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An Indian's open letter to Narendra Modi regarding Bangladesh

Thank you for your cooperation and leaving our nation:cheers:
He he he,will you also kick back your bangali brethren in this forum? Most vof them is the children of pole vault ers ,who's parents or grandparents left in last 50 years:what::p::rofl:
I love how the Indians are continuing to shit their 'painta' (which btw is a real issue that needs to be sorted out) because of this so called 'Islamic/Jihadi' migration, I can't wait till the day we annex India into Banglastan and declare Shari'ah law and make everything Sharia compliant lmao. Iraqi law FTW! Watch out for those Muslamic ray guns.

My proposal:

Delhi = Delhistan
Bombay = Bombistan
Tamil Nadoo = Nadookistan
Rajasthan = Rajastaaan (Remember the lamba on the "staan", tajweed needs to be correct).

Still in phase 1 but I can't wait till Bangladeshis are 35% of the population.
I know better history than u assume, bringing unwanted and unrelated subjects has been fashion lately in this forum. What I was trying to point is why the Hell U guys never talk of the Genocide in your own country rather jump to Hitler? Hitler was bad but Churchill and Stalin were no better......
I guess I am wasting my time.

There is no Genocide (I repeat no Genocide, whether deliberate or accidental) going on in Bangladesh on Hindus. You obviously have not ever been to Bangladesh. Otherwise you would not say this.

A Bengali person of some education and class will usually not have the same type of communal mentality commonly seen often in Northern and Western parts of India much less form hate organizations like the Shiv Sena or Bajrang Dal.

Bangladeshis treat their fellow Hindu and Christian brothers/sisters with as much or more respect as they do to their co-religionists. JanMashtami, Durga Puja, Christmas and Easter is celebrated with as much fervor in Bangladesh as is Eid. These are all national holidays. There are at least two Hindu ministers in Sheikh Hasina's govt. who are long time political activists. Dhakeshwari Temple is the National Temple of Bangladesh as declared by the Govt. Nobody taught me when I was growing up that just because I was a good Muslim I needed to hate on Hindus. Things are different in India for some I guess.

The events about communal hatred in Bangladesh you hear are mostly propaganda. There may be lone incidents of hatred which is common in third world countries but very few pre-meditated ones. According to Government and many civil society leaders about religious hatred events as reported in the media - violence against religious minorities (including Hindus) normally have had political or economic motivations and could not be attributed only to religion. In other words - assholes were involved. There are assholes in India too. Witness the killings of missionaries and desecration of Mosques etc. At some point there are tit-for-tat violence incidents because events like Babri Mosque demolition happen.

But thankfully in Bangladesh no one is so detached from reality and looney tunes as to buy copies of Mein Kampf and start a club and a grand plan of unleashing oppression on Hindus.

I don't need to tell you anything about Bangladeshi public life (which is as modern a country if not more than India) but since you know nothing about it - please don't try to paint a nation of some sixteen crore as a den of Jihadis.

Try the Internet. Use Google. You don't even have to read. Click 'images' on Google and you can just look at pictures. :coffee:
He he he,will you also kick back your bangali brethren in this forum? Most vof them is the children of pole vault ers ,who's parents or grandparents left in last 50 years:what::p::rofl:
Those who stayed in India during partition are citizens, those who went to east pakistan are aliens for us.But we wont mind giving asylum to Hindus,buddhists etc.From bangladesh and pakistan in India.The rest will be kicked out.:omghaha::omghaha::yay:

I love how the Indians are continuing to shit their 'painta' (which btw is a real issue that needs to be sorted out) because of this so called 'Islamic/Jihadi' migration, I can't wait till the day we annex India into Banglastan and declare Shari'ah law and make everything Sharia compliant lmao. Iraqi law FTW! Watch out for those Muslamic ray guns.

