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Army to induct 'offensive' corps along China border


After the defeat of 1962, India abandoned infrastructure development along border areas with China for decades.

We have quite a lot of catching up to do.
I think it would be wise to prepare for a two front war. But its onwise to talk about having an "offensive corp". As India is the only country in the world that has an offensive corp. Everyone else has a military just for defensive purpose. India has a corp for offensive purposes.
Offensive does not imply invasive. Moreover, the whole world understand what "People's Liberation army" did in Tibet. Actions count.
Offensive does not imply invasive. Moreover, the whole world understand what "People's Liberation army" did in Tibet. Actions count.

Offensive does imply invasive. That is what offensive mean.
Offensive does imply invasive. That is what offensive mean.

You're taking the word's meaning literally. It means that division will push rapidly into the enemy territory in the event of a war to gain territory for bargaining during reconciliation. It doesn't mean those forces will invade China. If you look at recent history, India hasn't done that, China has.
You're taking the word's meaning literally. It means that division will push rapidly into the enemy territory in the event of a war to gain territory for bargaining during reconciliation. It doesn't mean those forces will invade China. If you look at recent history, India hasn't done that, China has.

Its not that I take the term too literally. But its that who ever use the name "offensive corps" use it incorrectly. How else can you translate that word.
You clearly can do nothing about it then. In that case, shut up.

You just have to make personal attacks in all occasions. Its the outrageous India media that you should tell to shut up. I'm certain that most non-Indians in this forum would agree with me. Also, Indians also agree with me.
I think it would be wise to prepare for a two front war. But its onwise to talk about having an "offensive corp". As India is the only country in the world that has an offensive corp. Everyone else has a military just for defensive purpose. India has a corp for offensive purposes.
go and check dictionary meaning of Offensive and then come back....:wave: there is also a synonyms section there and check if u find invasion over there ....:lol:
Right now Both pakistan and China have territorial disputes with India .
Both China and pakistan are best friends

why dont you ATTACK TOGETHER and take what you want.What is stopping you.
Because India is a STRONG country.

And it is getting even STRONGER .

Against Pakistan we have massive "strike corps" which when fully deployed
create total panic in pakistan

Against China our capability is that of "strong defences"
But an offensive capability to strike behind enemy lines would make the future war really interesting.

And we have talibans ready to send over. Do you not learn a lesson from Americans in Afghanistan?? Americans in Vietnam, Americans in North Korea?? Even the Russians dont trust you anymore. :toast_sign:
And we have talibans ready to send over. Do you not learn a lesson from Americans in Afghanistan?? Americans in Vietnam, Americans in North Korea?? Even the Russians dont trust you anymore. :toast_sign:

Shut the trap about US and others...

Every one know that... All you do is sponsor terror around the world...
(You Just Said that! Dont blame me!:tongue:)
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