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Balochistan may seek independence without autonomy: Jan Muhammad Jamali

Regarding Bangladesh, a visit to any human rights/genocide website should suffice to reveal the unpleasant details of the period. I am not going to argue this matter any further.
The only human rights violations in Balochistan are being done by Balochi Sardars.

I for one am ever willing to shoot these human rights violators.

As far seeking independence goes, there can be no such thing. Balochistan should and will get as much autonomy as do the other 3 provinces. Of course there will be certain exceptions.

Just because Balochis, due to lack of education cannot build a Gwadar port does not mean that the federal government wait 50 yrs till they are able to do it themselves. That makes no sense for Balochistan.
^^^You are free to believe what you want, but unless there is some independent confirmation of this, nobody except Pakistanis are going to buy what could well be an attempt to foist the blame onto a convenient scapegoat.

If you (you in general and not you specifically) keep on repeating the same claim of "genocide" over and over then eventually people are bound to buy into it. Factually speaking, there was neither the intent nor the will to carry out a "genocide". Atrocities did happen but can never be called a genocide. I'll leave this here..both sides have their own stories and they can be verified from other neutral sources (including EPs themselves).
Pakistan using the Air Force and artillery to quell the Balochis is also human rights violation

Yet, in the same breath, I would say that insurgency and insurrection is not the answer.

Dialogue is.
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