My proposal:

Delhi = Delhistan
Bombay = Bombistan
Tamil Nadoo = Nadookistan
Rajasthan = Rajastaaan (Remember the lamba on the "staan", tajweed needs to be correct).

Still in phase 1 but I can't wait till Bangladeshis are 35% of the population.
You can count on BSF firing pole vaulters and letting them float in Brahmaputra river.We only need release all dam water in Monsoon season and Bangladesh will be Atlantis land under the sea where you can have the pleasure of swimming with sharks.
Saiful give it up brother - these people are beyond help. Mentality is so low, narrow and backward its not even worth a bother. I wonder if they even live in the same planet as I do. Posting pictures of destitute poor people in an attempt to show Bangladeshis in the lowest possible light. As if all Bangladeshis look destitute like this. I am not going to lower myself to his level and post pictures of poor destitute North Indians.

Sala Gora pride. How Gora are you? As Gora as a German I presume...moron.

You know what I see in these poor people? Potential. Potential so that their kids can grow up to be responsible, sane and educated citizens one day - instead of being a Hindutvabadi like some of the nutjobbers here in PDF. And they will be. Thank God we don't have a caste system in Bangladesh as enforced in North and Western India.

Hindutvabadi nutjobs are so racist and full of hate I wonder how they sleep at night. Its a good thing South Indians are slowly seeing the light - at least the educated ones I have talked to. And - very few people in Bangladesh make fun of South Indians, don't try to spread lies. Unfortunately its only Hindutvabadi North Indians who do this as I have seen personally. Bangladeshi people are not capable of being as hateful as a Hindutvabadi.
FYI i am a south Indian and there are more south indian Hindus who are well educated and well off, who take pride in being Hindu:omghaha:

Hitler a good administrator and a patriot? Even if that was about 0.1% good about him you cannot possibly admire Hitler for the 99.9% of evil in him. Nazism is evil. Period. Full stop. End of discussion.

It is stunning to me Hitler is admired by the same people he essentially considered 'garbage' and scourges on earth along with Jewish people and gypsies.

Fellow Pakistanis? Bangladesh is not Pakistan or vice-versa. How are you drawing parallels even? I have never heard of any Pakistani admiring Hitler. Mein Kampf copies get sold out in Indian Railway news-stands, not Pakistani ones.

Oh but yes. I do and whole lot of other people do. Enough so he was banned from visiting the US and UK considering his 'ethnic cleansing stance'. When Academia are issuing summary 'no confidence' memos about him on major newspapers in the UK and the US and when people like Amartya Sen are speaking against him - then its quite clear if Modi is a fascist Hindutvabadi or not. Just putting a stamp and a label of 'reasonableness' on him and whitewashing facts for temporary election reasons won't hide things like the Godhra carnage for example. We haven't forgotten.

I am not a holocaust denier and no person I have ever associated with in Bangladesh ever was one. Holocaust denial is not the exclusive domain of Muslims, it was some zealot Christians who started this. Just because Bangladeshis are majority Muslims you cannot lump us together with any fundamentalist Muslim dictatorship. So all Muslim countries are holocaust deniers? How about Turkey and Malaysia?

Your ignorance about civil society in Bangladesh is amazing. There could never be a Modi get up to political office in Bangladesh and they could never get away with something like the Godhra incident. There is enough of a civil society to prevent that from ever happening. The 'Chhee-Chhee' factor has gone away from Indian politics (and scared away honest civil discourse and criticism of this sort of thing).

Its all a question of convenience. Jewish people were the first ones reporting on the brisk sale of Mein Kampf copies in India. Google it.

Suit yourself. Just because you don't like my opinion, doesn't mean you can deride the way I deliver the message. Hinduism and Hindutva are two different things.

The former does not force their religion on others and plays well with minority Muslims and Christians.

The latter conducts ethnic cleansing and pogroms on minority religions like Islam and Christianity in India.

