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Balochistan may seek independence without autonomy: Jan Muhammad Jamali

Balochistan is a part of Pakistan.

It is sad that the Afghanistan is working toward Pakhtoonistan and also merging it with Baluchistan!

afghan cant get their government to work properly how the hell will they get pakhtoonistan. they have been trying this for a very long time they never had a chance because people dont want to become part of their country because the pushtun population is involved in the mainstream of paksitan and most of the pushtuns specially my generation dont want to be part of afghanistan they think of them selves as pakistani. the afghan crazies even have a word for these majority of pushtuns they called them "pakified" anyways i believe that the current generation of all pakistanis see themselves as pakistanis and that is it even i think in balochistan and as time goes by this wont even be a topic for future generations as it is barely an issue for my generation.
He is the only one making the noise, for some strange reason he made non during the previous gpvernment, I think AM Jan is just asking for some audience here.

I think your right. He can go do what he wants, but once he does we will charge him with treason and eliminate any one trying to desroy the federation. We are willing to talk, that should always be the first option, but if the want to fight, we wont back down.
the situation is not as bad as people make it out to be. it's funny that balochi sardars claim ancient ancestry and so much land, when they've only lived in balochistan for 600 years.

they've fought against muslims, on bidding of the british, unforunately. they act as if the entire land belongs to them and it's their right to own everything. why don't they drill the oil and gas themselves?

what's funny is that there are more pashtuns in balochistan than there are balochi's. and don't be fooled by resistance from the balochi people, that's just a bunch of bullsht. balochi's are a really small minority. balochistan has brahui people and makrani's, which baloch wrongfully claim as a part of the baloch population to boost their numbers. in reality, they hardly pose a threat.
afghan cant get their government to work properly how the hell will they get pakhtoonistan. they have been trying this for a very long time they never had a chance because people dont want to become part of their country because the pushtun population is involved in the mainstream of paksitan and most of the pushtuns specially my generation dont want to be part of afghanistan they think of them selves as pakistani. the afghan crazies even have a word for these majority of pushtuns they called them "pakified" anyways i believe that the current generation of all pakistanis see themselves as pakistanis and that is it even i think in balochistan and as time goes by this wont even be a topic for future generations as it is barely an issue for my generation.

Actually i would say that we shouldnt consider our enemy lightly. The Afghans have been trying to destabilize our terrority for so long and yet everytime they commit such an act, our response is usually pathetic. We need to make the pak afghan border sealed and make it permanent from our side atleast. Make sure that the way afghans travel from afghaistan to pakistan like they are going from one market to another gets stoped. It will greatly benefit us not only in matters related to illegal immigrants but also terrorism. i just wish our government could act before it gets too late.
Actually i would say that we shouldnt consider our enemy lightly. The Afghans have been trying to destabilize our terrority for so long and yet everytime they commit such an act, our response is usually pathetic. We need to make the pak afghan border sealed and make it permanent from our side atleast. Make sure that the way afghans travel from afghaistan to pakistan like they are going from one market to another gets stoped. It will greatly benefit us not only in matters related to illegal immigrants but also terrorism. i just wish our government could act before it gets too late.

first of all i completely agree with you that we should not take the threat likely but i still think that there will be pushtunistan ever. i dont think that we can seel the border it just is not possible it is too long and too mountanious. not all afgans are want to destroy pakistan some of them want to earn a living and that is why they come to pakistan. only way will make the situation better is if we allow afghans to come from certain checkpoints from the border and use a biometric system. if any afghan has not come through the biometric system then he should be dealt with harshly.
Balochistan is a part of Pakistan.

It is sad that the Afghanistan is working toward Pakhtoonistan and also merging it with Baluchistan!

Mars is also working towards merging with the planet called earthistan! :cheers:
the situation is not as bad as people make it out to be. it's funny that balochi sardars claim ancient ancestry and so much land, when they've only lived in balochistan for 600 years.

they've fought against muslims, on bidding of the british, unforunately. they .

I am slightly confused are not Balochis also muslims ? Do they follow some other religion ?


If this website is to be believed things look grim there.

Baloch freedom fighters attacked army Patroling team in the vicinity of Chapi Kach area of Koshistan Marri.

According to sources the army van was heading from Kahan to Kohlu when they were targeted with rockets and other automatic weapons, as a result seven Punjabi-Pakistani soldiers were killed on the spot and four others were critically injured

In a separate incident BLA fighters killed Police inspector in Khuzadar, according to locals Sub-inspector Ghulam Mustafa Raowas passing through the Hospital road when armed BLA fighters on a motorbike opened indiscriminate fire on him, consiquently he dead on the spot.
i think the BLA is losing support among the people because they blow up pipelines and electric towers this really hurts the people and that is why they have started attacking civilians. i think this shows that they are becoming frustrated.

I haven't heard that report of 7 soldiers confirmed anywhere, though the report of the ASI being killed was confirmed.

The rise in attacks is because the GoP has chosen to halt the military op. against Baluch militants, since the current Baluchistan government wants to try dialog.
the dailog wont work these people dont want to talk all they want is independence the only way to deal with these people is either to disarm them completely or kill them all
what is really happpening here?

The situation on the ground is similar to FATA, in that the government has halted the majority of the military ops. in the province to try and give dialog a chance.

In true FATA fashion, the PPP government in Baluchistan is trying its best to pin the blame for the violence on "vested interests" rather than the BLA and other groups, who are quite disappointed by that since they have been screaming for credit from the roof tops.

But since the GoP wants dialog, and dialog cannot be had with terrorists, the BLA is not responsible, despite Brahamdegh Bugti's statements and acceptance of responsibility for most of these acts.

On the national political scene, which is what the opening post of the thread is related to, some much needed steam is being built up towards fixing some long running flaws in the way Pakistan is governed.

The concurrent list seems set to be deleted, which will delegate a very large amount of autonomy to the provinces. This proposal is part of the PPP-ANP constitutional package related to the judiciary, as is a proposal to rename the NWFP Pakhtunkhwa.

The next steps would be revenue sharing between the Feds and the provinces, something which has also rankled the smaller provinces, and Punjab, for various reasons.

The distribution of revenue this year has gone up to 47 percent for the provinces, from 37 a few years ago, and there are proposals to increase it to fifty. The second major concern is setting the new NFC (national Finance commission) award, which determines how revenues are distributed between the provinces.

The formula has so far been based on population, which understandably does not sit well with the smaller provinces. The proposals being floated now are suggesting a composite formula, whereby lack of development and contribution to revenue generation shall be made part of the equation. Another issue that might be looked at is giving provinces a share/larger share of the revenue generated through resources in their territories.

All of the above has been talked about countless times before with no movement taking place. With the abolition of the concurrent list already part of the PPP's amendment package, and verbal commitments from the coalition leaders regarding a composite NFC accord, plus the already witnessed greater revenue provision to the provinces, I believe people/provincial leaders are hopeful that this government will address a lot of these extremely pressing issues. Given past failures however, there is also a lot of subtle and not so subtle pressure being put on the GoP (through statements such as that starting this thread) that enough is enough, and now is the time to put our house in order.

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