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Book Review - THE INDIA DOCTRINE (1947-2007)

BIG congratultion to Munshi bahi. Lot more people will learn on Indian hegemony, how it effects people of Bangladesh and south asia and danger it pose in South asia.
Your arrogant comments (as an indian) defining what Bangladesh can or Can not do, vindicate Mr Munshi’s book. That’s the arrogance and hegemonistic agenda we have been talking about and Mr. Munshi has so accurately exposed in his effort. As unfortunate as it is, most indians and indian policy makers holds same arrogance and hegemonistic agenda on Bangladesh.

There is no arrogance here. It is a fact as I see it.

If you think antagonizing India will help you develop, you are welcome to keep thinking that way. I think it is very difficult for a small nation to develop by antagonizing it's bigger neighbor that is fast developing and can provide a large market and capital investment. Besides that having good relations will generally improve the image of the country for foreigners too.

That’s what book is for, small person making big stride. More importantly make big impact by informing and educating large audience. Its good to see frustration and feeling of caught red handed written all over your face.

:what: I caught red handed. :crazy:

I have generally seen only hate mongering and attention seeking by blaming India. Even the other posts by the member concerned seeing a Mossad or RAW conspiracy is everything (and actually welcoming MOSSAD takeover of a Bangladeshi Tanzeem) don't inspire confidence.

We are all aware of master-client relationship between Awami league and India. Infect 2 hrs long indian high commission sermon on indian demands to Hasina has confirmed your wish.

I think people have tried the alternative and seen their reality. The elections of Hassina point out that most Bangladeshi people want friendly relations with India.
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There is no arrogance here. It is a fact as I see it.

If you think antagonizing India will help you develop, you are welcome to keep thinking that way. I think it is very difficult for a small nation to develop by antagonizing it's bigger neighbor that is fast developing and can provide a large market and capital investment. Besides that having good relations will generally improve the image of the country for foreigners too.

:what: I caught red handed. :crazy:

I have generally seen only hate mongering and attention seeking by blaming India. Even the other posts by the member concerned seeing a Mossad or RAW conspiracy is everything (and actually welcoming MOSSAD takeover of a Bangladeshi Tanzeem) don't inspire confidence.

I think people have tried the alternative and seen their reality. The elections of Hassina point out that most Bangladeshi people want friendly relations with India.

You cleverly by passing the fact that india is pursuing hegemonic agenda and trying to control other countries in South Asia under the banner "big country". Yet when these facts are exposed by anyone, india and Indians like yourself play victim and feel antagonized. That’s another indian deception and limitation in many respect.

Indian “capital and investment” – that must be a joke. We have very good experience of what that means in indian book – exploitation and plundering of Bangladesh natural resource and location. We have done well enough without indian “capital and investment” for last 37 years and we will be better even without it.

Look around, Srilanka survived, prospered and almost defeated indian evil creation LTTE.
Nepal has survived and progressing toward minimizing indian influence. Pakistan calls your bluff every other year and make you look so miserable.

Problem with your and indian definition of “friendly” is acceptance of indian hegemony. And everyone in South Asia said a resounding NO to that kind of indian “friendship”.
^^ The majority of Bangladeshis don't look at India the same way. At least that is what the poll results prove.

Your facts are all wrong but I see no point in arguing them now.
Our World is a Global Village, we are all interdependent. Thats what vinod meant I think. Hostililty towards India will not take BD anywhere, but the road to confrontation which India does not want at any point of time.
Great read. I believe your book will be having some valuable insight. Where in Pakistan can i find your book.

Congrats Munshi.
Great read. I believe your book will be having some valuable insight. Where in Pakistan can i find your book.

Congrats Munshi.

I think that several hundred copies will reach Pakistan soon. I think the best way to get a copy is to get in touch with Ahmed Quraishi or Dr. Pervaiz Iqbal Cheema. They will be working out the logistics of distribution in Pakistan.

Thanks for your interest.
It does not mean you should bully BD or any other smaller country in the region. You can not tell BD what to do and what not to do.

Asking Bangladesh not to shelter terrorists or Indian separatist leaders does not amount to this. They are free to do anything as long as it does not amount to terrorism or supporting the separatist elements in India.

The Indian interference in Bangladesh is not even a fraction of the Pakistani interference in Afghanistan where you installed the Taliban that took away all rights of the common Afghans and made it into a medieval joyless country of bigot terrorists.

Even now you can see almost every other Pakistani trying to dictate what is acceptable and not acceptable for Afghanistan to do!
^^ The majority of Bangladeshis don't look at India the same way. At least that is what the poll results prove.

Your facts are all wrong but I see no point in arguing them now.

