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Axis of Evil together with Russia could be a force to be reckoned with against US sanctions

Better dead than red.You're getting nowhere in convincing me about the glory of communism Trotsky.Humanity can't advance if we're all equal,our advancement depends on the genius of individuals and on our struggle for better things in life.We can't abolish college degrees ,we need engineers as much as we need janitors in their place.This utopia is only for the minds of liberal hippies like those insane people who campaigned against the Gripen sale in Switzerland:

WTF? :jester:

actually, the hippies are construction of capitalism... india ( the most capitalist society in india ) is where all hippies end up... can you show me one socialist society which tolerated hippies... rather, the hippies in ussr, east germany, libya ( drugs, rock n roll, flashiness ) were used by cia and mi6 for regime-change...

@senheiser @vostok @Götterdämmerung

our advancement depends on the genius of individuals and on our struggle for better things in life.

what has that got to do with college degrees and money?? did michael faraday have a college degree from india or romania??

actually, the hippies are construction of capitalism... india ( the most capitalist society in india ) is where all hippies end up... can you show me one socialist society which tolerated hippies... rather, the hippies in ussr, east germany, libya ( drugs, rock n roll, flashiness ) were used by cia and mi6 for regime-change...

@senheiser @vostok @Götterdämmerung

Hippies is a term for soft hearted liberals who think that money should be waisted on every misfit out there and income should be equal for all.Don't get me started on other retard things like:"no money for war!"....these kind of people are exactly the tools that nations like China or Russia are using to destroy western societies.You are abominations.
1. money system must be abolished... it is unnatural and unjust.
2. food, housing, medicine, water etc... should be provided to every citizen.
3. college-degree system should be abolished... it is unnatural and unjust.
4. everyone must do.. (a) work of their interest, (b) simultaneous with social duties ( agriculture, security etc ).
5. society should be governed under socialism.

above five will remove need for people to do "jobs" just to survive, and thus waste their own life and allow injustice to continue... cases like the dead lady in usa or the 69 people dead ( by hunger ) in a tea-plantation in darjeeling ( india ) will no longer happen.

This is laughable.

1. Money exist since the beginning of history. Be it kauri mussels or golden coins. You need something you can use as universal accepted payment to exchange goods and services

2. already done in evry capitalist country.

3. lol you want create a generation of retards and a new stoneage society

4. Who are you to decide what i must do? I did chose aviation industry because i´m interested in technology and i would not work on a field to collect potatoes.

Your system would mean that science would die. Any progress end. It would cause millions to die.

Oh and without science and progress...good luck with trying to stopping an asteroid on a colission course.

I can tell you that humanity would crush your utopia like it always did...

Your system would mean that science would die. Any progress end. It would cause millions to die.

Oh and without science and progress...good luck with trying to stopping an asteroid on a colission course.

please go dig the grave of michael faraday, and the countless historic greek and muslim inventors and innovators, and steve jobs... and scream at them because they didn't take a college-degree which you highly recommend.

if you want the living, you may go scream at elon musk.

your obsession about having college degree is close to the same obsession that most indians have... no surprise that many pdf members are suspicious of your origin...

I can tell you that humanity would crush your utopia like it always did...

i can tell you that one formerly soviet r-36 rocket ( satan ) will crush all of western europe.
please go dig the grave of michael faraday, and the countless historic greek and muslim inventors and innovators, and steve jobs... and scream at them because they didn't take a college-degree which you highly recommend.

if you want the living, you may go scream at elon musk.

your obsession about having college degree is close to the same obsession that most indians have... no surprise that many pdf members are suspicious of your origin...

i can tell you that one formerly soviet r-36 rocket ( satan ) will crush all of western europe.

I have no obsession with a college degree. I have an obsession with science. Communists are usually stupid. Thats why its so easy to beat them.

For your information, current anti rocket systems can shot down a r-36 at any stage of its flight. Russia does not have the capability to do that. :) Why? because it has no free minds. I give a shit about degrees. I want progress and boundless scientific investment. Your pathetic stoneage communism only gives hell. Luckily you can do nothing. You wont start a world revolution from your slum.
Hippies is a term for soft hearted liberals who think that money should be waisted on every misfit out there and income should be equal for all.Don't get me started on other retard things like:"no money for war!"....these kind of people are exactly the tools that nations like China or Russia are using to destroy western societies.You are abominations.

Ok, hippies are creations of Russia and China to destroy Western societies. Cool, dude. :partay:

Care to explain what Western society means. Give me a few definition.

And Markus got mute after I told him that Blackwater mercenaries earn more than he does. I told ya, he is chicken put put puuuuut. :D
Ok, hippies are creations of Russia and China to destroy Western societies. Cool, dude. :partay:

Care to explain what Western society means. Give me a few definition.

And Markus got mute after I told him that Blackwater mercenaries earn more than he does. I told ya, he is chicken put put puuuuut. :D

Why should i become something that i see not as my profession? I work in aviation. My world are airplanes.
I have no obsession with a college degree. I have an obsession with science.

which you think is only arrived via college degrees... :agree:

Communists are usually stupid. Thats why its so easy to beat them.


For your information, current anti rocket systems can shot down a r-36 at any stage of its flight.

which are those western anti-rocket systems??

Luckily you can do nothing. You wont start a world revolution from your slum.

so said many historic leaders before they were replaced...
What are you calling the moderators for idiot ? Your statements are ridiculous,go back to the circus freak that's the Iranian section where you and other loosers jerk each other of whenever your criminal leaders show you a paper plane or a coloured SCUD which you take for some new ballistic missile.

Your people are dying without basic medicine,your planes are falling from the skies without spare parts and you are here barking about how great North Korea is when their people are basically starving with the dictator being the only fat north korean and their soldiers never weighying more than 60 kg each.

Look, the romanian gypsy talking. Go eat some dogs you dumb fack
Why should i become something that i see not as my profession? I work in aviation. My world are airplanes.

your profession can be as a fighter... be that in syria ( as part of qaeda ) or in ukraine ( along with israeli soldiers )... and it seems, the anti-baath grouping in syria... qaeda/ikhwaan/taliban/jemah etc... seem to be building a air-force... and you being in aviation...
Which facts you communist gypsy ? All you said was the typical reflection of your stateless gypsy communist mind.

That you're a failed state ruled by lunatics where its citizens are dying without basic medicine.Stateless ? Check a map retardo.

Unlike you,who lick the boots of those old religious goats who enslave you and treat you as dirt we shot our communist dictator 25 years ago.Won't even bother with the gypsie slur your ignorant mind conceived,you have more in common with gypsies in appearance than i will ever have.

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