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Axis of Evil together with Russia could be a force to be reckoned with against US sanctions

spare me your communist bullshit. Its called job market.

how easily you forget a human's death... such a callous statement... that would earn you a bullet in a socialist society... that would be your "salary".

your statement must become demonstration of the cruel nature of capitalism.

If you habe nothing to offer, you get what you are worth for.

socialist credo... "from each according to his means, to each according to his needs",
socialist credo... "one who produces can consume".

the dead lady had more do offer to humanity than any mba or stock broker or western political leader.

Why didn't she make a start up, collect money and build an airbreathing rocket engine? She would be a billionaire now.

is everyone in the west a clone of elon musk or member of skylon space-plane team?? what about india, where live the largest number of job-seekers and multi-generation job-doers??

my socialist movement ( international jamahiriya movement ) has a portable computer project, with most components being our design, including the microprocessor.
no risk, no fun. The coup in the ukraine is the first big hostile attack that the EU makes. And its so far interesting. I support a more agressive EU.

Why are still not with the Asov Bataillon in East Ukraine supporting a more aggressive EU? Chicken heart?
usa didn't quite turn out to be "land of milk and honey" for this immigrant lady from portugal... ( Woman working 4 jobs to make ends meet dies while napping in car between shifts — RT USA )... how can anyone not cry about this... the real international community should invade usa... red dawn...

"land of milk and honey" is for Israel not the US.

There are over 1 Million people who emigrate to the US every year legally (and obviously more illegally). This isn't a "land of milk and honey" country where you can find a job "off the boat" in a factory making trinkets or pick up free gold off the ground.

You have to deal with language and education issues. Over 40% of the population have a college degree and the job market is geared towards that. If you come over here unprepared (without a degree) you are going to immediately find yourself at the bottom rung of the ladder and you are not going to be buying that fancy new car or house you see Americans driving in the movies.

It's unfortunate this poor woman ended up living in a car with 4 jobs.
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you remember how the usa military helped iraqi traitors to bring down saddam's statue in baghdad...
@senheiser @vostok

The same Iraqi "traitors" that then formed an elected government that executed Saddam? I see Saddam as the traitor - he oppressed his people for all to long. Yeah, that was a pretty good day. Before the Sunnis started killing everyone in sight, picking a fight they can't win without genocide. Or are you more sympathetic to the people that want to dominate others? Those Da'esh fools, or the math-illiterate Sunnis who think they are a majority?

@MarkusS can you take the place of kim jong-un?? remember, you will be head of disciplined society which has been under daily threat of massive invasion for the last 50 years??
Massive invasion, yeah...
NKorea has 1.2 million men under arms, with around 8 million in reserves.
SKorea has 600 thousand, half that, with again, smaller reserves.
US presence is around 28,000 - largely a symbol of a promise to intervene in case of invasion

so, 628,000 are going to "massively invade" 1,200,000? You really think American troops are incredibly potent, don't you.
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"land of milk and honey" is for Israel not the US.

i have known of patriotic americans use that phrase.

If you come over here unprepared (without a degree) you are going to immediately find yourself at the bottom rung of the ladder and you are not going to be buying that fancy new car or house you see Americans driving in the movies.

99% of india immigrants to usa have college degree... many of them are company transfers ( like from infosys company )... and they are not liked... many of them are returning to india because they were in info. tech. and mba kind of "employment".

a college degree is no guarantee.

It's unfortunate this poor woman ended up living in a car with 4 jobs.

most likely she committed suicide... no sensible person can live like that.

The same Iraqi "traitors" that then formed an elected government that executed Saddam?

murdered by puppet government which was installed by usa and ally, mullah iran.

i don't see any former iraqi leader denounce saddam or socialism... the daughter of tariq aziz is proud of her father's time in iraq government.

Yeah, that was a pretty good day.

nato supporters will of course say that.

I see Saddam as the traitor - he oppressed his people for all to long.

i was in school in india during the 1990 iraq war... we had a saying then... "bush ko push karo, saddam hussain ko khush karo"... meaning "eliminate george bush, make saddam hussain happy".

Before the Sunnis started killing everyone in sight, picking a fight they can't win without genocide.

the iraq war or the syria regime-change attempt are not about sunni vs sunni, sunni vs alawi etc... those events are about socialist societies where sectarian racism didn't make itself prominent, but was introduced by outside forces who wanted to destabilize these socialist societies.

libya is sunni, yes?? and what about venezuela??

Or are you more sympathetic to the people that want to dominate others?

i am a socialist activist, working to bring down socialism, by any means.

Those Da'esh fools, or the math-illiterate Sunnis who think they are a majority?

i am generally maths-illiterate too... the majory/minority equation is a western bloc game... i promote the jamahiriya direct-democracy socialist system where each member of society contributes... authority and consent of the people... no majority/minority game here.

Massive invasion, yeah...
NKorea has 1.2 million men under arms, with around 8 million in reserves.
SKorea has 600 thousand, half that, with again, smaller reserves.
US presence is around 28,000 - largely a symbol of a promise to intervene in case of invasion

so, 628,000 are going to "massively invade" 1,200,000? You really think American troops are incredibly potent, don't you.

usa military will not invade by itself... like libya and syria, that will be a nato operation.
how easily you forget a human's death... such a callous statement... that would earn you a bullet in a socialist society... that would be your "salary".

your statement must become demonstration of the cruel nature of capitalism.

socialist credo... "from each according to his means, to each according to his needs",
socialist credo... "one who produces can consume".

the dead lady had more do offer to humanity than any mba or stock broker or western political leader.

is everyone in the west a clone of elon musk or member of skylon space-plane team?? what about india, where live the largest number of job-seekers and multi-generation job-doers??

my socialist movement ( international jamahiriya movement ) has a portable computer project, with most components being our design, including the microprocessor.

