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China invested in Pakistan when no one else did: Senate body chief


Nov 4, 2011
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China invested in Pakistan when no one else did: Senate body chief

The Newspaper's Staff Reporter Published October 1, 2023

ISLAMABAD: Senate Committee on Defence Chairman Senator Mushahid Hussain Syed on Saturday appreciated investments and support from China at a time when no other country was willing to invest in Pakistan.

“In every difficult period, China stood with Pakistan like a rock. Some forces supported the Cold War, we reject this thought. China was the only country which never supported aggression. It never built a colony against anyone. Pakistan was lucky that in the case of China, it had found an excellent strategic partner,” he said at a ceremony organised on the occasion of the 74th Independence Day of China by All-Pakistan Chinese Overseas Youth Federation (APCOYF).

According to a statement, Senator Mushahid Hussain recalled October 1, 1949, when China was freed from tyranny.

“I visited China in 1970 when I was a student of FC College. I saw the efforts made by Mao Zedong and Chuen Lai for their people,” he said, adding that in 1934 as many as 1,000 Chinese people made a long march against tyranny.

“Out of which 25 people survived and made new history. China was the only country that never supported aggression. Pakistan was lucky to have an excellent strategic partner in the form of China.

“China supported Pakistan in every difficult period. Be it external pressure, Kashmir issue or the defence of Pakistan. Pakistan is proud of this friendship,” he said.

The senator said the world was changing at this time. Allama Iqbal pointed out the rise of China 90 years ago. The global economic and cultural balance was shifting from East to West in which Pakistan had an important role. Some forces supported the Cold War but we rejected. We appreciate Chinese investment in CPEC. Approximately 600km long highways, 800km transmission line and other development projects were part of CPEC. Mao Zedong said nothing was hard in this world.

“Therefore, continuous hard work leads to success.” He said there was a time when China was poor, but today China stands in the forefront of developed countries as a global, economic and cultural leader.

“China has achieved success without any contradiction. The Silk Road is the best effort of Chinese President Xi Jinping, which connects Pakistan, Iran, Middle East, Europe and other countries with each other,” he said.

Senator Mushahid Hussain said China will serve as a pillar. During the last 10 years, 3,000 projects were introduced with the help of $1 trillion which proved that China was the bearer of peace in the whole world.

APCOYF President Aasma Butt said Pakistan-China friendship spanned seven decades which was characterised by mutual respect and extensive cooperation in various fields.

“We deeply appreciate our esteemed friend country China for its positive efforts for Pakistan,” she said.

The national anthems of Pakistan and China were played at the beginning of the ceremony. Performances involving Pak-China cultures were also presented while a cake-cutting ceremony was held at the end of the event.

But unfortunately, I see quite a number of Pakistanis on the forum view that CPEC was designed as a debt trap by China to take advantage of Pakistan when it was in difficult time needing of development and investments. Obviously, they have bought such narrative from the Indians and Americans.
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But unfortunately, I see quite a number of Pakistanis on the forum view that CPEC was designed as a debt trap by China to take advantage of Pakistan when it was in difficult time needing of development and investment. Obviously, they have bought such narrative from the Indians and Americans.

Or may be they can see it themselves that they were better off before CCP-EC. After 10 years of this project, they are on the verge of default thanks to the BRI scheme by Xi. 🤦‍♂️

If you guys continue to “invest” more, their per capita will go even lower than the current $1500.

Also, stop sending prisoners as CPEC workers lol
Or may be they can see it themselves that they were better off before CCP-EC. After 10 years of this project, they are on the verge of default thanks to the BRI scheme by Xi. 🤦‍♂️

If you guys continue to “invest” more, their per capita will go even lower than the current $1500.

Also, stop sending prisoners as CPEC workers lol
Why India's per capita GDP is also super low?
Or may be they can see it themselves that they were better off before CCP-EC. After 10 years of this project, they are on the verge of default thanks to the BRI scheme by Xi. 🤦‍♂️

If you guys continue to “invest” more, their per capita will go even lower than the current $1500.

Also, stop sending prisoners as CPEC workers lol
Stupid fool, how many times have to repeat, CPEC projects are not defaulting, and their GDP decline if any has nothing to do with CPEC. Don't you idiot know that investments and expenditures boost GDP, not decrease. Stop your sleazy slandering BS as usual.
But unfortunately, I see quite a number of Pakistanis on the forum view that CPEC was designed as a debt trap by China to take advantage of Pakistan when it was in difficult time needing of development and investments. Obviously, they have bought such narrative from the Indians and Americans.
Not all Pakistanis are like that. There are many Pakistanis like me who see China very favourably.
But unfortunately, I see quite a number of Pakistanis on the forum view that CPEC was designed as a debt trap by China to take advantage of Pakistan when it was in difficult time needing of development and investments. Obviously, they have bought such narrative from the Indians and Americans.
It’s not that it’s a debt trap, it’s that enable bad behavior. Chinese prices and timelines can’t be beat, no one is arguing that. Billions in the form of loans though, when corrupt elites skim off the top and choose to build without any plan for paying it back was a recipe for this to sour for both parities.

For example, China pulled out of building the 500 Kv Power lie. Between Karachi and Gwadar. Considering the cost of similar projects recently being built in Pakistan; should cost somewhere around $150 million (https://tribune.com.pk/story/2416459/ntdc-completes-500kv-thar-matiari-line?amp=1)

Why is Pakistan’s industries unproductive after such investment, why is electricity costing so much. Why was phase 2 (industrialization and SEZS) tied to the electrical infrastructure not prioritized over vanity projects.

It’s not the fault of Chinese private investors or construction companies in the infrastructure they financed or built respectively, it’s the CPEC authorities on the Chinese side dealt with local elites. The failure to enforce fiscal discipline is what is hurting CPEC and BRI at large.

