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Balochistan may seek independence without autonomy: Jan Muhammad Jamali


If this website is to be believed things look grim there.

Baloch freedom fighters attacked army Patroling team in the vicinity of Chapi Kach area of Koshistan Marri.

According to sources the army van was heading from Kahan to Kohlu when they were targeted with rockets and other automatic weapons, as a result seven Punjabi-Pakistani soldiers were killed on the spot and four others were critically injured

In a separate incident BLA fighters killed Police inspector in Khuzadar, according to locals Sub-inspector Ghulam Mustafa Raowas passing through the Hospital road when armed BLA fighters on a motorbike opened indiscriminate fire on him, consiquently he dead on the spot.


its an Indian funded website. There are many other such sites which are put on net by India infact these are propaganda sites supporting the Indian funded terrorism inside Balochistan.
These sites used words like Punjabi Pakistanis.
if you get link so what man whole world know this truth only a link needs to prof this .and conslites why not more in saudia were 1200.000 indian people cry for renew there passports and indian gov have only three here but in afghanistan 6 for what ?

Its not that easy to open consulates. I'm guessing that Saudia has limits on what and how much of a diplomatic presence a country is allowed.

India conducts a vast array of activities on Afghanistan, and considering the difficulties in communication and transport, it would be necessary to have more offices.

its an Indian funded website. There are many other such sites which are put on net by India infact these are propaganda sites supporting the Indian funded terrorism inside Balochistan.
These sites used words like Punjabi Pakistanis.

So are you saying that the said shootings/killings didn't happen?
So are you saying that the said shootings/killings didn't happen?
Dude such websites are run by terrorists.

They are banned in most countries, including here in UAE. And they certainly not getting any airtime on this website either.

Please quote from official news sources, not terrorist propaganda. Defence.pk will have a strong objection to anyone aiding and abetting the terrorist agenda here.
Dude such websites are run by terrorists.

They are banned in most countries, including here in UAE. And they certainly not getting any airtime on this website either.

Please quote from official news sources, not terrorist propaganda. Defence.pk will have a strong objection to anyone aiding and abetting the terrorist agenda here.

Hey I didn't quote from any terrorist website. Please check who posted the article.
Let them have the money and build houses in Dubai.

The GoP will not hand over control of strategic locations like the ports to the Sardars. That is key to the entire nation.

If the Sardars have autonomy and control of the money their excuses dry up, and eventually they will have to answer to their people. Right now they have a handy punching bag, and it needs to be taken away.
I wouldn't give them a penny in bribe. That would be succumbing to their pressure. However I would give that money to the Balochis instead.

Balochis are our fellow countrymen and the sardars the traitors.

Unfortunately these Sardars would get what they want. One thing about Musharraf, he never gave the Sardars more than their due. That's why they created trouble in his time and were all talk and no action during the previous governments.

The thing is, even if you give them money, they'll keep talking, just not attacking. The idea behind their strategy is, even if you're keeping the Sardars happy, they want to keep the issue boiling so once you don't give them something they can easily get a chunk of the balochis to go "WTF!?".

So the question is, will you take on the cleaning job right now or let it get worse and be forced into doing so later?
^^^That's hardly independent research. Quoting a government spokesman hardly lends credibility to the allegations. Infact, it undermines them.

It has just a little more credibility than the Chinese claims that the Dalai Lama is organizing riots. And that's not saying much.

Obviously, India has a huge presence in Afghanistan. India is training the Afghan army, police, building roads, hospitals and other facilities. Pakistan has motive to discredit the Indian presence in that country.

Given that India already had great success in supporting a militant, violent seperatist movement in East Pakistan, there is great credibility in the accusations made.

And its not just Mushahid - over the last few years Pakistani intelligence, law enforcement, various interior ministers and other government officials have all voiced the same views, but the criticism has been muted since there was this whole "peace process" thing going on.
Given that India already had great success in supporting a militant, violent seperatist movement in East Pakistan, there is great credibility in the accusations made.

How does that work? Guilt by precedent?

Also, we all know of the state Bangladeshis were in, streaming into India in their millions as refugees. India had no choice but to intervene.

Balochistan is a completely different story.

Also, they have legitimate demands like lack of representation, total disregard for their welfare and development by the government, etc. etc. so its not like they have no reason to be disgruntled.
How does that work? Guilt by precedent?

Also, we all know of the state Bangladeshis were in, streaming into India in their millions as refugees. India had no choice but to intervene.

Balochistan is a completely different story.

Also, they have legitimate demands like lack of representation, total disregard for their welfare and development by the government, etc. etc. so its not like they have no reason to be disgruntled.

Refuges flowing in the millions into India after the Indian parliament authorized that the borders be opened to them - and barely a couple of months had passed since the refugees had come into India that war was declared, Nothing but a sham.

Baluchistan is the same - though it is not possible for India to obtain the same results there as it did in East Pakistan because of various differences in the situation.

Read the last part of my post above (I edited it later). It isn't just Mushahid Hussain who has made these accusations. Precedent only shows that India has no qualms about supporting "terrorism" to hurt Pakistan.
Refuges flowing in the millions into India after the Indian parliament authorized that the borders be opened to them - and barely a couple of months had passed since the refugees had come into India that war was declared, Nothing but a sham.

LOL...alright...if you want to term one of the biggest genocides and refugee crises of the 20th century as a sham, then good for you!
LOL...alright...if you want to term one of the biggest genocides and refugee crises of the 20th century as a sham, then good for you!

This is a digression from the thread, so you are welcome to argue the case on the relevant thread, rather than posting distortions elsewhere.

The allegation of genocide has never been proved, with even some Bangladeshis arguing against it, and as we have argued in the relevant thread, it it appears highly unlikely that the number of people killed according to Indians was even possible in the time frame mentioned.

Of course none of you bother to actually continue the discussion on th thread and counter the arguments there, preferring to throw in your little rants now and then to try an make a point.

So yes - the "genocide" lies perpetuated by Indians are exactly that - a sham and a lie.

Funny how you went from "refugees made India start war" (which is what I called a sham) to genocide, nor did you respond to the points I made about India actually allowing the refugees into its territory, and then complaining that they were reason for war. The atrocities occurred in East Pakistan because India contributed to the weaponization and support for militant groups.

India is doing the same in Balochistan per the GoP.

Anyway, discuss the topic on the relevant thread.
^^^You are free to believe what you want, but unless there is some independent confirmation of this, nobody except Pakistanis are going to buy what could well be an attempt to foist the blame onto a convenient scapegoat.
^^^You are free to believe what you want, but unless there is some independent confirmation of this, nobody except Pakistanis are going to buy what could well be an attempt to foist the blame onto a convenient scapegoat.

You are welcome to disagree, but we have already experienced India sponsoring a violent movement to damage/destroy Pakistan, and therefore I find it perfectly believable that it is doing the same in Balochistan.
Regarding Bangladesh, a visit to any human rights/genocide website should suffice to reveal the unpleasant details of the period. I am not going to argue this matter any further.
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