Good luck with that.
It is not in any bad intention. I just have a natural mistrust to communists.

Communisn had its chance and failed miserably.After all the horrors of communism i'm surprised that most countries don't treat their current day commies as terrorists.I wouldn't mind sending the few locos in here(Romania) who still applaud communism to life in prison,or,better yet,forced labour,just as they did with others in the 50's through 80's.
Thee are no 100% guarantees anywhere on this planet. If there are 100 people on an island and all of them are brain surgeons they are going to have a problem.

1. money system must be abolished... it is unnatural and unjust.
2. food, housing, medicine, water etc... should be provided to every citizen.
3. college-degree system should be abolished... it is unnatural and unjust.
4. everyone must do.. (a) work of their interest, (b) simultaneous with social duties ( agriculture, security etc ).
5. society should be governed under socialism.

above five will remove need for people to do "jobs" just to survive, and thus waste their own life and allow injustice to continue... cases like the dead lady in usa or the 69 people dead ( by hunger ) in a tea-plantation in darjeeling ( india ) will no longer happen.
Communisn had its chance and failed miserably.

a true "communist humanity" hasn't arrived yet, how can it fail?? all present and historic socialist societies are steps towards that "ideal" social situation... and the jamahiriya system from libya is the almost-ideal system which will leads towards a communist humanity.

Muammar Qaddafi: Is communism truly dead?

what you called as "failed" societies were made to fail by external conspiracy... be that afghanistan or somalia or libya or indeed, ussr... and because they didn't discard the "party" system, didn't take the ideal step of handing authority to the people... which the libyan jamahiriya had done.

combine jamahiriya with what i wrote above in post# 87.

i write this for your benefit and also for others.
Same reason why i don´t work in a bakery. If you find someone to do a job cheap, use it.

Lots of Italian youths are unemployed. You should call them to duty for the glory of the EU. Blackwater/ Academi pay quite a lot, starting at 150k per 6-9 month contract, lots of perks. Top guys can earn up to 300k. That is much more than you earn right now. So it's not an excuse, chicken!
Lots of Italian youths are unemployed. You should call them to duty for the glory of the EU. Blackwater/ Academi pay quite a lot, starting at 150k per 6-9 month contract, lots of perks. Top guys can earn up to 300k. That is much more than you earn right now. So it's not an excuse, chicken!

Better dead than red.You're getting nowhere in convincing me about the glory of communism Trotsky.Humanity can't advance if we're all equal,our advancement depends on the genius of individuals and on our struggle for better things in life.We can't abolish college degrees ,we need engineers as much as we need janitors in their place.This utopia is only for the minds of liberal hippies like those insane people who campaigned against the Gripen sale in Switzerland:

The 'no' campaign to the Gripen has transformed Switzerland without an army Group in group without money


Irony of fate: after a strong and successful "no" campaign for the purchase of Gripen fighter jets for Switzerland, in which one of the motes was the idea of an empty safe, who emptied the coffers and is on the verge of bankruptcy is the pacifist group that most contributed to the campaign, the GSoA – group for a Switzerland without an army (read military), an acronym for the original in German "Gruppe für eine Schweiz ohne Armee".

The information was given by the Swiss newspaper Basler Zeitung earlier this month. The GSoA, whose revenue comes from donations, starred in the "no" campaign along with the left and the Greens, and played almost two-thirds of the 300,000 Swiss francs spent on same. The left and the Greens of Switzerland have several other political priorities ahead of us, not exactly related to the pacifist agenda GSoA, and claim that it could not contribute more than 1/3 of the cost.

Still, the GSoA thinks it was worth the risk of emptying its resources, since in the referendum of May this year (where the people decided against the system of funding the purchase of fighter planes, making the acquisition) the Group won an important victory after several defeats in popular referendums since it was created in 1982.

Despite having bragged of a "historic victory" in a cause where he played all the cards, now the Group finds himself grappling with bankruptcy imminent: after ruining their finances on behalf of the campaign, not the money will end up at the beginning of next year, if the GSoA can't enough donations to continue bankrolling their activities. Letters have been sent to members and supporters.

"Switzerland without an Army Group"..."Abolition of the Armed Forces"..."Doctors should earn equal to truck drivers"..."No colleges for preparing future elites"...lol,you tree huggers are bat shit insane and along with the exagerated banking system are the current cancer our societies.Banks suck to much money for their interest rates and their whole financial system while you suck it to finance misfits and loosers who can't make a decent living on their own.One problem belongs indeed to overblown capitalism while the other is just plain loosers who want to piggy bank a living on the backs of others,more successful people.The thing is that your behaviour is destroying us and our societies.

Goverments,unfortunately still pamper you liberal stooges with our money,I remember a Romanian book about one of medieval rulers ,Lapusneanu.A scene in it goes something like this:

"The mob of peasants and illiterates comes outside the palace asking the head of Motoc (the right hand nobleman of the prince).Motoc says to the prince don't listen to them Your Highness,they are stupid to which he replies:They are stupid indeed Motoc but they are many!"....Your illiterate mob is sucking the life out of the economies throughout the western world,keep your communism away from me.
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