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Bangladesh wants to buy Russia’s Yak-130 & SU-27 !

Everyone please ignore the troll. We Bangladeshis have better things to do than go down to the level of chatting to exponents of war crimes, collective punishment, mass ethnic cleansing from failed states with boy soldiers.


Burmese boy soldier in the super-duper powerful Burmese "army".

Oh come on bro! Dont start a troll war. This thread is about bangladesh and su 27 and so far it is an engaging thread. Please dont start comparing with other countries
Interestingly, countries that buy Russian planes should generally compliment them with comprehensive SAM support. The Soviet doctrine assumed that their aircraft would not achieve air superiority alone against American aircraft so invested heavily in anti-aircraft weapons. Americans OTTH never gave much of a damn about point air defence. Don't know about the Chinese, though.
myanmar doesn't have any good missile that can bring down Bangladeshi aircrafts! I agree they do have 4th hand second world war air defence systems! Although they claim to have russian modern air defence systems but those all are fake! Never seen any photos!
Do they still produce Su 27???

I wanted to know from BD members here that whether just 12 su-27 will be sufficient for BD to counter India ? I mean India have got 272 Su 30 MKIS. Higher in number as well quality ?

I think they are building up to counter Myanmar BAF doesn't have any chance against IAF and they know it.
The Indians tell us they have a stock of 272 Su-30MKI, while in reality the number is only 157 at present. They want to raise it to 272, but there will be more suicides of poor Indians when this superpoor India goes for a superpower status by purchasing military gadgets from foreign sources and by sending rockets to the Moon. This is why UK has already objected to this kind of extravagancy and will stop its $400 million annual donation to that country.

we never tell that we have a stock of 272 su-30....we have 272 su-30 on order ,all of which will be inducted by 2020...mind you the new batch su-30's will be super sukhois with capabilities simmilar to su-35.

https://www.politicshome.com/uk/story/24461/ :rolleyes:...we wanted to terminate the aid ourselves
Yeah, but you forget Bangladesh's main weakness: it's full of Bangladeshis. Anyway, Myanmar is booming now so in 10 years time I'm confident we'll be the bigger economy. It's embarassing to even have to compete with your kind.

If burma have a stable economy and government, no one would be much happier than us, trust me. It affect us more than someone 1000 miles away. We can give you a lot of business.
That's racism.

I would personally not prefer for BD to be solely reliant on Russian aircraft.

It now looks like BD will have a 4th generation fleet consisting of 16 Mig-29 and 24-36 SU-30 by 2020.

Far better that BD has one type of Russian fighter and another type of Chinese.

The ideal combination would be J-10/SU-30 - J-10 would be solely for air superiority and the SU-30 could be used for deep strike as well as being a formidable interceptor.
You are right in one case, not to put the cookie in a single basket,so we have China also. If we diversity too much, it would raise maintenance, operational cost, and would be a headache for the admins these I guess.

1. Yes the possibility of war between Burma and Bangladesh is very low.

2. The Burmese apparently do have a stronger air force but in total war is not just about fighter planes as air defence systems come in to play as does ground warfare. We have the advantage as on the BD-Burma border we have higher altitude and the defender always has the advantage.

Also we disarmed the Rohingyas over 10 years ago post 9-11 under the BNP regime of that time. All we need to do is to provide the arms that we would use for our paramilitaries such as the Ansars and others to Rohingyas to wage war against the junta.

3. Yes the Kachins are engaged in guerilla warfare but the Burmese army in general are weak and poorly trained even in the case of a conventional frontal war between two regular armies.

4. The only major issue between us is the Rohingya issue and if the Burmese junta revert to their pre-1982 policies of citizenship for Burmese of Rohingya ethnicity there is no problem.

If the Burmese junta ever made the grave mistake of starting war with us they would face humiliation that they would never forget just as the Pakistanis today are still burning over 1971, or the Indians over partition (a partition spearheaded by Bengalis). Burma would collapse and a new multi-ethnic Switzerland style confederacy would come in to being as a result of the Bangladeshi defeat of Burma.

No offense bro, but it would not be at all a good idea to arm the mujahedens or the Rohingyas unilaterally. They might become a problem for us later on. what you sow is what you reap. I don't think they will try to make a mistake by going into a war with us.
myanmar doesn't have any good missile that can bring down Bangladeshi aircrafts! I agree they do have 4th hand second world war air defence systems! Although they claim to have russian modern air defence systems but those all are fake! Never seen any photos!

I totally agree with you... I have searched Google, Yahoo, MSN, Safari..... found nothing for myanmar.. I even searched the defence transfer database from 1950 till 2011... and found nothing but 200 HN-5.....
S-125, first in service in 1960! LoL!

"However, apart from the two isolated successes achieved on two USAF strike aircraft, the Kosovo war demonstrated the obsolescence of these fixed SAM sites and its unreliability as part of an integrated air defence system: dozens of missiles were fired with only two aircraft downed."
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