I never insulted or threw dirt on Hinduism. I have plenty of Hindu friends and I respect their religion. Going Mandap-hopping with my Hindu friends is my favorite activity during Durga Puja time.

But who's going around killing Christian missionaries in India? Who is trampling on the rights of journalists to report the truth and setting Newspaper offices on fire? All Hindutvabadis. These are the marks of Fascism. A Fascist India risks becoming an irrelevant entity on the world stage until it sinks at the weight of its own evil.

If I profess secularism and the right to protect religious and other types of minorities (whether in Bangladesh or in India) I don't see anything wrong with me saying what I said. If you are a rabid Hindutvabadi with blinders on and see this as trolling then so be it.
Why dont you STFU and let us worry if Modi is good for us or not, its None of your business Either those bangladeshis go back nicely or they will kicked out by force back into Bangladesh.I dont understand why Bangladeshis are burning when we said we will kick out illegal bangladeshis.If you cannot control them,provide them with family planning solutions not breed like rabbits and dump them on us.
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First of all it has to be proven in a court of law that a person is a Bangladeshi before Bangladesh will accept them. But if they are forcibly returned and Awami League govt. accepts this return, then these people should each take one kitchen knife and go for their local Awami League workers and illegal Indians living in Bangladesh.

Either way Bangladesh will not loose. I think its a great turn of event, that this Modi is coming to power.
There is no Genocide (I repeat no Genocide, whether deliberate or accidental) going on in Bangladesh on Hindus. You obviously have not ever been to Bangladesh. Otherwise you would not say this.

A Bengali person of some education and class will usually not have the same type of communal mentality commonly seen often in Northern and Western parts of India much less form hate organizations like the Shiv Sena or Bajrang Dal.

Bangladeshis treat their fellow Hindu and Christian brothers/sisters with as much or more respect as they do to their co-religionists. JanMashtami, Durga Puja, Christmas and Easter is celebrated with as much fervor in Bangladesh as is Eid. These are all national holidays. There are at least two Hindu ministers in Sheikh Hasina's govt. who are long time political activists. Dhakeshwari Temple is the National Temple of Bangladesh as declared by the Govt. Nobody taught me when I was growing up that just because I was a good Muslim I needed to hate on Hindus. Things are different in India for some I guess.

The events about communal hatred in Bangladesh you hear are mostly propaganda. There may be lone incidents of hatred which is common in third world countries but very few pre-meditated ones. According to Government and many civil society leaders about religious hatred events as reported in the media - violence against religious minorities (including Hindus) normally have had political or economic motivations and could not be attributed only to religion. In other words - assholes were involved. There are assholes in India too. Witness the killings of missionaries and desecration of Mosques etc. At some point there are tit-for-tat violence incidents because events like Babri Mosque demolition happen.

But thankfully in Bangladesh no one is so detached from reality and looney tunes as to buy copies of Mein Kampf and start a club and a grand plan of unleashing oppression on Hindus.

I don't need to tell you anything about Bangladeshi public life (which is as modern a country if not more than India) but since you know nothing about it - please don't try to paint a nation of some sixteen crore as a den of Jihadis.

Try the Internet. Use Google. You don't even have to read. Click 'images' on Google and you can just look at pictures. :coffee:
U know what ? Do u really think I care about what is happening now BD is any concern? For all I care Just dont come into my country... I was referring to 1971 genius..... So easy U guys forget that and start retort to Hitler.
U try some good books, besides Mein Keimp is not a bad book either. It just depends on how u take it.
I never said BD is full of jihadis but u are assuming.

illegal Indians living in Bangladesh.
Illegal indians in BD? U guys never cease to surprise me
mamta has pissed of modi so much that if he managed to come without any major post poll alliance ,their is every possibility that he will launch a forceful clean up specially in border areas..