Bangladeshis did not vote for India they voted for Tk.10 rice, employment and cheap fertilizer. We will see the reaction when AL cannot deliver.
The 2008 Elections in Bangladesh --Was it Engineered?

Sunday January 04 2009 11:37:32 AM BDT

By Ranu Chowdhury, USA

The just concluded election on December 29, 2008 saw the landslide victory of the Awami League led Moha Jote in Bangladesh. It bagged 264 out of the 298 constituencies declared. The BNP led 4-Party was virtually crushed, winning 31 seats only. The victory of the Moha Jote was not so much of a surprise as the margin itself. None, not even the victorious Awami League, in its wildest dream thought of such a result.

Overall, Awami League secured 48 percent popular votes while BNP managed a little over 32%. Ershad's Jatiya Party was a big beneficiary of his alliance with the Moha Jote, securing 27 seats with 7% votes. Jamaat-e-Islam was reduced to 2 seats with 4 % votes.

The Question is: Why and How Did it Happen?

BNP’s allegation of rigging in all the 299 seats contested may not hold good. International observers gave it a clean bill of health. I think for the first time, the Bangladeshis voted mostly freely. And the voter turnout was variously put at 80 to 90 percent, a record for Bangladesh.

Was the election engineered, as alleged by the BNP? It is a subtle question left to be examined and judged. In fact, election engineering is a common practice in all elections all over the world. Interested parties would stoop to any depth to defame the adversaries, at the same time going to any length to make their own cases.

The Chief Election Commissioner, in his first reaction after the election, said that under the circumstances people voted for the symbol, not the person, even though his office (CEC) vigorously campaigned for quality representatives. He compared the recently concluded elections with the 1954 elections in which the Jukta Front won a landslide victory over Muslim League in then East Pakistan. I understand the CEC earlier promised he would present a 1970 type elections in which the people voted for the symbol Boat of Awami League, not necessarily the candidate.

Interested Parties

We know the military, particularly the army chief General Moin U Ahmed, played the singular role in the execution of 1/11 and installation of a Caretaker Government (CTG). During the two-year run of the CTG, the army chief did not make any secret of his love and loyalty to a mainstream party and its supreme leader, while expressing his disgust for the other which was the immediate past ruling party. Reportedly, General Moin was to be sacked by then caretaker government for his refusal to take action against the continuing widespread violence that killed scores of people prior to 1/11. His wrath was manifested in the treatment of the BNP leadership that wanted him out. As such, the army chief could not be safe in a future government under such (BNP) leadership.

CTG was virtually an extension of the military's 1/11 scheme. Additionally, it would ensure a government that would legalize all its actions, right or wrong, legal or illegal. It played several games towards that objective. It tried the now infamous Minus Two formula which failed, not only miserably but left a deep scar on its credibility. Through connivance of a restructured Dudak, the CTG arrested the top leaders of the mainstream parties, including the two Begums. Dozens of serious cases were instituted against them. All these were orchestrated ostensibly to force the disgraced leadership to tow the CTG line. One Begum succumbed finally and was packed off to her second home abroad, perhaps for further strategic arrangements. She even publicly announced that she would legalize all the actions of the CTG if voted to power.

The other Begum was not so forthcoming. She even declined to be a voter under custody. So she, as well as her two sons, had to undergo further sufferings and indignities. During her election campaigns, she blamed the CTG and claimed that the past two years had taken the country back by 20 years, earning further displeasure of the power that be.

War Criminals

The 1971 War Crime issue became a central issue this time. It was December, the Victory month and all the media focus was on the War of Independence, including the activities of the Razakars, Al-Badars etc. The Sector Commanders' Forum was created to expose the war criminals and it did a good job, thanks to media and government and outside sponsorships. The aim was to discredit the Jamaat, the Jote partner of BNP. During the 2001 elections, Jamaat got over 14 percent voters, this time it ended up with 4 percent only.

The CEC had a stake too. Being an agent of the CTG, and by extension the military, it acted the way the bosses dictated. Its dislike for the immediate past ruling party was a public fact. It succeeded considerably in weakening this party too.

Outside Forces:

Observers suspect a few foreign hands in this election game. Continuing interest of our big neighbor in our internal affairs is a known matter. Through its intelligence agency and its local strings, it has always been trying to make Bangladesh its vassal state. Lately, it seemed to have enlisted the support of the US and UK governments towards a strategy that would ensure the victory for its surrogates in Bangladesh. In this game, our neighbor played, among others, the cards of ‘fundamentalism’ and ‘terrorism’ that appealed the superpowers. It is also not unknown to the Bangladeshis which party and which public personalities are working for our neighbor and for the foreign hands. The 2006 London Meeting involving Ershad, the 2008 Hasina-Hussain Zillur Dialogue in the US were all part of this strategy. These external forces thus acted, overtly and covertly, for their designated party in Bangladesh.