All is not lost, considering the population of Pakistan and that this is moment that can lead to great restructuring of how Pakistan works, to make it a productive economy able to pay back what it borrows. Hopefully China makes overtures to all potential partners (political parties), as we are currently in between governments, on Pakistan and seeks plans for a way forward.

In the meantime, hopefully China can work in Pakistan (if possible on long term strategic projects like the Diamer Bhasha Dam), so time is not fully lost as the national goes through this current poly-crisis.

While China doesn’t like to interfere in other counties affairs, hopefully China will allow some of its think tanks to produce a study of how Pakistan can get out of this mess on economic terms, and what terms Pakistan will have to meet to get new loans and projects again.

Pakistan has been mismanaged long before CPEC, and as an iron brother, what Pakistan needs now is economic advice from a good friend. Hopefully coming from China, it will be advice the Pakistani elite will implement.
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But unfortunately, I see quite a number of Pakistanis on the forum view that CPEC was designed as a debt trap by China to take advantage of Pakistan when it was in difficult time needing of development and investments. Obviously, they have bought such narrative from the Indians and Americans.

at the end of the day you need economic results. If you spend $25 billion and you do not see any results you have to ask questions whether it was well spent in the first place
at the end of the day you need economic results. If you spend $25 billion and you do not see any results you have to ask questions whether it was well spent in the first place
Lol, they are not short of electricity now as compared to few years back, they have to put up factories and attract business investments at large to take advantages of the infra built lately and China is not responsible for these, this is only the first phase of CPEC completed so far to build basic infra. It's only after the completion of the second phase of setting up SEZ and industrial parks that people can expect significant economic growth from CPEC. Why you sleazy Indians are so concerned with CPEC ? Certainly not of good intention.
“In every difficult period, China stood with Pakistan like a rock."
'Happy, Happy' statement. No room for analysis and criticism. China does not tolerate it, in other words, Pakistan is dependent on China like a crutch.
I saw the efforts made by Mao Zedong and Chuen Lai for their people,” he said
China took steps to depend on its people. Has Pakistan done the same? I don't think so. Then, don't expect the same results. Praising China's achievements is not a substitute for Pakistan's achievements.
Lol, they are not short of electricity now as compared to few years back, they have to put up factories and attract business investments at large to take advantages of the infra built lately and China is not responsible for these, this is only the first phase of CPEC completed so far to build basic infra. It's only after the completion of the second phase of setting up SEZ and industrial parks that people can expect significant economic growth from CPEC. Why you sleazy Indians are so concerned with CPEC ? Certainly not of good intention.
Speaking of phase 2, why not invite Chinese companies to process Afghan lithium in Pakistan, on its way to further use in factories to make value added products and then eventually ports, an energy intensive process. It could help pay off the loans and help Pakistan have a balanced budget.

The Afghan lithium mines are the closest to Pakistan of any neighboring country and shipping to and processing and value added manufacturing in Gwadar could be Gwadar and Pakistan’s saving grace, especially with customers in the GCC less then a day’s sail away.

Perhaps, this is where China can make the Pakistani elite see sense, bring back IK, and allow him to broker a grand bargain between Pakistan and Afghanistan, paving the way for “mineral diplomacy”. Creating a sustainable pathway for afghan refugees to return to Afghanistan, but allow ease of movement, and paving the way for conflict resolution and a decrease in unrest align the border in exchange for minerals to be processed and value added in Pakistan.

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Lol, they are not short of electricity

lol do you understand why 3rd world countries are short of electricity ?
I will give you a hint - not a lack of power generation plants
Speaking of phase 2, why not invite Chinese companies to process Afghan lithium in Pakistan, on its way to further use in factories to make value added products and then eventually ports, an energy intensive process. It could help pay off the loans and help Pakistan have a balanced budget.

The Afghan lithium mines are the closest to Pakistan of any neighboring country and shipping to and processing and value added manufacturing in Gwadar could be Gwadar and Pakistan’s saving grace, especially with customers in the GCC less then a day’s sail away.

It might be a good idea, but I don't know if China is ready to do mining or investments in Afghan now in light of the political state there.

lol do you understand why 3rd world countries are short of electricity ?
I will give you a hint - not a lack of power generation plants
What are you talking nonsense. If those countries want to set up factories and develop, they need lots of electricity.
It might be a good idea, but I don't know if China is ready to do mining or investments in Afghan now in light of the political state there.

What are you talking nonsense. If those countries want to set up factories and develop, they need lots of electricity.
I edited my answer. This is where IK is key. He is well respected domestically and in Afghanistan for his principled stances. If he returns to power for at least one term, he can broker (or be the face) a grand bargain between Afghanistan and Pakistan, where by refugees go back but have housing and infrastructure built for and with them in exchange for peace on the border (defacto recognition) in exchange for ease of movement and afghan minerals being exclusively processed in Pakistan.

With a commitment for mining work in hand, Pakistan can raise expectations amongst investors (Pakistan and foreign) to fund factories to use up the electricity and through direct or indirect taxes, help pay off the loans.

Ending political instability , border security and economic problems in one go. Pakistani state can then focus on securing the projects through development funding to undeveloped areas and reducing the inequalities that create the ground for militancy. Afghanistan will be incentivizes to reign in any militant groups on its soil and will also be able to fund Chinese development projects, such as dams, power grids, railways, roads, and even a connection to the Pakistani grid to buy and sell electricity if they so desire.
There is an ongoing political turmoil in Pakistan and security is always a big concern, everyone can see this and the country needs no one to tell them. but only Pakistan itself can fix them, no one else can help in this regard.

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