the loopholes in border are not one-way.
Most Indians I've seen are on average darker than the Bangladeshis. Heck some of them don't know even know what a Bengali looks like or where Bangladesh is located and I'm talking about the general Indian youth who are obviously not well versed in the political scene like the PDF Indians. When they do see a light skinned Bangladeshi, it's like they refuse to accept that he's a Bangladeshi, I've also seen the same mentality with Pakistanis.
Well i have had interactions with many Bangaldeshi guys and seriously me and all of my family members are much more fairer than the average Bangaldeshi person but that doesn't mean that all Bangaldeshis have darker complexion.The actual fact is that Bengali isn't a homogenous race afterall and hence you will find that many so called "lower caste"(btw personally i don't believe in casteism) Indian Bengalis have fairer complexion than many of the so called "higher caste" Bengalis.The reason behind this is tens of centuries of sexual assimilation between the "Foreigner" Aryans and the native Non-Aryan tribes before the advent of more stringent caste based laws among the Bengali populace:coffee:
There is no Genocide (I repeat no Genocide, whether deliberate or accidental) going on in Bangladesh on Hindus. You obviously have not ever been to Bangladesh. Otherwise you would not say this.

A Bengali person of some education and class will usually not have the same type of communal mentality commonly seen often in Northern and Western parts of India much less form hate organizations like the Shiv Sena or Bajrang Dal.

Bangladeshis treat their fellow Hindu and Christian brothers/sisters with as much or more respect as they do to their co-religionists. JanMashtami, Durga Puja, Christmas and Easter is celebrated with as much fervor in Bangladesh as is Eid. These are all national holidays. There are at least two Hindu ministers in Sheikh Hasina's govt. who are long time political activists. Dhakeshwari Temple is the National Temple of Bangladesh as declared by the Govt. Nobody taught me when I was growing up that just because I was a good Muslim I needed to hate on Hindus. Things are different in India for some I guess.

The events about communal hatred in Bangladesh you hear are mostly propaganda. There may be lone incidents of hatred which is common in third world countries but very few pre-meditated ones. According to Government and many civil society leaders about religious hatred events as reported in the media - violence against religious minorities (including Hindus) normally have had political or economic motivations and could not be attributed only to religion. In other words - assholes were involved. There are assholes in India too. Witness the killings of missionaries and desecration of Mosques etc. At some point there are tit-for-tat violence incidents because events like Babri Mosque demolition happen.

But thankfully in Bangladesh no one is so detached from reality and looney tunes as to buy copies of Mein Kampf and start a club and a grand plan of unleashing oppression on Hindus.

I don't need to tell you anything about Bangladeshi public life (which is as modern a country if not more than India) but since you know nothing about it - please don't try to paint a nation of some sixteen crore as a den of Jihadis.

Try the Internet. Use Google. You don't even have to read. Click 'images' on Google and you can just look at pictures. :coffee:
Declining population of Hindus.. 13.5% in 1974 to 9.6 % in 2001 to 8% as per latest information.Reasons ?
There is no Genocide (I repeat no Genocide, whether deliberate or accidental) going on in Bangladesh on Hindus. You obviously have not ever been to Bangladesh. Otherwise you would not say this.

A Bengali person of some education and class will usually not have the same type of communal mentality commonly seen often in Northern and Western parts of India much less form hate organizations like the Shiv Sena or Bajrang Dal.

Bangladeshis treat their fellow Hindu and Christian brothers/sisters with as much or more respect as they do to their co-religionists. JanMashtami, Durga Puja, Christmas and Easter is celebrated with as much fervor in Bangladesh as is Eid. These are all national holidays. There are at least two Hindu ministers in Sheikh Hasina's govt. who are long time political activists. Dhakeshwari Temple is the National Temple of Bangladesh as declared by the Govt. Nobody taught me when I was growing up that just because I was a good Muslim I needed to hate on Hindus. Things are different in India for some I guess.