It, therefore, seems almost everything went against the BNP Jote this time. The 1/11 was seen as a coup against the immediate past ruling party, and Awami League chief Hasina was quick to claim the credit for the 1/11. Thus BNP’s misdeeds, corruptions, highhandedness and all lapses were in focus over the past two years, culminating the election campaign by its adversaries.

This is perhaps the ‘Election Engineering’, as alleged by the losing party.

The Evil Axis stage-managed a landslide victory for BAL

Sunday January 04 2009 11:34:52 AM BDT

By Zoglul Husain, UK

London 3 January 2009. The Awami League, which won a landslide victory in the national election held on 29 December 2008, with 230 seats and 48.06% of the votes cast, was as stunned with joy as the BNP was numbed by shock with a paltry 29 seats and 32.45% of the votes cast, on a reportedly record turnout of 87.29% and accepted votes of 86.29%, the figure many read with disbelief. As the dust settles, it is time to take stock of where we the public now are, try and discern the future that is about to unfold and be pro-active, rather than sit idly, by twiddling our thumbs and singing, ‘What will be, will be’.

The landslide victory:

The over-elated Awami League supporters have been saying that the people have spoken quite loud and clear, and that their opponents must listen. The fact is, back in 2001, it was the BNP who won a landslide victory against the BAL and, so, the people can swing from one direction to another and can swing back again. The other thing that needs to be mentioned about the landslide victory is that we have seen many landslide victories such as in 1954, 1970, 1973, 2001, and now in 2008, but in spite of all these victories, 45% of our people are still under the poverty line. So, nationally we must loudly and clearly address the question of poverty, rather than silently accept our ‘fate’ and meekly let the elected ones use popular support for misrule and corruption.

How was the landslide victory achieved?

It is the US, the UK, Europe, Canada, Australia, the UN, Israel, India, the military-controlled interim government of Bangladesh, the administration and their supporters together, who were the architects of this landslide victory. The BNP was basically forcibly uprooted from power, then it was thrown hard on the floor of the political arena, where it landed with bruises and broken limbs. Despite corruption and misrule, the BNP was thought to win the election scheduled on 22 January 2007. Corruption and misrule are also the characteristics of BAL as well, and much more so, as we have seen in their governments of 1972-75 and 1996-2001, but, that being at least seven years ago, is not known to the new voters, age 18-25.

The evil US-Israel-India Axis launched a ‘logi-boitha’ attack through the BAL on 28 October 2006 as the BNP government handed over power to a caretaker government for the ensuing election. In the attack about 36 people died, which was followed by the frightening prospect of a civil war, about to be initiated by the BAL with their violent demos and blockades of roads and ports, and which, as planned on a blueprint drawn before 2005 by the evil Axis, provided them the excuse for a military takeover on one-eleven 2007, with emergency rules stifling democracy and cancelling the election of 22 January 2007.

Then thousands of BNP leaders and workers were rounded up and sent to prison with thousands of others driven away from their constituencies. This was done along with non-stop propaganda against the BNP nationally and internationally. The Axis has overwhelming influences on the media, Human Rights organisations, etc. as they bankroll most of them quite lavishly. The axis then organised, probably with threat and or temptations, about 80 former MPs of BNP to demand reforms and to break up the party, with the reformists working with the interim government. With the emergency rules stifling democracy and with the state of the BNP, bulldozed and demolished as they were, the situation continued for two years until 16 December 2008, when the emergency rules were lifted, but with soldiers deployed for the election on 29 December 2008. Obviously, the time of 13-days was less than long enough for the BNP to recuperate and reorganise for the election, although Khaleda held about 200 meetings in two weeks with huge gatherings and massive support. Also, about the actual holding of the election, the BNP has, in press briefings, complained about irregularities and riggings in every constituency.

This was essentially how the evil Axis dished out the landslide victory to the BAL.

What happened to the ‘minus two’ theory?

As the military-controlled interim government took over on one-eleven 2007, they first tried a ‘minus two’ theory, i.e. exiling both Khaleda and Hasina and forming a king’s party. Initially to balance the imprisonment of huge numbers of BNP leaders and workers, they sent many BAL leaders and workers to prison. They backed Professor Yunus and later Ferdous Quoreshi to form a party, which would be subservient to the evil Axis. They even tried small parties to form a king’s front. But these attempts failed miserably. On the other hand, Khaleda refused to leave the country, in spite of the government sending her two sons to prison with reported severe torture and in spite of both Khaleda and Hasina being sent to prison. And so the ‘minus two’ theory fell apart, failing also miserably. Then the evil Axis was compelled to strike a deal with Hasina, as the second choice, and Hasina readily pledged allegiance and subservience. Thus it was Khaleda who foiled the ‘minus two’ formula, but it was Hasina who reaped the benefit.

