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Your national anthem I understand. However when you guys are chatting regularly, I understand only a few words here and there.

If you can understand national anthem rest should be easy. That is because when we chat here it is roman urdu and there is no fixed spelling for urdu words in roman urdu so you just have to sound out the word.
Surenas, watch your dirty mouth, if someone is "pathetic creature" it is you here, TurAr made a good joke out of you.
Your still a Qashqai, therefore actually an Azerbaijani Turk aswell, you can choose to be a self-hater, its up to you. :D

Most certainly not as I belong to a Turkoman tribe (as you are), but however, even before us, these lands were not populated by any of those ethnicities you mentioned. :D

See chapter 4 about the ancient nation which resided in Azerbaijan before us Turks, too bad they are extinct. :D

Strabo's Geography. Book 11, Caucasus, Caspian, Nomads, Armenia, Iberia, [Caucasian] Albania, Poison, Cults, Jason, Amazons, Snow Shoes, Aorsi, Cadusii, Mardii, Hyrcania, Alexander. Remote and Classical Antquity

If you say so.
Maybe I can use it to get laid? Think about it. I'll tell girls that my ancestors came down south from Ardebil to fight the Porteguese and once the war was over they started their own nomadic tribe. Maybe I'll sound more exotic?

Thanks for the tips ASQ. For once in your life you became handy.

Surenas, watch your dirty mouth, if someone is "pathetic creature" it is you here, TurAr made a good joke out of you.

Wait, you have to carry on another member's back to get back to Surenas? Funny how the "other member" happens to be a Turk from Turkey. Oh Soviet Azeri, how very very pathetic of you.
Iranian are probably more likely to understand some Tajik dialects

Iranian are probably more likely to understand some Tajik dialects


That Azeri, pathetic creature, guy, should be banned. He just waited to say something about Azeris or Turks, only to derail the topic.
@Surenas I finnaly remember what shalgam is, yes we eat that but I hate it. Usually cooked with beef- shalgom gosh.
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Yeah Arabs do the same thing it is a messed up procedure. My father's side of the family migrated from their centuries ago. That is where I would like to visit one day. Believe it or not up until my parents generation my grandparents actually spoke Persian and Persian was taught in most Pakistani schools along with Urdu. My maternal grandfather is still alive and fluent in Persian, Urdu, English because of the British schools, and Arabic.

Are you Qizilbash? :D
No, you can tell them about your genetics.
Ah here we go. Now the imbecile is going to yap about genetics.

Wish it was true at least. That's the sad part of it all. He actually thinks people in the Iranian plateu have different genes from one another!!!! lmao
Lol TurAr has been reading this thread for over 3 hours now. Either he is writing the longest post in PDF history or he is on a reconnaissance mission for Turkish government. :P
This azeri turkish versus iranian fued is annoying. Azeris may be Turkic tribes but they always considered themselves Iranian until Stalin brainwashed half of the lot to put their ethnicites before their nation. Western historical accounts concur now move on.
They've been discussing that for decades. Every couple of years they say we're going to move it to such and such place. But it's a bit of a pointless thing to do since the whole of Iran is shaking pretty much constantly the whole year lol (the reason why they want to move it is b/c of earth quakes but every Iranian city is earth quake prone)


Do you really think they will do it? I don't think so.

I've even heard Tabriz's name pop up.

Yes it was purely b/c of earthquake issue. Like our country Iran also lies on a major fault line.

I still remember when there was that earthquake in Bam in early 2000s....i was very saddened by it.

Inshallah at some point when i am able to, i will visit Tehran. My grandfather was a diplomat @ Pak Consulate in Masshad during the Ayub Khan/Shahi days

what a different era that was for BOTH countries
Ah here we go. Now the imbecile is going to yap about genetics.

Wish it was true at least. That's the sad part of it all. He actually thinks people in the Iranian plateu have different genes from one another!!!! lmao

Abii, be khoda, welesh konid. Ziad be harfash mahal nazarin.
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