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Attack on Pak will be attack on China: report

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You Indians are pathetic. Always expecting others to do something you yourselves are to weak and spineless to do.

this weak nation divided your ally.

India for last 60 years even after loud statements and false propaganda of Pakistan and china has firm hold on Kashmir. even after this it is growing.

china always opposed Indian nuclear programme. still we got nuclear deal.

when last time you tried to repeat 1962 our retaliation forced PLA to fall back.

you say You Indians are pathetic. Always expecting others to do something you yourselves are to weak.
tell me how this weak nation can harass you so much?

ans 1> china is so weak that even India can bully it.

ans2> India is very strong.
Inferiority complex towards the west. Why do you need the west to help you against China? Why not be our friends and work together? You want to remain a British/US slave? I guess for Indians, it is better to be the slave of Caucasoids rather than the friend of Mongoloids since Indians consider themselves white Aryans.

India would love to be chinese's friend,Infact the whole world is our friend except China and Pakistan! China is making enimies to fast...

IF you want to counter india, why not do it your self, why do you have to incliude these proxy states! As of Now India is not capable of engaing in full blown WAR... unless China is the agressor, we have a minimal time to blitkrieg China, even than We are not sure our Airforce has the numbers.... Full confidence in our ARMY AND NAVY.... as of now our Airforce LACKs the numbers in jet fighters... we need to wait 5 years to feel 100% when we get all 250 Su MKI's and start our production on our MMRCA(rafaele hopefully) and our NAVY will be greatest navy in ASIA with THREE air craft Carriers by 2016
It's Funny how the World Works!!! India is rising and leaving its neighbors in the DUST!... now China doesn't Like that... So china shows alittle stash of money, and turns these little satellite countries in to Anti-Indian countries(Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, and PAkistan)
So ur more ignorant than i thought............. Coz srilanka and bangladesh govts(not the ppl are quiet pro indian......... Abt little sat states...... i wonder if ur unimportant ingorant brain has any knowledge of the regional influence of a country of over 170 million ppl Pakistan which blocks indias influence in the region.

What we don't realize is these countries are going to be the Victims of war! DO YOU HONESTLY THINK these states will be Able to take INDIA on in a WAR>>> IF China starts a war with INDIA... OUR MISSLE ARE GOING BOMBARD these states FIRST!!!! and the WEST will aid us in Fighting China.... thats the current sceanrioe.... In the future when China attacks, India will occupy these countries because of chinese influence! that what will you DO,, China will be put on the defensive trying to protect you guys, or risk loosing u guys....., either WAY you are going feel the HEAT from INDIA...

How old r u boy?:rofl:.......

So ur more ignorant than i thought............. Coz srilanka and bangladesh govts(not the ppl are quiet pro indian......... Abt little sat states...... i wonder if ur unimportant ingorant brain has any knowledge of the regional influence of a country of over 170 million ppl Pakistan which blocks indias influence in the region.

How old r u boy?:rofl:.......


He is 12 years old...
Meh get a sense of humour!!
Easily solvable. :azn:

Haven't you seen the news? The CPC is considering what to do with the one-child policy, and perhaps will change it into a two-child policy. Or just scrap it completely.

Remember that demographic changes take decades to come into effect. We have all the time in the world, and all the necessary tools to preempt it. All it requires is one policy change.
India would love to be chinese's friend,Infact the whole world is our friend except China and Pakistan! China is making enimies to fast...

IF you want to counter india, why not do it your self, why do you have to incliude these proxy states! As of Now India is not capable of engaing in full blown WAR... unless China is the agressor, we have a minimal time to blitkrieg China, even than We are not sure our Airforce has the numbers.... Full confidence in our ARMY AND NAVY.... as of now our Airforce LACKs the numbers in jet fighters... we need to wait 5 years to feel 100% when we get all 250 Su MKI's and start our production on our MMRCA(rafaele hopefully) and our NAVY will be greatest navy in ASIA with THREE air craft Carriers by 2016

Your future is sealed off, well at least from the direction of Tibet, when years ago you decided to take in Dalai Lama.
Your future is sealed off, well at least from the direction of Tibet, when years ago you decided to take in Dalai Lama.

The Correct Sentence is:

Tibet's Future is sealed off when they allowed the Hans to Occupy them!
And haunted you down in 1987 by Operation Falcon....The chinese who came to capture thinking of defensive India was made to run Naked seeing the offensive Indian Positions...

can you give me info about operation falcon? this info will come handy in countering our high IQ well wishers(?). post in my profile.
Hey can anyone explain why China not doing anything in the case of America sending drones daily in to the Pakistan land...???It is clearly a breach of Pakistan's sovereignty...the breach is condemned by whole of Pakistan....if so then why does China the so called 'all-weather' friend do anything???Is it just a soothing statement or is it carrying any real stuff?
Hey can anyone explain why China not doing anything in the case of America sending drones daily in to the Pakistan land...???It is clearly a breach of Pakistan's sovereignty...the breach is condemned by whole of Pakistan....if so then why does China the so called 'all-weather' friend do anything???Is it just a soothing statement or is it carrying any real stuff?

very simply the pakistani government has not demanded the us stop and has not asked outsiders for help, and china is not in the habit of unilaterally going in and "helping" people without permission from its recognized government
Hey can anyone explain why China not doing anything in the case of America sending drones daily in to the Pakistan land...???It is clearly a breach of Pakistan's sovereignty...the breach is condemned by whole of Pakistan....if so then why does China the so called 'all-weather' friend do anything???Is it just a soothing statement or is it carrying any real stuff?

Most of drones working for illegal border crossing..... :sniper:
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