The events about communal hatred in Bangladesh you hear are mostly propaganda. There may be lone incidents of hatred which is common in third world countries but very few pre-meditated ones. According to Government and many civil society leaders about religious hatred events as reported in the media - violence against religious minorities (including Hindus) normally have had political or economic motivations and could not be attributed only to religion. In other words - assholes were involved. There are assholes in India too. Witness the killings of missionaries and desecration of Mosques etc. At some point there are tit-for-tat violence incidents because events like Babri Mosque demolition happen.

But thankfully in Bangladesh no one is so detached from reality and looney tunes as to buy copies of Mein Kampf and start a club and a grand plan of unleashing oppression on Hindus.

I don't need to tell you anything about Bangladeshi public life (which is as modern a country if not more than India) but since you know nothing about it - please don't try to paint a nation of some sixteen crore as a den of Jihadis.

Try the Internet. Use Google. You don't even have to read. Click 'images' on Google and you can just look at pictures. :coffee:

Declining Hindu population in Bangladesh region
Year Percentage (%)

1941 =
1951 = 22.0
1961 = 18.5
1974 = 13.5
1981 = 12.13
1991 = 11.62
2001 = 9.6
2014 = ??
One more term of BNP+Jamat rule = 0

Until then, you can show us the picture of a very educated, liberal, modern, religious fanaticism free Bangladesh. :coffee:
Declining Hindu population in Bangladesh region
Year Percentage (%)

1941 =
1951 = 22.0
1961 = 18.5
1974 = 13.5
1981 = 12.13
1991 = 11.62
2001 = 9.6
2014 = ??
One more term of BNP+Jamat rule = 0

Until then, you can show us the picture of a very educated, liberal, modern, religious fanaticism free Bangladesh. :coffee:

Don't worry, you will never see a religious fanaticism free Bangladesh because you are too blind or suffer from a eye symptom, most likely Cataract disease.
Saiful give it up brother - these people are beyond help. Mentality is so low, narrow and backward its not even worth a bother. I wonder if they even live in the same planet as I do. Posting pictures of destitute poor people in an attempt to show Bangladeshis in the lowest possible light. As if all Bangladeshis look destitute like this. I am not going to lower myself to his level and post pictures of poor destitute North Indians.

Sala Gora pride. How Gora are you? As Gora as a German I presume...moron.

You know what I see in these poor people? Potential. Potential so that their kids can grow up to be responsible, sane and educated citizens one day - instead of being a Hindutvabadi like some of the nutjobbers here in PDF. And they will be. Thank God we don't have a caste system in Bangladesh as enforced in North and Western India.

Hindutvabadi nutjobs are so racist and full of hate I wonder how they sleep at night. Its a good thing South Indians are slowly seeing the light - at least the educated ones I have talked to. And - very few people in Bangladesh make fun of South Indians, don't try to spread lies. Unfortunately its only Hindutvabadi North Indians who do this as I have seen personally. Bangladeshi people are not capable of being as hateful as a Hindutvabadi.

Well I did tell Aryadesa that I was as black as a Nubian and he told me to get away from him (figuratively).:(

That having been said, you seem like a smart fellow capable of engaging in a cogent argument. In the good old days I had a very small but highly capable group of BD posters, who would have served as my pathfinders in the pursuit of accomplishing Operation Wetwork, as such they alone would have been spared from the ensuing Bangladeshi genocide. Interested? Do let Nubis know if you are. :-)
Well I did tell Aryadesa that I was as black as a Nubian and he told me to get away from him (figuratively).:(

That having been said, you seem like a smart fellow capable of engaging in a cogent argument. In the good old days I had a very small but highly capable group of BD posters, who would have served as my pathfinders in the pursuit of accomplishing Operation Wetwork, as such they alone would have been spared from the ensuing Bangladeshi genocide. Interested? Do let Nubis know if you are. :-)

Of course skin color is irrelevant in how I deal with people. I hope what you said was in jest about Aryadesa.

I know not of this 'Operation Wetwork' you speak of. Do elaborate please.

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