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Army to induct 'offensive' corps along China border

And we have talibans ready to send over. Do you not learn a lesson from Americans in Afghanistan?? Americans in Vietnam, Americans in North Korea?? Even the Russians dont trust you anymore. :toast_sign:

which taliban u r talking abt........,which is cracking pak:cheesy::cheesy:
go and check dictionary meaning of Offensive and then come back....:wave: there is also a synonyms section there and check if u find invasion over there ....:lol:

No need to check. What do you think offensive means? When hitler take offensive action against Poland, France and USSR, what does that mean. Study history.

When the newspaper user "offensive" words. Why back them up? Do you agree with every wording in the Indian media.?
No need to check. What do you think offensive means? When hitler take offensive action against Poland, France and USSR, what does that mean. Study history.

When the newspaper user "offensive" words. Why back them up? Do you agree with every wording in the Indian media.?

let the china do what ever it wants on their side of the border and we will do what we want on our side of the border . the end
Since the India government is watching this forum in order to formulate the national policy. Please becareful on what you post.

it wud not b wise for PLA 2 hav a direct fight wit IA as in asia IA ia th most active army nd they hav th best mountain division in th world, IA is very much battle hardened army thanks 2 th lots of insurgency they r dealng wit even they hav their secret presence in afganistan also so China has 2 b cautious in dealng wit them. Its not 62 u shud never underestimate a big kntry like India as they used 2 form th best soilders of Bristish army.
On th other hand PLA has been sitting idle without any war or terrorist operations. China shud plan well before takng on Indian.
Since the India government is watching this forum in order to formulate the national policy. Please becareful on what you post.

the thing tat worries me ius th lack of war experience of PLA comared to IA who have th most war experince at present in asia even NATO forces go 2 India 2 train in MOuntain warfare tactics nd counter insurgency tactics. THe CHina vs India war wil b faught in the himalayan mountains, so PLA shud b careful.
india will need help of some other to take on china,alone it is not possible.

ppl like u r th biggest shame 4 any kntry as u guys loose a war before it starts b brave nd fight like man dont b a sissy at leat try 2 learn frem Viets they r a small nation wit low resources still they say 2 chinese tat bring on we r ready for th war India shud get rid of this coward ppl. Till India has such coward ppl i dont think India has any chance in th world top order. Some Indians shud shed their coward mentality.

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