What kind of government are we going to get?

Over the last two years, the illegal military-controlled interim government was never impartial, the administration they set up was never impartial, the Election Commission they set up was never impartial, the condition, which the BNP was reduced to, was not impartial, and so, de facto, the election cannot be called free, fair, credible or acceptable. For two years, the whole country, under emergency rules, was turned into a big prison, where the evil Axis and its collaborators ruled. Actually, the evil Axis hijacked the election of 22 January 2007, by conspiracy and by force, and delivered the election of 29 December 2008, after a ruthless and sordid political engineering spanning over two years. The target was the destruction of the nationalist force within the BNP and, though the evil Axis has managed to defeat it for the time being, it would not be for long. Nationalist forces are like a Phoenix, which regenerates itself whenever hurt by a foe. The people of Bangladesh will never surrender to the domination and plunder of the evil Axis. A network of political resistance throughout the country is expected to develop soon.

The US and their allies installed the governments of al-Maliki, Karzai, Musharraf, Zardari, etc. They have now installed the government of Hasina, which is likely to be a puppet government of India, supported by the US, their allies and their rubber stamp, the UN, as India is a strategic ally of the US. Hasina, as reported in the Ananda Bazar Potrika on 31 December 2008, already made a phone call to the Foreign Minister of India Pronab Mukherjee requesting him to be present at the oath taking ceremony of her next government. She said, "Dada, you will have to come to participate in the oath taking ceremony (of my government) with Boudi." Whether her political Dada (older brother) and Boudi (older brother’s wife) attend the ceremony or not, Hasina has unmistakably given her elated signal of allegiance to the Indian Foreign Minister.

So, where are we and what do we do?

With the election as it was concluded, the political control of Bangladesh has gone to the evil Axis and they will expect the government to be a puppet on a string. But the people of Bangladesh will be extra vigilant to see if any of their national interests are jeopardized or compromised or sold out. For example, in order to highlight an agenda of the evil Axis, Hasina has already talked about a South Asian Task Force to control terrorism. This would be a ploy for a military intervention. In 2003, Bhutan launched a joint military operation with India to flush out ULFA, but since then Indian army has been stationed there permanently, with Bhutan reduced to an Indian dependency. I think it would be quite appropriate here to warn the government of Hasina, and its supporter the evil Axis, that if there is any attempt against the independence and sovereignty of Bangladesh, then the valiant people of Bangladesh will stand up in resistance in whatever capacity and in whatever way they can. The unjust Indian interests in Bangladesh are well known, but the evil Axis must also know the just national interests of Bangladesh. The evil Axis has already been defeated in Iraq and Afghanistan they will be defeated in Bangladesh too! The people of the world will certainly defeat the imperialists and the hegemonists!

Asking Bangladesh not to shelter terrorists or Indian separatist leaders does not amount to this. They are free to do anything as long as it does not amount to terrorism or supporting the separatist elements in India.

The Indian interference in Bangladesh is not even a fraction of the Pakistani interference in Afghanistan where you installed the Taliban that took away all rights of the common Afghans and made it into a medieval joyless country of bigot terrorists.

Even now you can see almost every other Pakistani trying to dictate what is acceptable and not acceptable for Afghanistan to do!

:lol: You were not asking them not to shelter terrorists rather you were bullying by saying BD can only survive if it listens to India.

Keep aside Pakistan-Afghanistan issue for some relevent thread.
Afghanistan has been and is battle ground where countries from arround the world are amassed whereas there is no such thing about BD so India does not have any right to interfere in BD.
I think that several hundred copies will reach Pakistan soon. I think the best way to get a copy is to get in touch with Ahmed Quraishi or Dr. Pervaiz Iqbal Cheema. They will be working out the logistics of distribution in Pakistan.

Thanks for your interest.

Thanks. I think for that i have to ask a common friend of ours to get me one from Ahmed or Mr Cheema.
Bangladeshis did not vote for India they voted for Tk.10 rice, employment and cheap fertilizer. We will see the reaction when AL cannot deliver.

But isn't AL known to be pro-India? If people vote for it, it means people want better relations with India besides good governance and fulfillment all those poll planks.

I think you were claiming that it is a RAW conspiracy to get AL elected in these polls. You still stand by that? Is it possible for RAW to ensure such an overwhelming majority for their proteges in an election universally called free and fair!

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