visibly Western origin are more likely to be targeted.'' Pakistan's government blames recent bombings on opponents of Musharraf's support for the U.S.-led campaign against terrorism.

Richard Bevan, chief executive of the Professional Cricketers Association, a union representing England players, visited Pakistan in July to inspect venues and said the team is ``comfortable'' with the plans.

`No Threat'

Oliver Group ``has been doing a very good job and we are more than happy following their recommendations,'' Bevan said in a phone interview yesterday. ``We very much look forward to Pakistan delivering what's been agreed on their side.''

The group has had two employees in the country assessing security and will send an officer to each venue at least one day before the team is due to arrive.

Khan said security measures included ``uninterrupted traffic arrangements'' for the England team and extra monitoring of hotel floors -- the same precautions as when India's team visited for its first full tour in 14 years in 2004. No threat has been made regarding the England tour, he added.

``No irrelevant person will be allowed to come in touch with them,'' Khan, a former Pakistan player, said.

Michael Vaughan, the England captain, and his coach Duncan Fletcher said they would leave security issues to the board and concentrate on winning matches. England, which arrives in Islamabad tomorrow, last month beat Australia in a Test series for the first time since 1987.

``There will be a security team with us throughout the tour,'' Vaughan told reporters at London's Heathrow airport yesterday. ``As far as we are aware, everything is fine.''

who is a cricket fan around here i also like cricket but only pak india matches :evil:
Originally posted by Sidra@Oct 28 2005, 11:14 AM
who is a cricket fan around here i also like cricket but only pak india matches :evil:
[post=1559]Quoted post[/post]​

I am right here. Karachi's streets all rounder cricket player! :PakistanFlag:
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